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Author Topic: the niggerization of african people  (Read 14606 times)
Full Member
Posts: 316

« on: May 05, 2009, 06:20:10 PM »

From The Ramparts

  Junious Ricardo Stanton

The Niggerization of African People

 “The process of turning a beautiful Afrikan infant into a mere caricature of her/his genetic self in but a few years of exposure to AmeriKKKa’s devilishly designed environment and their backward exploitative culture is deadly. How is this done with the swiftness, you may ask? Easily, we are the bridge to our children’s madness. We are the willing conductors to alien insanity that we ourselves could not escape. In our vanilla flavored madness we are totally unqualified to nurture an Afrikan infant to childhood much less adulthood.” - Del Jones Black Holocaust 2000 page 10

 I witnessed a surreal event over the weekend. I attended the “graduation ceremony” of my college alma mater and I was stunned by the outrageous demeanor, conduct and behavior of not only many of the graduates but their parents, relatives and friends as well. It was so bad the commencement speaker had to remind them this was an auspicious occasion one of joy, festivity and celebration, but one that should be taken seriously. They settled down for a minute but once he was done, they tore their behinds, especially during the conferring of the degrees portion. I was dismayed at the disrespect and out and out lack of decorum displayed by many of the graduates and their supporters. I think I was even more disturbed none of the administrators, faculty or Board of Trustees addressed or stepped to the raunchy behaviors. None of them attempted to restore decorum and establish a sense of solemnity to the proceedings.

As I sat there watching the graduates, my mind flashed back forty years to that same campus quadrangle as my fellow graduates and I listened in reverence and awe to Marcus Foster a former administrator in the Philadelphia School District who was then the Superintendent of the Oakland School district deliver the commencement address. Many of us were first generation college attendees and the occasion was an important one. I would have never even entertained the thought of acting out or being disrespectful. I reminisced to my days as a student activist in the Black Student League and student government; how we pressed and demonstrated for Black Studies, African-American oriented courses like African-American History, Afro-American Literature, African History and such. We raised a ruckus and demanded the state increase its funding to the school. Yes we were exuberant and overzealous and in retrospect we did some unwise things but we were advancing the consciousness of our people rather reducing ourselves to caricatures and stereotypes.
 Despite being suspended from school for a few months I still graduated on time and was happy to do so; even though I was bitter about the way the administration had treated me. But I also reflect on the teachers and deans who helped me get back in school and supported me once I returned. I would never in my most insane days have behaved at my graduation the way those young people acted last Saturday.
 The Niggerization of African people is proceeding at a rapid pace. I left the campus as soon as the ceremony was over eschewing staying around to socialize. I was so upset I didn’t want my presence as an alum to appear to condone such an irreverent atmosphere. I spoke to a few alums on my way out and they shared my horror. I was saddened by how far we have fallen as a people, but I am not surprised.
 We did not get this way solely on our own. We do not exist in a vacuum. In several generations we have lowered the bar considerably. We dropped the ball, big time. When I was coming out of college we were saying Black is Beautiful and we talked about Black Pride and Black Power. We wanted to change the world. We wanted to right the wrongs of society, to make things better.

Obviously such thinking, talk and action posed a serious threat to the status quo. It had to be squelched and misdirected. The government’s COINTELPRO counterinsurgency program discredited, undercut and killed off our leaders. We were sold a bogus bill of goods. We bought into the hype and okey-doke of becoming mainstream and imitating white folks. Subsequent generations of black people were duped by the media into idolizing thugs and hoochie mamas. As we look around our communities today, we are becoming the venal caricatures and stereotypes whites depicted us as years ago. “The relationship between the Black mother and child, the Black father and child, the politics that go on in the Black family structure, the politics of color, the politics of quality of hair, the politics of sexuality and so forth that exist within the Black family, reflect to a very great extent the politics of the larger White dominated society in which the Black community finds itself.” Amos N. Wilson The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness 
 Black people are great consumers of Eurocentric media content. The Eurocentric and Negro slave mentality media set the tone and tenor for our view of reality. The media manufactures priorities, establishes and promotes values, lifestyles, behaviors, relationships and motivations that we consciously and unconsciously internalize and emulate. The media bombards us with images, words and actions designed to frame and manipulate our desires, emotions, expectations and our “reality”. When Jerry Springer and “reality show” dysfunctional behaviors, disrespectful and criminal lifestyles, thug, hoochie, predatory and pathological relationships are promoted, held up, celebrated and broadcast on a daily basis, it’s no wonder those behaviors have manifested themselves on every level and strata of society. We are constantly being programmed for debauchery, nihilism and self-destruction. We are like frogs in a pot where the flame/heat is raised incrementally ever so slightly so we don’t notice it, we accommodate ourselves to the environment in the pot not realizing we are being cooked to death.

