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White supremacy in Black movements
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Topic: White supremacy in Black movements (Read 43655 times)
Posts: 1531
White supremacy in Black movements
August 15, 2003, 09:34:51 AM »
White supremacy in Black movements
I am speaking here about all Black Earth-Based Movements including the Rastafari Movement.
White people or persons of a light complexion can never be real leaders in a Black based movement. This is the simple fact. Titles of leadership, eldership and control must always be in the hands of real Black people in a Black movement. They are not allowed to help decide for the Black masses whom they should follow and they should not be allowed to be the spokespeople for Blacks.
A Black movement is about correcting earthly imbalances, which start with all symbols and ultimately who is in control. Its first obligation is the ongoing drive to dismantle White superiority on Earth. So any White person/Light skinned person who is trying to be a leader in a Black Earth-Based movement is being doubly dishonest and twice as oppressive. First they try to conceal from the masses that they are already privileged in the earthly western-based systems whether they want these privileges or not, and secondly because of that dishonesty which is the hallmark of the ongoing White superiority complex, they then try to demand privileges through vying for positions of leadership and eldership in Black movements.
They come to the movement dishonest as whites and until they change they remain dishonest in the Black movement, and that is being the Ultimate oppressive white /light-skinned person, even if they are unaware of it.
I see it and I know it and any honest person would admit it.
Ignorant white males/Light-skinned people who operate with this double denial in a Black movement
can only exist with one conduct and that is the domineering and distracting attitudes of white male arrogance. (the hallmark of White superiority) They cannot operate any other way, as they are always dishonest in the system even if they are unconscious of it. Their constant vying for Black attention demonstrates this daily.
Their constant belittling of Blacks (even ignorant ones) whom they cannot understand is also another characteristic of this. They operate within underground networks of contacts forever seeking to undermine any Black person whom they feel can clearly articulate the way forward and show up their illegitimacy. The first trick is to try to portray to others an impression of their closeness to informed Blacks so they can feed and trade on that illusion. Then they surround themselves with the symbols and rhetoric of Blackness.
A real white person or anyone who looks white, who is first honest with themselves will not try to become a leader in any aspect of a Black Earth-Based Movement as they cannot experience what it is to be Black on Earth.
They can only learn from Black experiences and develop spiritually.
Their ongoing conscious and unconscious drive for popular recognition within Black movements if allowed unchecked knows no bounds and as one door closes they will push for another. They want to be seen in the ultimate positions of leadership in all sectors of this physical world. They simply cannot have it in a Black Earth-Based Movement.
When they do not acknowledge this and act on this fact, then they cannot operate any other way other than through the conduct of White Male arrogance (be they males of females) and for this they are the ultimate thieves and deceivers in a Black movement. Any White person/fair-skinned mixed race person who does not first acknowledge this and leave Blacks to lead in all areas of a Black Earth-Based movement are the worst enemies of Black people.
Another role for really enlightened Whites in a Black movement today is to expose these truths and help uproot and expose other Whites or fair skinned people who try to usurp the legitimate authority or bring more division and distractions to a Black Earth-Based movement. This is the truth of conduct that continually demonstrates their understanding of right order and spiritual growth. They work towards the restoration of truth and justice on earth.
Justice dictates that right order and respect must always be given in the
right order
. A Black Earth-Based Movement is to restore on earth Legitimate Black Leaders and Elders in all sectors of control and Earth-Based power.
No white or light-skinned person can ever be a legitimate leader in a Black Earth-Based Movement irrespective of how enlightened they are. A Black Earth-Based Movement's first responsibility is to elevate its original Black symbols and real Black people to positions of legitimate leadership in all areas of the earth-based movement.
Whites can only get blessings through developing in the spiritual aspects of a Black movement, as only in essence all things remain equal. There can be no other way until there is a full restoration of equal opportunity on the entire earth.
This point often heard from ignorant ones about Rastafari being a separate movement that is fair and equal to all, can only exist in realizing its spirituality but in a material/physical sense this is an illusion. Any Black Movement including Rastafari is first about restoring and returning all that was stolen and or corrupted to its legitimate place. This means symbols as well as real Black people should be in control of their own movement and destiny and this should not be dictated to Blacks by any White/ Light skinned person even if they genuinely embrace Africanness. Pan-Africanism is also a Black Struggle that should be only lead by real Black people and not any white person's definition of who are suitable Blacks.
Posts: 6
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #1 on:
August 15, 2003, 10:37:07 AM »
Bless-ed Love!
