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Author Topic: room 101  (Read 174557 times)
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2005, 06:19:06 AM »

peace and hotep,

Pat Buchanan in The Death of the West

On Immigration: Immigration tsunami will make whites a minority in US
The prognosis is grim. Between 2000 & 2050, world population will grow to over 9 billion people, but this 50% increase in global population will come entirely in Asia, Africa, & Latin America, as 100 million people of European stock vanish from the Earth. But the immigration tsunami rolling over America is not coming from 'all the races of Europe.' The largest population transfer in history is coming from all the races of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and they are not 'melting and reforming.
Source: The Death of the West, by Pat Buchanan, p. 3 & 12

On Families & Children: Sex and Drugs and Abortions have killed the West
The West is dying. Its nations have ceased to reproduce, and their populations have stopped growing and begun to shrink. Not since the Black Death carried off a third of Europe in the fourteenth century has there been a graver threat to the survival of Western civilization. Since Roe vs. Wade, 40 million abortions have been performed in the United States.
For this revolution [the cultural revolution that started in the 60's which entailed mass abortion] is not unique to America. A civilization, a culture, a faith, and a moral order rooted in that faith are passing away and are being replaced by a new civilization, culture, faith, and moral order. This new moral code was crafted to justify the new lifestyle already adopted, as they indulged themselves in SEX, DRUGS, RIOTS, and ROCK and ROLL.

Source: The Death of the West, by Pat Buchanan, p. 8-9 & 27-31

The above quotations are from The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, by Patrick J. Buchanan, published Oct. 15, 2002.

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2005, 06:24:16 AM »

peace and hotep,

Pat Buchanan on Abortion

RU-486 is a human pesticide; ban it
Q: What is your response to RU-486?
A: RU-486, in my judgment, is a human pesticide. It is anti-child. It is anti-woman. It is anti-family. It basically is a drug which only a nation would accept which has embraced, I believe, the culture of death that the pope and others have condemned. I think a nation and a civilization that embrace this pill are really headed in that direction. I would use all the power of my office, including FDA appointments, to prevent this being put on the market.

Source: Nader-Buchanan debate on ‘Meet the Press’ Oct 1, 2000

RU-486 is an abomination before God
Today, our government certified the culture of death in an easy to swallow tablet. No moral country should ever make killing a child as casual as curing a headache, but the FDA’s approval of RU-486 turns a new page in America’s national tragedy. Millions more will perish, and their blood will stain our nation’s soul. This decision is an affront to all that is right in America and an abomination before the God who authored these unborn lives.
Source: Press Release on RU-486 Sep 28, 2000

The unborn have rights; defund the abortion industry
I believe that life begins at conception, and I will use the Bully Pulpit to defend the sacred rights of the unborn to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As a committed, no-compromise pro-life President, I will: insist that my running mate be pro-life, require that my nominees to the Supreme Court be pro-life, defund the abortion industry, push for passage of a Human Life Amendment to protect all unborn children.
Source: GoPatGo.com “Issues Library” Dec 1, 1999

Presidency supports traditional values, not gays & abortion
We must reverse Roe vs Wade, persevere in the fight for life, and restore to citizens the freedom to clean up the cultural pollution poisoning the hearts and minds of our children. The presidency must become a bully pulpit for traditional values, not gays in the military. We will get the US government completely out of the abortion racket.
Source: www.iac.net/~davcam/pat_issu.html Jul 2, 1999

Appoint pro-life judges; fight “Culture of Death”
In America today the most common medical procedure is not a tonsillectomy, but an abortion. Unborn children are being exterminated at the rate of 1.3 million a year. Their bodies are being bought up for medical research. I will use the ‘Bully Pulpit’ to fight the Culture of Death and appoint only pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.
Source: www.gopatgo2000.com/000-c-life.html 5/28/99 May 28, 1999

Abortion is greatest evil since slavery
“To me, abortion is the greatest evil on the American continent since slavery,” Buchanan has said. Pat Buchanan did not campaign for the reelection of New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd “abort ‘em all” Whitman. While the “conventional wisdom” is that Republicans must dilute or abandon the platform’s pro-life plank to broaden the party’s appeal, Buchanan [disagrees].
Source: Manchester (NH) Union Leader, “Run as Buchanan”, 5/19/99 May 19, 1999

