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Author Topic: Speed of Light?  (Read 19163 times)
Service Member
Posts: 2063

« on: September 23, 2003, 01:19:53 AM »

Is there a specific reason why we can't travel at the speed of light? Besides from the massive energy surge required to actually accelerate the ship or an energy field powerful enough to actually lower the weight of the mass inside, isn't it theoretically possible Wideeyed ?



We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Posts: 43

RastafariSpeaks .com

« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2003, 09:56:02 AM »


I read your post, and felt like adding my comment.

According to the theory of relativity, if you travel at the speed of light, time is supposed to stand still. If you travel faster than the speed of light, time is supposed to go backwards. That means, we would travel in time.....

This is all just in theory. Because it hasn't been tried out, nobody knows what would really happen. But the thought of it is amazing, isn't it?

Personally, I would say that because we cannot travel through time, we cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

Junior Member
Posts: 592

Higher Reasoning

« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2003, 10:15:15 AM »



I think that the mind can travel to wherever it wants to go, and if in the proper configuration, our minds can reach into the future.

What is intuition?

Service Member
Posts: 2063

« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2003, 01:25:00 AM »

Iyah 360, I was talking about a theory that made possible a matter travels through time not the spirit or consciousness of a person...  

I did some research and found that according to Einstein theory of Relativity, THINGS cannot go at the speed of light!  

A brief summary of it is:
Things have mass, and as that mass approaches the speed of Light C, it takes more and more energy to speed up mass.  For something to reach C, it would need either an infinite amount of energy or a mass of 0, which is impossible.    

Similarly (in theory), something already faster than the speed of light cannot travel slower than the speed of light.  Unfortunately, these have never been discovered.    

The bottom line is, something slower than C can never reach C.  

Thank you both for your responses, I appreciate Nice.



We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Junior Member
Posts: 592

Higher Reasoning

« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2003, 12:38:56 PM »


Well then Bantu . . .

Can I project my thought into the future and have it manifest there as matter?

in the beginning was the word and the word was with JAH and then it manifest itself in flesh.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2003, 07:46:32 PM »

peace and hotep,

Is there a specific reason why we can't travel at the speed of light?

if we could travel at the speed of light, the thief could never could be caught.

if we cannot utilize the human potential at hand, speed of light traveling will remain fantasy. rightfully so.

theoretically possible? no.

mathematically possible? yes.

one of several one million dollar solutions to problems.

never give up the answers to universial questions to strangers.

some infantile mind is waiting for answers..... Lips Sealed 2

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