I hear what the I is saying. I must agree about white folx not taking leadership roles... Look at what has gone on from time with the "reins" in white mon hands.
No matter how ILLAHFULL the intentions are, when one grows up with the privileges of white skin, it is VERY difficult to even realize the white supremacy actions being itinued.
I know as a woman of european ancestry that I can only humble I self, seek JAH, EXPOSE TRUTH, Itinue on I trod to do whatevah I can to restore BALANCE as the I has stated.
I feel that pride and ego seem to get into it. That is why some white folx act like "why cant i be ras?" and "what about one love?"
IT IS NOT ABOUT THAT... IT DOES NOT MATTER whether one is referred to as RAS... GET OVER THAT... What is more important is that ONE SEEKS TO ASSIST and EXPOSE what has been done and ITINUES to be done! RACISM STILL GOES On.... white supremacy still goin strong... UNTIL THAT DAY... AFRIKANS WILL FIGHT... SIGHT ... so FIGHT and I will assist and keep the FIYAH of TRUTH blazin!
Humbly and with no ego trippin...
Give thanks for the I's reasonings and Ites...
Senior Member
Posts: 634
Ayanna's Roots
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #2 on:
August 15, 2003, 12:35:49 PM »
very insightful!
i wholeheartedley agree with you. contrary to what some may think this is NOT reverse racism but simple truth. black movements and indeed black spirituality is not simply about the spiritual element but also, as you said, about redressing earthly imbalances. sometimes one must lean COMPLETELY to the left in order to re-balance the boat
just as we say that the experience is the evidence, having never experienced racisim and the brunt of the effects of white privilage how can a white person legitimately lead a black movement? how can they have the moral authority to inspire and the restore justice?
being involved in the movement and learning all they can from it is fine and commendable, but any attempt at leadership reduces the movement to pure farce..
Posts: 18
save mother africa!!!
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #3 on:
August 15, 2003, 01:13:31 PM »
True I. though in rastafari there is no leader, except JAH.
peace, love and unity!
peace, love and unity.......jah bless!!!
Posts: 1531
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #4 on:
August 15, 2003, 01:20:36 PM »
I have no problem with anyone who wishes to call my views divisive as I speak from my own experiences, observations and research. So all comments are welcome.
I am very aware of the contributions of many whites and mixed people in the past especially as most truths were hidden from the average Black person. But today it is different and real Blacks have access to all this information so better choices can be made. All the efforts of those in the past did not change the system. I will now take better-informed real Black men and Women who have both the historical information and the experiences to advance this struggle. It is racism that blocks many Blacks and Whites from seeing suitable Black role models especially when the suitable Blacks are continually undermined by those with light complexions.
I have never met one fair-skinned person who can clearly articulate the reality of racism from the perspective of the historically informed Black person. They cannot, simply because they do not experience the extreme pressures of the system. And as such are not suitable for leadership in a Black movement to determine what is or is not legitimate for Black people.
For example, although I do not support the way Christianity is taught and preached and as a matter of fact most mainstream religions, I pull back when I know I am speaking to a Black person as they interpret these religions through their real experiences and derive other things from it. Of course, I will not indulge them but I will not pound them to the ground because I disagree. For as fraudulent I might feel the teachings are, there is another reality about them molding it to suit their own understanding and from their own point of view.
However, my approach is different when I know that a light-skinned person or a White person is trying to promote it in an African Based movement as what I know they are inadvertently preaching is to stop learning from our Black ancestors and to 'wait for some white saviour'.
Real Grassroots Blacks who have little exposure to history start interpreting these things differently as they learn more from history so I remain cautious and don't outright dismiss them when they speak badly (in MY view). It is they the movement is about informing the most so we need them around.
No white skinned/light skinned person should ever be allowed to dictate to real Black people especially Blacks who are developing their own awareness and concepts to help themselves.
Junior Member
Posts: 240
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #5 on:
August 15, 2003, 01:42:25 PM »
According to this post, we should perhaps follow in the white supramist tradition of practicing the brown paper bag test to our leaders, as this post suggests that it is MELANIN which, ultimately makes a good leader, rather then dedication to the Afrikan Liberation Movement and a Pan Afrikan Worldview. Flesh seems to be the measuring stick for good leadership then, yes?
Though I would agree that most times (but not all) light-skinned AFRIKANS have been trained by a white supremist/willie lynch type of indoctranation, (as have dark skinned brothaz/sistaz), making such broad statements about degrees of (or lack of) melanin as the measuring stick for good leadership is, in my humble opinion, a DIRECT result of white supremacy at its best.