Strictly pro-life Supreme Court & Vice Pres. nominees
I will commit beforehand to appoint pro-life constitutional conservatives to the Supreme Court, period. If they’re rejected, I’ll appoint another and another and another and there will be no third choice Harry Blackmuns going to that court. And why in heaven’s name would. [the Republican nominee] choose a pro-choice vice presidential running mate? You would lose the entire right to life movement. Most of the Christian Coalition would walk out.
Source: ABC’s “This Week” with George Will Mar 21, 1999

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2005, 06:28:51 AM »

peace and hotep,

Pat Buchanan on Immigration

America is becoming Mexamerica
Half the 100 million Mexicans are still mired in poverty. Tens of millions are unemployed or underemployed. Because of devaluations, real wages are below what they were in 1993. Thus the great migration north continues. Some 1.5 million are apprehended every year on our southern border breaking into the United States. Of the perhaps 500,000 who make it, one-third head for Mexifornia, where their claims on Medicaid, schools, courts, prisons, and welfare have tipped the Golden State toward bankruptcy and induced millions of native-born Americans to flee in the great exodus to Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, and Colorado. Ten years after NAFTA, Mexico's leading export to America is still--Mexicans. America is becoming Mexamerica.
Source: Where The Right Went Wrong, by Pat Buchanan, p.166 Sep 1, 2004

Terrorists are among us as undocumented immigrants
Though Osama bin Laden may be the instigator and financier of terror, the war crimes of Tuesday last were carried out by men who live among us. The enemy is already inside the gates. How many others among our 11 million “undocumented” immigrants are ready to carry out truck bombings, assassinations, sabotage, skyjackings?
Source: Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed page Sep 18, 2001

Treat illegal immigration as an invasion & repel it
We cannot continue to allow illegal immigration. A country that loses control of its borders is not a country. The Constitution of the United States obligates the government to protect the states from foreign invasion. If we can send an army halfway around the world to defend the borders of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, why can’t we defend the borders of the United States? I will build a security fence. We will seal the borders of this country cold. We will stop the illegal immigration in its tracks.
Source: United We Stand America Conference, p.321 Aug 12, 1995

Stop the invasion from the south; limit immigration
Buchanan said his exclusion from the three televised debates between Bush and Gore kept viewers from a real discussion of issues like immigration. “One of the great social crises of this country is unrestricted immigration and an invasion from the south,” he said. “I will cut back legal immigration to 250,000 a year and I will defend America’s border, if necessary with American troops.”
Source: Zachary Coile, San Francisco Examiner Oct 27, 2000

Make English our official language
Buchanan’s TV ad, titled “Meatball,” depicts a man who begins to choke when he hears of a government move to strip English of its status as the “national language.” The ad cites an executive order President Clinton signed in August making it easier for non-English-speaking citizens to gain access to federal programs and services. The man calls 911 and, eyes bulging from the meatball stuck in his throat, hears an automated menu of languages to choose from. “Please listen for your language,” a recording says. “For Spanish, press one. For Korean, press two. For Bengali, press three.” He dies before getting to English, though it’s unclear what the choking man would have done had he reached an English-speaking dispatcher. “That’s a good question,” Buchanan said. “Do you ever miss English?” an announcer asks in the ad. “Immigration is out of control. Bush and Gore are writing off English for good.” Buchanan believes English should be the official U.S. language.
Source: Scott Lindlaw, Associated Press Oct 9, 2000

Use troops on borders to limit immigration
Q: Describe your immigration policy.
A: Frankly, we ought to get control of our immigration, as most Americans want. And, frankly, put our troops, if necessary, on the border to stop the one million illegals coming into this country. 250,000 to 300,000 a year could come in. We’d still be the most generous country in the world, but it would give us time to assimilate and Americanize the 30 million who have come here in recent decades.