Where are the elders like we had when I was growing up who would step to negative behavior, who expected and demanded we act respectfully and responsibly? Someone needs to step to the fore into the fray and challenge us to do and be better. Someone ought to exhort us not to succumb to a very deliberate process of dummying down and ghettoization.
 In my opinion, that graduation was merely a symptom. It was profane and disrespectful but it was also part and parcel to an overarching program of the Niggerization of African people. Unless we check ourselves, abandon those values and behaviors, they will lead to our collective wreck and ruin.

notes: not to forget that there are fake rastas every where, who talks about bun babylon, come to internet forums, but dates white gurls, coz there are few garveyite rastas around, there are lots of one love flower power type of rastas, who have strong  EUROCENTRIC BEHAVIOURS.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 01:47:25 PM »

peace and hotep,


before you asked this question:

"Where are the elders like we had when I was growing up who would step to negative behavior, who expected and demanded we act respectfully and responsibly? Someone needs to step to the fore into the fray and challenge us to do and be better. Someone ought to exhort us not to succumb to a very deliberate process of dummying down and ghettoization."

you had already answered it here:

"Obviously such thinking, talk and action posed a serious threat to the status quo. It had to be squelched and misdirected. The government’s COINTELPRO counterinsurgency program discredited, undercut and killed off our leaders. We were sold a bogus bill of goods. We bought into the hype and okey-doke of becoming mainstream and imitating white folks. Subsequent generations of black people were duped by the media into idolizing thugs and hoochie mamas. As we look around our communities today, we are becoming the venal caricatures and stereotypes whites depicted us as years ago."

also, most non "white" people do not understand what White Supremacy is and how IT WORKS.....

in ALL areas of people activity, including EDUCATION.

Afrikanrebel06,  even W.E.B. DuBois'   "TALENTED TENTH" failed to impart an over/inner/understanding of what the system of White Supremacy Racism is and how it works.... to the masses of non'white' people.

currently, because of the skillful use of DECEIT by the smartest/vicious and most powerful White People (The White Supremacist) ALL  people in the known universe have been made confused over  terms like Racism, White Supremacy, Bigotry, Prejudice, Discrimination.....etc.

Most African amoricans believe that non'white' people can FUNCTION as "A Racist" or that there is a Functional Black/Non-White Supremacy ( "BLACK POWER") operating somewhere in the known universe.

thus far, the people of the known universe have not produced the will to convince the people withe greatest ABILITY {White Supremacist Racist} to end the practice of the greatest injustice {White Supremacy} that the world has ever known.

those withe the greatest will do not have the ability
those withe the greatest ability do not have the will 

therefore, non'white' people have ACCEPTED that they can not Counter Racism and for now they settle for the fact that as long as White Supremacy exists that non'white' people will only function as the RETARDED CHILDREN of the White Supremacist Organized Crime Family.

non'white' people SURVIVE withe in an oppressive system
rather than LIVE in total opposition to Racism (White Supremacy).......

rather than living to replace the greatest INJUSTICE that the world has ever known......

rather than Countering White Supremacy by producing Justice.     

White Supremacy is the System of Survival for Retarded Children......

as long as White Supremacy exists, all non'white' people may ATTEMPT TO BE

(functional) parents, teachers, husbands, wives, children, men, women, etc.....

and again.....after another 40 years of wandering/wondering the WHY questions may be asked again if   

by then we still have not effectively countered exactly what White Supremacy is and how it works in all areas of people activity, including  Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 02:00:00 PM »

peace and hotep,


there are many symbols of 'niggerization' of african  and non'white' people.....
some may be as simple as this:

could acceptance of such symbols be symptomatic  of more complex problems?

how does White Supremacy WORK in the area of people activity  known as Religion.

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