So much for the likes of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Adam Clayton Powell, eh? Even Malcom X, huh? Elijah Mohammad too. No, instead, let us run and elect Clarence Thomas. I mean, after all, he should pass the melanated leader test, right?
Am I the only one smelling the stench of Willie Lynchism here?
Posts: 548
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #6 on:
August 15, 2003, 02:07:35 PM »
I am very aware of the contributions of many whites and mixed people in the past especially as most truths were hidden from the average Black person. But today it is different and real Blacks have access to all this information so better choices can be made. All the efforts of those in the past did not change the system. I will now take better-informed real Black men and Women who have both the historical information and the experiences to advance this struggle. It is racism that blocks many Blacks and Whites from seeing suitable Black role models especially when the suitable Blacks are continually undermined by those with light complexions.
I have never met one fair-skinned person who can clearly articulate the reality of racism from the perspective of the historically informed Black person. They cannot, simply because they do not experience the extreme pressures of the system. And as such are not suitable for leadership in a Black movement to determine what is or is not legitimate for Black people.
There are REAL BLACK PEOPLE today who have the experiences and who can speak with authority on this issue and are in a position to advance it.
Posts: 1531
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #7 on:
August 15, 2003, 03:46:33 PM »
Well I know for sure I am not trying to be a leader for all Africans, I am just speaking for myself, but I often wonder when people ‘big up’ our ancestors what do they have in mind and who are they really trying to promote.
I know many ordinary real Black people who with a little support can articulate so much, but these privileges that others want are the obstacles.
So I am for turning the system upside down and supporting people who have the experience of racism and are learning how to articulate them. They are the frontline people we should all support and promote in this earth movement.
Senior Member
Posts: 634
Ayanna's Roots
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #8 on:
August 15, 2003, 07:39:31 PM »
i think it is also important to remember how the basic human psyche works in terms of judging not only the ability of people to lead but the ACCEPTABILITY of these leaders by their proposed flock.
while no one can deny the contribution that both whites and light skinned africans have made to the promotion of african affairs worldwide, who can be a more effective and accepted leader of african people? someone who benefits from white privilege or some one who does not? someone who has had the experience to see the system for what it is or someone who cannot completely identify with the people they propose to lead? while i personally have more of a problem with white europeans attempting to impose thier images and opinions on black movements than light skinned african people, i can certainly see some truth in ayinde's position that light skinned africans also benefit from white privilege so may, despite thier best intentions compromise the movement. while of course this cannot be applied to EVERY SINGLE light skinned african, we must look at the general reality of the situation. remember we are dealing with REAL EARTHLY IMBALANCES THAT MUST BE ADDRESSED IN A REAL WAY.
in a time where we are in sorely need of strong and positive role models for our young people who are already beset with euroccentric images that seek to define thier self worth, what is needed are strong black men and women to overturn centuries of white supremacy that has bred SELF HATE among our people.
Posts: 28
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #9 on:
August 16, 2003, 01:14:23 AM »
I man agree with the I's post, in reference to white people within a black movement ;this is un-questionable and and un- deniable. though I feel that putting light skinned BLACKS in the same boat as whites is a grave mistake!
Yan hit the nail on the head with his post. this is a real problem and it must be dealt with in a REAL way!
But for anyone to say ,any black person (of any shade) dosnt experience rascism ,or dosnt know what black struggle really is, or worst of all to say black people benefit from white previledge. is absurd and dis-honest. fact is, this division among our own black people ,is a direct intention to cause contention by white supremists; and it IS usually perpetuated and acted out by lightskinned blacks! Though it is usually dark skinned blacks that maintain the balance. By not letting lightskinned blacks forget who they ARE, and to whom they belong.