Source: Nader-Buchanan debate on ‘Meet the Press’ Oct 1, 2000

Teach new immigrants to be American & limit their numbers
If America is to survive as “one nation,” we must take an immigration “time out” to mend the melting pot. As President, I will: Halt illegal immigration by securing our borders. Stand with the three-in-four Americans who agree that mass legal immigration must be reduced by restoring the 20th century average of 250,000 to 300,000 immigrants per year. Support a national campaign of assimilation to teach newly adopted Americans our culture, history, traditions, and English language.
Source: Buchanan/Foster site Aug 6, 2000

Vast majority wants border controls like Buchanan fence
I think the vast majority of the American people want immigration reform. They want our borders under control. They would like the atrocities that are occurring stopped cold. I think the whole Congress would support that. In Douglas, Arizona, they’ve got thousands of people walking in every night, cattle are being poisoned, people’s homes are maximum security prisons. This is where all the illegal immigration has poured in now that the Buchanan fence has been built in San Diego.
Source: National Public Radio interview, “Talk of the Nation” May 30, 2000

A million immigrants a year: “we’re gonna lose our country”
Q: I would like to ask Mr. Buchanan about his stance on immigration, which has usually been against Third World people. He has openly objected to Africans coming here. Why are you not allowing or giving everybody the same favors to enter this country as long as they are qualified to be here?
A: All I’m saying is that our levels of immigration now in the last 30 years have been enormous. It’s almost over a million legal immigrants a year, and half a million illegals who come here and stay. And you’re rapidly changing the nature of the entire country; we speak 300 languages. Unless we do something and make sure the things that unite us are elevated--like language and history and all the rest of it--we’re gonna lose our country, my friend. But anybody from any country and any continent can be a good American. We know that from our history.

Source: National Public Radio interview, “Talk of the Nation” May 30, 2000

Most pressing foreign policy crisis: illegal immigration
Increasingly, Buchanan is known as an enemy of immigration, especially immigration from below the Rio Grande. He wants a triple fence, heavily policed, to keep Mexicans out of the US. He calls illegal immigration -- not Russia’s nukes, not North Korea’s missiles, not Saddam’s dreams of mass destruction, but immigration -- “America’s most pressing foreign policy crisis.”
Source: Jeff Jacoby editorial, Boston Globe Sep 20, 1999

Secure our porous borders; teach immigrants English
[We should] halt illegal immigration by securing our porous borders and strengthening internal enforcement. I support a national campaign of assimilation to teach newly adopted Americans our culture, history, traditions, and English language. To do otherwise cripples American cohesion and keeps the newest members of the American family from full participation. Legal immigration must be reduced by restoring the 20th century average of 250,000 to 300,000 immigrants per year.
Source: www.GoPatGo.org/ “Issues: Immigration Reform” Jun 5, 1999

Immigration “time out”; reduce to 250,000 per year
We need an immigration “time out.” I will enact a new federal law to restore immigration levels to 250,000 a year-America’s historical 20th Century average-strengthen the Border Patrol, lengthen the “Buchanan Fence” on the southern frontier, repatriate illegals, and repair the great American melting pot. The 27 million who have come into our nation since 1970 shall be assimilated and Americanized, introduced fully into our history, culture, the English language and American traditions.
Source: www.gopatgo2000.com/000-c-immigration.html 5/28/99 May 28, 1999

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2005, 06:38:05 AM »

peace and hotep,

Pat Buchanan on Civil Rights

Take country back from ACLU; allow school prayer & gay bans
Buchanan’s TV ad features a young girl praying, and a teacher pulling her hands apart. It also shows a worker ripping a placard of the Ten Commandments off a wall & a photograph of a Boy Scout troop with the phrase “Boy Scouts-a hate group?” superimposed over the frame. “They‘ve taken God and the Bible out of our schools,” the narrator says. “It‘s time to take our country back from those who are tearing it down.”
Buchanan said the “they” in the ad refers to the ACLU and “their fellow travelers.”

Source: The Orlando Sentinel Oct 20, 2000

Admired civil rights movement, but MLK was “divisive”
Q: You’ve said that Martin Luther King is the most divisive man in America.
A: [I said that in] a memo in 1969 whether we should recognize the day or go down and see Mrs. King, and I suggested we not see Mrs. King. I said, ‘Martin Luther King was one of the most divisive men. Some see him as the messiah of the nation, others think he’s a dreadful person. He is a divisive figure.’ Look, I knew Martin Luther King. I am the only candidate who was at the march on Washington. I was in the Lincoln Memorial. I was in Mississippi covering the civil rights demonstrations.

Q: And what were your views when you were covering the demonstrations?

A: There were things about the civil rights movement I greatly admired. There were things that went on [that] I thought were appalling. It had moments of greatness. Like every great movement, the civil rights movement had things that were attractive and things that were not. And for my history, friends, we make no apologies.

