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Author Topic: RASTAFARI  (Read 8501 times)
Posts: 8

« on: July 10, 2008, 02:32:49 AM »

bless it....

as often propaganda spreads like a disease trying to crucify rasta, it only makess InI stronger, the most often nonsense i hear is how His Majesty was dethroned.......His Majesty was never dethroned, InI must never except what isn't true,In the constitution His Majesty  established for the first time ever in Ethiopia and if  His Majesty never had done that, Ethiopia would be in a far worse situation than it is right now.....obviously constitution's are revised constantly to benefit everyone which takes time...but one thing His Majesty put in the constitution was "if the public dislikes his services, they may choose another person for his position and he will step down"....2 coup's happened with mengenitsu the first one in 67  it had failed, and graciously His Majesty was.. he did not condemn him to death like most people would think......the second one in 74, it's only success was the propanganda had fell into the public and they stood behind it like the nonsense of His Majesty knowing of a famine and doing nothing,His Majesty knowing of a famine and not doing nothing is the total opposite of His Majesty nature,the other thing was the  sending millions of u.s dollars to a swiss bank,and with the public accepting the new false image mengenitsu helped put out,His Majesty steped down and left his power to his oldest son and because alot of his regime it's officials had wiltered away from being murdered by the oppostion and some others turned their back on the emperor over deception,and as Megenitsu had control over Addis Abba the rest is history of destruction.... dishonesty and the lack of will to be a united country was heavily present in ethiopia at the time, because this famine was unknown to most of ethiopia and of course  His Majesty,His Majesty dealt with the factor of being a united country constantly so in return they created an image that wasn't true with this famine,and what His Majesty sent to switzerland were sacks of coffe not sacks of money,ethiopia struggled in the financial area ever since....i believe out of the destruction and brutality that Italy caused, their mentality passed on and soaked in the mind of many ethiopians which lead to this dishonesty and betrayal...but all threw this His Majesty standing firm and uplifted so much in ethiopia and the rest of AFRICA and his children stolen and tooken to the west.

Glory To The Earth's Rightful Ruler...Haile I Selassie I the Almighty I


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