I am fully aware of what the "color caste system" has done to our people. And know lightskinnened people have been the downfall of many a black movement. though in truth usually the problem results from lightskinned people separating themselves from dark skin movements( feeling some false superiority and self-hatred confussion),and starting their own. not usually from being in a leadership position of a darkskinned one.
light skin is never a good reason to be a leader. The fact is white supremists only pretend to prefer lightskinned blacks as they would love to see all blacks, either serving them or dead. But its true that if forced to chose; they prefer lightskin around them and dark at a distance. I have seen this many times; in areas where there are many blacks, light and dark, they know they have to hire one ;so they chose light over dark! But in a area with few blacks they treat light as if he were dark. and in areas with none ,they welcome one or two light or dark as their maskot ,they see it as a novelty, and sometimes they prefer dark "authentic black" maskot to prove their not rascist. there are many aspects to white supremacy; all black people suffer in it.
we need to stop this feild nigger, house nigger, mentality thats held us down so long. for sometimes the "house nigger" can be instramental in delievering the poison in massa's dinner. and sometimes house nigga might pretend to control feild nigga, when massa's looking. But at night when I&I africans (children of rape or not) come together to plan revolution, I&I are one people. seen! If house nigga want hold on massa's skirt, and eat of him scrapes, he a go poison to! fiyah fi traitor! none of us should forget that.
many extremily light blacks are exposed to and feel racism that other darker blacks are not aware of, because white people often say things in front of them unaware. that they would never say if blackie was in sight. do you suggest this is white privelidge for lightie? do you think lightie feels no pain at this?, becuz he cant identify with his own blackness? or that he is not aware he is being insulted? does this make him less of a victim to white supremacy? Yes this is just a different aspect of the exact same problem. this is how ellijah mohameds teacher (cant remember name right now) gained knowledge about the white man and used this knowledge to counter him!
Rastafari culture is by black people for black people. I&I cant allow no one to divide black people from their birthright. I do not support mixed marriage ,it is not the time , but the children that result are black, if one of their parents is black! un-questionably! I&I need to support the endangered black on black family with a fulness, a true! but this dosnt mean denying light blacks their blackness! how can this benefit I&I at all?
As a child I cried many a night after going to work with I father and seeing how white people treated him, store clerks looked at him so on; and many times he made more money then them( I think he thought money would make him equal) they'd still look down at him. and I'd get so mad I would want to fight, sometimes in I youth ,id want to do the things ,they expected I to do, since id be blamed anyway. I father would say" just smile, dont cause trouble.,they will get theirs one day" my grand father would say" in world war 2 after pearl harbor, when airraid alarms would go off; i'd pray please God let this be foreal, let these white people get bombed out of existence, even if it means I get bombed too!" He was one of the first black entrepreneurs in pasadena california, I sister is the worlds first black stunt wombman, I next sister studied many years with Jonathan Hendrick Clarke, and finally became a doctor, who is now challenging white supremist ideology in medicine and attemping to indroduce african princibles into the feild. I uncle is Eldridge Cleaver of the black panther's { recently assasinated in oakland 1998} I father personly trained and helped to establish business's for more than than two dozen ghetto youths, without formal eduction, many of wich are now very successful. And as for I, ,I'm still young, but I am also an A black entrepreneur; owning I own business,( now facing the same challenges as I father, doing things twice as good as everyone else to get the same credit. I chose not to just smile, and hope, ands pray, I chose to fight!) now Im trying to use the income to start an, african traditional sustainable agriculture, Nyabinghi house. wich will double as an education center for black african youth to get in touch with the earth and their culture. now as I have had no support other than Jah so far. To reach this goal , and in light of the fact, that in I area there is no other Blacks, light or dark, as qualified as I to do this task. do you imply that I should not acomplish I mission, based on the fact ,that of I black fathers two wives I was born of the lightest one and inherited much of her complexion? or that I should decline leadership even if black people CHOOSE I as a leader in a black based movement? even after I own family has spilled their own african blood for I&I freeman? even after I foreparents have been enslaved ,beatin, torn, raped, and robbed ,time ,and time again., you still elect to put I in the boat with the whiteman so he can feed I&I to the sharks!
having said that, I agree ,absolutely ,concious dark skin black people have been and should be the leaders and role models,in black movements. true , good intentions are NOT enough, true in light of reality,dark skinned blacks should be very suspicous before even allowing light skin blacks to enter the movement let alone lead it! as many ,do to their self hatred ,not their "white privelidge", have comprised this strruggle. many have also been instramental in both anceint and modern times. if black people cant identify with black people, who can I&I identify with? it cant be only people who look exactly like us ,with the exactly same skin tone ,as I&I are to diverse(even in our own family) for that! As I&I need as many concious black people within the movement as possible, no one light or dark skin should propose to lead anyone! let the people within the movement , propose who they feel should lead ,particular aspects of the movement, and if that means sometimes a light black gets in a leadership role, as long as they are black ,then great! and if he dosnt do a good job ,or comprimises the itegrity of the movement in any way remove him from his role! Let the black JAH father of creation rule us all!