Source: National Public Radio interview, “Talk of the Nation” May 30, 2000

Abolish quotas; all learn English
Let us abolish quotas and set aside these un-American devices that reward people based on the color of their skin or what continent their kinfolk came from. Let us abandon the sterile and futile politics of victims and villains and rediscover what brings us all together as one nation and one people. All of us must learn our English language. All of us must come to know our common history and heritage and American heroes so we can get our great American melting pot doing its magic again.
Source: Announcement as a Reform Party Candidate, Falls Church, VA Oct 25, 1999

Legal gambling is a “destructive vice”
At a 1995 rally in Iowa, Buchanan called legalized gambling “a vice and an addiction... destructive to the work ethic [and] ruinous to the family.”
Source: Laurence Arnold, Associated Press Jul 26, 1999

End racial busing, quotas, & contract set-asides
Reverse discrimination - by quota, contract set-aside, busing, affirmative action - is un- American. We need to outlaw the federal classification of American citizens by race or ethnicity, and end all discrimination and all preferential treatment.
Source: Buchanan for President site Jul 2, 1999

Close NEA to stop desecration of Christian images
Virtually all the so-called works of art that ignited controversy over the National Endowment for the Arts are desecrations of Christian images, specifically designed to pervert and blaspheme that which the majority of Americans hold dear. I will close the National Endowment for the Arts, and encourage private citizens to seek out painters, sculptors, and architects deserving of patronage. We must dump the cult of Robert Mapplethorpe and replace him with an American Michelangelo.
Source: www.GoPatGo.org/ “Issues: NEA” Jun 12, 1999

Racial & gender entitlements are Govt-sponsored prejudice
Government-sponsored prejudice-no matter how benign its original purpose-belongs in the same graveyard as the late Jim Crow. A true respect for civil rights requires that we put an end to all racial, ethnic, and gender entitlements. No quotas, no set asides, no forced busing, no mandatory hiring, no affirmative action. As President, I will eliminate all forms of discrimination in federal agencies, including reverse discrimination.
Source: www.GoPatGo.org/ “Issues: Equal Rights” Jun 5, 1999

Color-blind laws: end trendy bigotry of diversity
The issue of quotas, reverse discrimination, affirmative action and preferential treatment is more than a social or civil rights issue. It is a matter of profound principle. it does not matter where your great-grandparents came from. All racial and ethnic preferences will be purged from every federal agency. We will pass a “color-blind” civil rights law that declares: No discrimination means no discrimination. Nor will we tolerate the trendy bigotry that travels under the passport of “diversity.”
Source: www.gopatgo2000.com/000-c-onenation.html 5/28/99 May 28, 1999

Tear out diversity programs, root and branch
I have opposed Affirmative Action and racial quotas all my life. Let me tell you why. What is America supposed to be like? The ideal of America is a country where it does not make any difference where your father came from. This is supposed to be a country where men are judged by their character-not the color of their skin. This is a country that is supposed to believe in equal justice under law and special privilege for none. I believe in the idea of no discrimination. I do not believe in preferential treatment.
Theodore Roosevelt said we have to get away from this idea of “hyphenated Americans.” Justice Scalia said the government in the US should recognize only one race, that is American. This is why I promise you that I will tear out this whole diversity program root and branch-Affirmative Action, discrimination, and al racial set asides-they will all be gone.

Source: United We Stand America Conference, p.322 Aug 12, 1995

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2005, 06:43:30 AM »

peace and hotep,

Pat Buchanan on Homeland Security

Pentagon depends on foreign manufacturing to defend America
In 2003, Pentagon officials who buy for the U.S. armed forces and U.S. defense industries spoke out in opposition to a law that would require a 65% American content in U.S. weapons. Our missile defense system and Joint Strike Fighter would be imperiled, the Pentagon said, if two-thirds of their components had to be made in the USA.
Pat Choate, author of 'Agents of Influence', gives the following levels of U.S. dependency on foreign suppliers for critical goods:
Medicines and pharmaceuticals 72%
Metalworking machinery 51%
Engines and power equipment 56%
Computer equipment 70%
Communications equipment 67%
Semiconductors and electronics 64%
Source: Where The Right Went Wrong, by Pat Buchanan, p.163-4 Sep 1, 2004

Need new post-Cold War bottom-up strategy review
Q: How would you handle the defense budget?
A: What we have not had is a bottom-up review of American foreign policy in the post-Cold War. Gore and Bush are caught in a Cold War prism. You ought to bring American troops home from Korea, from Okinawa, from Japan, from Europe, bring them home to the US, use the savings to build up American armed forces, to enhance their morale and fighting capability, so they can deal with a great threat to the West or our vital allies. The idea that 55 years after the Korean War, Americans would be the first to die in a second Korean war is absurd, only an adherence to doctrines that should have died in 1989, 1990, 1991. I’ve been fighting this battle for 10 years for a new foreign policy for this country that puts our own nation and its vital interests first, and we don’t go to war unless our honor, our integrity, our citizens or our interests are threatened.

Source: Nader-Buchanan debate on ‘Meet the Press’ Oct 1, 2000

Build SDI; “Retrench and rearm”
Background: The US government spends about 16% of its budget on defense, down from about 50% in the early 1960s. The number of active-duty troops has dropped by about one third since the end of the Cold War. Buchanan’s views: : “Retrench and rearm,” return many troops from abroad, build national missile-defense system. Assure Russia of no more NATO expansion on condition of Russia’s non-intervention in nearby states. Opposes nuclear test ban treaty.
Source: NyTimes.com Politics Library Feb 3, 2000

Declare war only after attack on US, interests, or honor
“My vision is of a republic, not an empire -- a nation that does not go to war unless she is attacked, or her vital interests are imperiled, or her honor impugned. And when she does go to war, it is only after following a constitutional declaration by the Congress,” Buchanan said. “We are not imperialists; we are not interventionists; we are not hegemonists; and we are not isolationists. We simply believe in America first, last and always.”
Source: Associated Press, “Attack World Government” Jan 6, 2000

UK, France, & Germany should defend Europe
With the Cold War won, it is time that Europe re-assumes full responsibility for its own defense. Western Europe has never been more secure. France & Great Britain, with nuclear weapons, are capable of defending themselves. A united and democratic Germany is fully capable of resuming its historic role of defending Central Europe. How long should 260 million Americans have to defend 360 million rich Europeans -- from 160 million impoverished Russians?
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.384-5 Oct 9, 1999

Transfer NATO Army to Germany & Navy to France
The US should withdraw all its ground troops from Europe and amend the NATO treaty so that involvement in future European wars is an option, not a certainty. Transfer command of NATO ground forces to a German general, and, after detaching the US Sixth Fleet, transfer NATO’s southern command to a French admiral. The role of America in Europe should not be as a frontline fighting state, but as the arsenal of democracy and strategic reserve of the West.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.385-6 Oct 9, 1999

Annex Greenland
As for Greenland, the last great empty space in the Western Hemisphere, this huge island should remain permanently inside the US defense perimeter, and eventually be formally annexed by the US. Greenland lacks the requisites of nationhood.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.370 Oct 9, 1999

US hegemony will backfire to create a less secure world
Our hegemonists our confident that America’s power is too great for any to resist. History teaches otherwise. Every attempt to establish hegemony incites resentment and hostility. Weaker nations instinctively seek security in each other, creating the very combinations the hegemonists most fear. It is a law of history: The thesis calls into being the antithesis; the weak collude to balance off the strong.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p. 24 Oct 9, 1999

NATO was conceived as a temporary alliance
Did America’s Cold War alliances -- NATO, CENTO, SEATO, the ANZUS and Rio pacts, and security treaties with Korea, Japan, Taiwan -- violate George Washington’s “great rule” against permanent alliances? No. When created, these were to be temporary alliances to endure only as long as the crisis endured. US troops would remain in Europe only until Europe could rise to its own feet to man its own defenses. Eisenhower estimated that would take ten years.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.310 Oct 9, 1999

We lost Vietnam because we fought on THEIR terms
[Vietnam] was an attempt to defeat the enemy on the enemy’s terms, a concept that ran counter to every strategic principle of warfare, but appealed to the academic-minded “best and the brightest.” Although the US had more than adequate power to defeat Hanoi, it never had a strategic plan for final victory or the will to pursue such a strategy. Johnson picked the most expensive war option, and then pursued it incrementally to avoid the higher costs--a formula for failure that produced failure.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.313-4 Oct 9, 1999