to remove all light blacks from black movements is unrealistic and counter productive. as all concious black people have something important to add to the black movements. so instead let's remove the self hatred that causes this skism! and remove the colonized mind that holds us back! has'nt the whiteman done enough harm with divide and conquer! remember a nation divided among themselves, will surely fall! as tree without roots! BLACK IS BLACK! DON'T GIVE I SOME BILL CLINTON RHETORIC ABOUT MIXED RACE LIGHT SKINNED BLACKS NEEDING TO CLASSIFIED AS A SEPERATE RACE(EVEN HE WOULDNT ACCEPT LIGHTSKINS AS WHITE) I&I ALREADY KNOW THAT TACTIC, LOOK WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE KING OF SPAIN TOLD RAPED AND MIXED NATIVE AMERICANS THEY WERE'NT NATIVE AMERICANS THEY WERE "BETTER"(BUT COULD NEVER BE SPANISH)HE CALLED THEM MEXICANS! THE REST IS HISTORY!
Posts: 29
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #10 on:
August 16, 2003, 02:59:49 AM »
I have read this thread with much interest today. As well as the title "White Supremacy in Black movements" and the responses received i ask my self this question. Why this very article from Ayinde?
Is it a personal attack on ones on this forum, perhaps Rootswoman or her friend, in light of the occurence in reasoning forum? If it is then I say this needs to be clarified in order that this reasoning becomes clearer.
You said,
"White people or persons of a light complexion can never be real leaders in a Black based movement. This is the simple fact. Titles of leadership, eldership and control must always be in the hands of real Black people in a Black movement. They are not allowed to help decide for the Black masses whom they should follow and they should not be allowed to be the spokespeople for Blacks"
Well looking at the bigger picture indeed you make a valid point regarding racism even in the black community! Growing up in Africa i have witnessed the preferential treatment light skinned children enjoyed over we "darkies". It unquestionably is a privilege to be light rather than dark sad, as it may seem even in today's world.
Organisations, corporations, Institutions and majority of the public do not see anything wrong in favouring a light skin over a dark skin this is the norm, simply switch on your TV and observe this in your adverts, newspapers, magazine, etc. So much so that the war in Liberia is somewhat based around this argument: Why do the light skin Africans think they have to always rule?
It is now almost a self fulfilling prophecy;concocted by the media at large whereby a light skin black is cast as representative of black and therefore expected to fly the banner on behalf of the remaining blacks.
Well InI are a product of our thoughts and Ideas .It is up to black people to look for all the positive element of a leader within Africa and amongst its sons and daughters. Mothers, Fathers, Friends, colleague treating everyone equally without resorting to shades of complexion as a symbol of beauty!
However, i am not going to sit here and brew over this, because it is pointless and does not profit me. Neither does it shed any light really and truly on the plight of Africans in general on the world today.
I think to primarily use shades/tones of complexion, as a measuring bar towards blackness in its self is erroneous! Many dark Black looking people from the Cari-beyond have mixed blood anyway taking into account- raping and intermarriages! How far back do you want to go to claim "Blackness". If you come to Africa the heart of Blackness where will you as a Caribbean person fit?
Many people from the Caribbean have found this to be the case upon setting foot in Africa and wanting to establish themselves have encountered petty barriers such as enthicity, and religion.
The main issue is here is a common enemy (the white man) and the battle should be directed against this enemy.
Malcom X cannot be regarded as less of a blackman, neither can JJ Rawlings ex-president of Ghana simply because they are mixed race that in itself will be wrong. Equally there are also many dark skin leaders in Africa who have set very good and I dare say unchallenged legacies in government till present day in terms of taking Africa forward into new eras. Light skin/Dark skin black people who are so corrupt that they are inwardly base should not be allowed to enjoy any position of leadership within an Black progressive organisation.
In fact, if Africans truly lived on the basis of true love, then no man would be able to deceive the people and ascend unto the position of a leader amongst us as a great purification will set in immediately! He would not even be appointed into a position of leadership, as intellectual and spiritual knowledge will not suffice to place him in a position of authority amongst us, and people will see through his/her falseness.
What black people and the African people need is a leader with a sense of duty and loyalty, one who is prepared to lead by example, and go beyond the call of duty taking Africa to a new plateau in terms of establishing justice, fairness and equality and committed to true African values
A loyalty to the cause of Black upliftment and pride a duty bound by undying, unyielding and all embracing love to the cause. One with a noble soul.