No Pax Americana for post-Cold War
A 1989 forum on a new foreign policy for an era in which no great enemy threatened [elicited] calls for imposing a “Pax Americana” or “global hegemony.” Columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote that we should “integrate” America, Europe, and Japan in a “supersovereign” entity. This “new universalism,” he wrote, “is not as outrageous as it sounds.” Not to Krauthammer, but surely to the Patriot Fathers. The Krauthammer superstate would be a betrayal of everything for which the Republic stood. In a rebuttal piece titled “America First -- and Second, and Third,” I wrote that Krauthammer’s vision was un-American, and failed “the most fundamental test of any foreign policy: Americans will not fight for it.” A nation’s purpose, I added, is to be “discovered not by consulting ideologies, but by reviewing its history, by searching the hearts of its people.” Urging adoption of a policy of “enlightened nationalism,” I wrote [that we should pursue] “total withdrawal of US troops from Europe.”
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.325 Oct 9, 1999

New World Order ties down US without vital interests
[With the collapse of the USSR], all that America had ever sought had come to pass. Yet rather than seize the opportunity to pull up our “trip wires” around the world and shed unwanted commitments -- to recapture our freedom of action and restore a traditional foreign policy -- internationalists joined with globalists to tie down America like Gulliver in some “New World Order” where US wealth and power would be put at the service of causes having nothing to do with the vital interests of the US.
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.327 Oct 9, 1999

Soldiers volunteer to defend US, not UN
The men and women of the US military volunteer to defend America -- its honor, citizens, and vital interests -- not to serve as Hessians of a New World Order. Not every beast needs to be hunted down and killed; some are best left alone to live and die in their part of the forest. No “world community” can ever replace the patria. Ultimately, men fight and die for the “ashes of their fathers and the temples of their gods”, not some New World Order. Who would give his life--for the United Nations?
Source: “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.362 Oct 9, 1999

Expand defense budget for expanded global commitments
Under Clinton-Gore, our global commitments have expanded, but our defenses have declined. A Buchanan Administration will restore funding to our hollowed forces, honor to our ranks, and safety to our shores. We will not splinter our strength by committing American forces where no vital national interests are at stake, and will reclaim international credibility by establishing a clear, consistent foreign policy that keeps our interests first, our forces strong, and our nation secure.
Source: www.GoPatGo.org/ “Issues: Rebuilding Military” Jun 12, 1999

America must retrench and rearm
We cannot police the planet on a defense budget of 3% of GDP, and unless America is prepared to restore our military might, we cannot contain a rearmed Russia, patrol the Balkans, roll back a second Iraqi attack on Kuwait, repel North Korea, and prevent another of Beijing’s bullying assaults on Taiwan. America must retrench and rearm. We must reclaim American invincibility on land, sea and air, and complete the Reagan legacy by deploying a missile defense system.
Source: www.GoPatGo.org/ “Issues: Rebuilding Military” Jun 12, 1999

Pay soldiers more; end “social labs”; exit Balkans
We will rebuild America’s military might and pay our soldiers a livable wage. I will stop the Clinton practice of treating the armed forces as social laboratories for experiments by aging ‘60’s radicals. The absurd Clinton-Gore policy that wastes $10 billion policing the Balkans, but cannot spare a dime to keep Communist China from encroaching on the Panama Canal, will be ended.
Source: www.gopatgo2000.com/000-c-foreignpolicy.html 5/28/99 May 28, 1999

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2005, 06:59:14 AM »

peace and hotep,

Mel Gibson's triumph

Posted: March 3, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Patrick J. Buchanan

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

On coming away from a first, full viewing of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ," among the questions that came to mind was: What in heaven's name was all the howling about?

For the all-powerful impression this emotionally draining film leaves one with is that this is what the Son of God went through for our sins and our salvation. Those who called "The Passion" anti-Semitic without seeing it, who tried to censor it and keep it out of theaters, and who trashed it as pornographic as soon as it appeared on Ash Wednesday have made perfect fools of themselves.

For Catholics, this first week of Lent was a decidedly mixed one. The magnitude of the scandal of pedophile and pervert-priests, now fully documented, testifies that Pope Paul VI was right when he warned, post Vatican II, that the smoke of Hell had entered the vestibule of the Church.