If such man were found amongst us African, be he very dark or light so long that he/she is of African stock. Then i say to him should that position of leadership be given.
Only when InI bestirs ourself can we advance spiritually.
The man who uses ready made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches,while ignoring his own healthy limbs
Posts: 1531
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #11 on:
August 16, 2003, 04:29:24 AM »
I have read this thread with much interest today. As well as the title "White Supremacy in Black movements" and the responses received i ask my self this question. Why this very article from Ayinde?
Is it a personal attack on ones on this forum, perhaps Rootswoman or her friend, in light of the occurence in reasoning forum? If it is then I say this needs to be clarified in order that this reasoning becomes clearer.
This discussion is about further developing points raised in this thread:
[link=http://www.rastafarispeaks.com/reasoning/?board=general;action=display;num=1060835594]Racial Classification[/link]
Posted: Aug 14th, 2003, 12:33am
Often, reasonings on these boards are develop based on either an experience with someone or an observation within a discussion on the very board. I deliberately placed it in a general context utilizing observations from past and recent experiences.
I think to primarily use shades/tones of complexion, as a measuring bar towards blackness in its self is erroneous!
I have very often explained the importance of integrity to evaluate a person and I generally do not consider someone to be well informed if they lie or distort to score points. I look at conduct and saw how easy truths can be overlooked when people feel their skin threatened.
Racism is more than just Black and White and I feel the people who experience it on the worst levels should be helped to become able to articulate it for themselves. They are best able to convey many more subtle truths because of real experiences and they should not be held back in favor of any other people who lack the real Black experiences.
This is the context of the post and other areas I do not mind developing later:
[link=http://www.rastafarispeaks.com/reasoning/?board=general;action=display;num=1060835594]Racial Classification[/link]
Posted: Aug 14th, 2003, 12:33am
I am mostly looking at how the words I placed are being taken out of their context and seperated from the necessary qualifiers to suit the agenda of whosoever is commenting.
Posts: 1788
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #12 on:
August 16, 2003, 07:51:07 AM »
Greetings all
I will give my opinion on this topic "White Supremacy in Black movements. Some of the people who responded to this topic either missed the crux of the matter or are hiding behind intellectual dishonesty.
For starters, on the point of the article being divisive, i would assert that poeple are quite divided anyway, and true unity can only be built upon the foundation of truth. Anybody asserting that something brings disunity among something that is not really united in the first place is skirting the real issues. Any people wanting unity between conscious and unconscious people are caught up in an illusion that is fueled by their own ignorance and/or they are blinded by their own intentions of personal gain. After reasoning with a lot of people it is easy to recognize the language of those that feel personally threatened by something, bringing up all kinds of distractions to sidetrack the real issues. Distractions include taking parts of what was said and use it by itself to make it look like the author is saying someting that he didn't really say. It is painfully obvious that there is no shortcut to reasoning about this scourge of white supremacy regardless of how personally painful it may be for some people.
Ras Benjamin wrote:
I think to primarily use shades/tones of complexion, as a measuring bar towards blackness in its self is erroneous!
In no part in Ayinde orginal post and his responses did he try to separate who is Black/Afrikan, from who is not Black/Afrikan. Also he did not say that whites or light skinned Afrikans can't contribute to the overturning of White Supremacy. In fact he acknowledged that there were light skinned people that have made valid contributions. Its not that people who look almost white are white or that they are insignificant, the matter is that many of them have still held on to the arrogance of their lighter skin privelege while still spewing revolutionary rhetoric.
As Ayinde rightly stated:
Ignorant white males/Light-skinned people who operate with this double denial in a Black movement can only exist with one conduct and that is the domineering and distracting attitudes of white male arrogance. (the hallmark of White superiority) They cannot operate any other way, as they are always dishonest in the system even if they are unconscious of it. Their constant vying for Black attention demonstrates this daily.
Their constant belittling of Blacks (even ignorant ones) whom they cannot understand is also another characteristic of this. They operate within underground networks of contacts forever seeking to undermine any Black person whom they feel can clearly articulate the way forward and show up their illegitimacy. The first trick is to try to portray to others an impression of their closeness to informed Blacks so they can feed and trade on that illusion. Then they surround themselves with the symbols and rhetoric of Blackness.
A real white person or anyone who looks white, who is first honest with themselves will not try to become a leader in any aspect of a Black Earth-Based Movement as they cannot experience what it is to be Black on Earth. They can only learn from Black experiences and develop spiritually.
One must be very clear about how the mechanisms of White Supremacy works. In America and other places there is the 'one drop' rule. Once you have one drop of Black blood you are considered black. However there is a next point to consider, that being, white over brown over black (White Supremacy). Meaning that there are distinctions made among Black people according to their complexion. Thus persons who looks almost white, or has light skin is given preferential treatment over darker Africans. So thus people who are obviuosly Afrikan are treated much worse than lighter skinned people, and it it these Afrikans that experience the full blast of racism. DOES ANYBODY WANT TO REFUTE THIS REALITY?
Posted By: ROOTSWOMAN, Rastafari Speaks Forum
Date: Friday, 2 May 2003, at 4:24 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Can the Whiteness of Mind be Changed?
"Why would more Whites, and some who feel they are White, not want to engage a reasoning on a Rasta setting to acknowledge that racism exist and to tell us if they see it as a serious problem worth addressing? Is it not a problem for them?"
How can one truly OVERSTAND something without direct EXPERIENCE? One may sympathize..one may empathize...but unless you walk in the shoes of another, you'll never really overstand to a FULLNESS what that other person's DAILY experience/reality is
. When you are part of a collective who, generally speaking, receives "carte blanche" (white card) or WHITE SKIN PRIVILEDGE, how can one be expected to overstand the AFRIKAN EXPERIENCE of oppression under that collective system/order/culture?
As Rootwoman alluded so eloquently in a previous discussion quoted above, who feels its, knows it.
Irregardless of clothing, revolutionary rhetoric, and any other externality, there is no shortcut to reasoning through these critical issues that affect all people, albeit in different waY. Assertions of humility, loyalty, understanding, are words that can be uttered by anyone. so at the end of the day, how people act in relation to their words when the going gets tough, will be the ultimate judge of their INTEGRITY. It is very clear to me that integrity is not something a person can just wake up one day and realize, rather it has to be worked upon, through reasoning and continously seeking to refine character. Reading a lot of books and gathering/repeating a lot of information does not bring integrity. As many who have been on the board a while would understand 'IT TAKES INTEGRITY TO REASON' Having integrity means having the courage to face the reality that exists, and step outside the comfort zone of one's own comfort zone if necessary.
This point often heard from ignorant ones about Rastafari being a separate movement that is fair and equal to all, can only exist in realizing its spirituality but in a material/physical sense this is an illusion. Any Black Movement including Rastafari is first about restoring and returning all that was stolen and or corrupted to its legitimate place. This means symbols as well as real Black people should be in control of their own movement and destiny and this should not be dictated to Blacks by any White/ Light skinned person even if they genuinely embrace Africanness. Pan-Africanism is also a Black Struggle that should be only lead by real Black people and not any white person's definition of who are suitable Blacks.
I agree with this and think it it very relevant in conquering this Global White Supremacist Order.
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Posts: 240
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #13 on:
August 16, 2003, 10:26:23 AM »
Very good reasonings brought forth by several Idren. Permit I to quote and respond to brothah Muata's wordsound:
light skin is never a good reason to be a leader.
ABSOLUTELY! And though I absolutely agree and promote the principle of BLACK PEOPLE TEACHING/LEADING BLACK PEOPLE, I must say that SKIN/FLESH in and of itself can truly never be the measuring stick for good leadership. As we all know, we have PLENTY of dark skinned NEGRO-SAXONS runnin' bout di place, betraying InI with cut-throat diligence. In InI sight, a good leader/teacher of Afrikan Descendants to be an Afrikan (of whatever shade) who has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to being a front line warrior in the Afrikan struggle, one is CONSISTANT in his/her dedication to relentlessly defend the Integrety of I-thiopia (Afrika), and one who's MINDSET and WORKS benefit the entire Global Afrikan Village with its varieties of complexions. I'll take one of Haile Selassie's complexion (and nature) to be InI leader over the likes of Clarence Thomas ANY DAY! Then again, should Haile Selassie resembled our beautiful dark skinned Nigerian brothaz/sistaz, I would have accepted his leadership without question over a light skinned negro like Colon Powell ANY DAY.
So...as you can see, it is not the degree of melanin which makes good leaders, but MINDSET and WORKS/ACTION towards the Afrikan Collective.
many extremily light blacks are exposed to and feel racism that other darker blacks are not aware of, because white people often say things in front of them unaware. that they would never say if blackie was in sight. do you suggest this is white privelidge for lightie? do you think lightie feels no pain at this?, becuz he cant identify with his own blackness? or that he is not aware he is being insulted? does this make him less of a victim to white supremacy? Yes this is just a different aspect of the exact same problem. this is how ellijah mohameds teacher (cant remember name right now) gained knowledge about the white man and used this knowledge to counter him!
WELL SAID! To those who overstand, no explanation is necessary. To those who won't, none can be given.
we need to stop this feild nigger, house nigger, mentality thats held us down so long. for sometimes the "house nigger" can be instramental in delievering the poison in massa's dinner. and sometimes house nigga might pretend to control feild nigga, when massa's looking. But at night when I&I africans (children of rape or not) come together to plan revolution, I&I are one people. seen! If house nigga want hold on massa's skirt, and eat of him scrapes, he a go poison to! fiyah fi traitor! none of us should forget that.
ASHE!!!!!!!!!! From your lips to the ears of the Collective!
Rastafari culture is by black people for black people. I&I cant allow no one to divide black people from their birthright. I do not support mixed marriage ,it is not the time , but the children that result are black, if one of their parents is black! un-questionably! I&I need to support the endangered black on black family with a fulness, a true! but this dosnt mean denying light blacks their blackness! how can this benefit I&I at all?
Again, well said my brothah! If one begins to reject those Afrikans of mixed heritage, then one LIMITS the Afrikan Collective, and DENIES 3/4 of the Afrikan World. What about all those MILLIONS of Afrikans in Brazil, Cuba, the Caribbean, ameriKKKa, Polynesian islands, Asia, the so-called Middle East, and yes, even Ethiopia and Afrika herself?! InI sight this type of "real blacks" versus "light skinned" as a means to our DESTRUCTION and continuing DOWNFALL.
Let a man/woman's CHARACTER, HEART/MIND and WORKS speak for itself.
to remove all light blacks from black movements is unrealistic and counter productive. as all concious black people have something important to add to the black movements. so instead let's remove the self hatred that causes this skism! and remove the colonized mind that holds us back! has'nt the whiteman done enough harm with divide and conquer! remember a nation divided among themselves, will surely fall! as tree without roots! BLACK IS BLACK! DON'T GIVE I SOME BILL CLINTON RHETORIC ABOUT MIXED RACE LIGHT SKINNED BLACKS NEEDING TO CLASSIFIED AS A SEPERATE RACE(EVEN HE WOULDNT ACCEPT LIGHTSKINS AS WHITE)br>YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give thanks unto you brothah Muata for wisely DISMANTLING Willy Lynchism with your OVERSTANDING of the Global Afrikan Presence and contributions.
Junior Member
Posts: 240
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: White supremacy in Black movements
Reply #14 on:
August 16, 2003, 11:47:14 AM »
Greetings Ras Tyehimba,
Again, give thanks for di I’s Word Sound and Powah. InI am in agreement with much di I beautifully expressed, however I have contention with but one comment:
In no part in Ayinde original post and his responses did he try to separate who is Black/Afrikan, from who is not Black/Afrikan.
Permit I to respectfully suggest that when one makes CLEAR DISTINCTIONS between “REAL BLACKS” versus (in opposition to) “LIGHT SKINNED” Blacks, there is an unequivocal and undisputable SEPERATION and DIVISION made. And as we all know, one falsehood spoils a thousand truths. Having said that, I will be the first to also say that InI sight much truth in Ayinde’s words, for only BLACK PEOPLE (in our various shades) can truly LEAD/TEACH Black People, but when we begin using the brown paper bag test to define leadership, InI sight this as contributing to the WHITE SUPREMIST DIVIDE AND CONQUER PRINCIPLE, which has and continues to play a part in our DESTRUCTION as an Afrikan Collective.
I will also be the first to say that due to historical pattern, InI should rightfully SUSPECT light skinned Afrikans (without being BLINDED to some dark skinned Afrikans who would betray InI), in positions of leadership/teacher, UNTIL THEY PROVE THEIR INTENTIONS AND WORKS. Once they have PROVEN their intentions to be RIGHTEOUSLY AFRIKAN, then let the Afrikan Collective EMBRACE them as a brothah/sistah, for UNITED WE STAND, AND DIVIDED WE WILL ALWAYS FAIL/FALL.
Again, I will ask this question which remains unanswered:
“Real black” as in the likes of Clarence Thomas and/or Condoleezza Rice, or a “real black” as in Adam Clayton Powell, Bob Marley, and the Honorable Elijah Mohammed.?
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