But Gibson's "Passion" gives us a Lenten masterpiece, a beautiful moving work of art. To cradle Catholics who can recite the lines of each episode before they are uttered, it is faithful to the Gospels, to the Stations of the Cross, to the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

But what you come out of this film with depends on what you took in. If you are looking for evidence of Jewish villainy, you can find it in Caiphas, the sinister high priest of the Sanhedrin who was the driving force in the mob's demand for the crucifixion and death of Jesus. And in the pathetic figure of Judas the betrayer. But almost all the heroines and heroes are also Jews.

For this is, after all, a Jewish and Roman story, though Caiphas appears as a cartoon villain alongside Pilate, the more interesting figure. For Pilate is gripped by a moral dilemma, and takes the weakling's way out, ordering Christ crucified – though he believes Christ to be innocent.

But the gleeful sadistic brutality of the Roman soldiers who scourge Christ near to death and to their own sweaty exhaustion, and to the disgust of their centurion, is more memorable and indelible. Yet no one has suggested the film is anti-Roman or anti-Italian.

Every Easter, Christians have had the passion of Christ read to them from pulpits. Yet, never has there been a pogrom in America. Why in heaven's name, then, all this hysteria about pogroms by Christians who might see a filmed representation of the passion of Christ?

Which brings us to the heart of the matter: Mel Gibson is under attack not because he twisted the Gospels but because his film is faithful to the Gospels. It is anti-Semitic only if the Gospels are anti-Semitic, only if Christianity is anti-Semitic, only if a hatred of Jews is embedded in the New Testament from Gethsemane to Golgotha. But no true follower of Christ can believe that about Him or about His mission or His words.

Indeed, in the savagery of the attacks on Gibson what is coming out of the closet is a visceral hatred of Christianity.

Consider: Art critics have instructed us to appreciate that the "Piss Christ," a figurine of Jesus on the Cross in a jar or urine, was art; that a portrait of the Madonna with elephant dung smeared on it and female genitalia surrounding the face is artistic freedom of expression that must be respected.

We were told "The Last Temptation of Christ," that portrayed Jesus as a lustful wimp pining over Mary Magdalene, was a beautiful film. Yet the same critics tell us "The Passion" is an insult to decency that should never have been made.

Now, it seems, comes payback time. Apparently, Hollywood, that bastion of artistic freedom where the First Amendment is the First Commandment, intends to blacklist Gibson.

Writes the New York Times' Sharon Waxman: "Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, the principals of DreamWorks, have privately expressed anger over the film, said an executive close to the two men. ... The chairmen of two other major studios said they would avoid working with Mr. Gibson because of 'The Passion of the Christ.' ...

"'I won't hire him. I won't support anything he's part of. Personally that's all I can do,' said one of the chairmen."

What we see here is naked hypocrisy. Traditional Christians must accept "art" that degrades the symbols of their Faith in the name of artistic freedom, but a film that upholds the Faith, to which the Hollywood elite objects, will cost you your career.

Gibson has scored a triumph in the culture war by telling The Greatest Story Ever Told with artistry and courage, while under a year-long attack by enemies whose hatred of the Gospel truths caused them to stumble and blunder themselves into laughable absurdity.

And there is an ancillary benefit. Because of the over-the-top attacks on Gibson, millions who see "The Passion" will also come to see the slur of "anti-Semite!" for what it has all too often become, an attempt to smear, silence, intimidate, ostracize and blacklist.


SPECIAL OFFER: Pat Buchanan's book, "The Death of the West," an eye-opening exposé of how immigration invasions are endangering America, is now available at HALF-PRICE from WorldNetDaily's online store! Autographed edition also available!


Patrick J. Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of the new magazine, The American Conservative. Now a political analyst for MSNBC and a syndicated columnist, he served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national television shows, and is the author of seven books.

freedomisahapislave Lips Sealed 2
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2005, 05:37:32 PM »

peace and hotep,

http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oz.htm  Lips Sealed 2

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2005, 09:23:20 PM »

mannish dogs and cuddly pussycats *LINK*

Posted By: seshatasefekht
Date: Thursday, 11 August 2005, at 2:28 p.m.

In Response To: Why do black Rastamen date white women? (Peaceangel)

peace and hotep,

anglo piece,

why must we feel like that
why must we chase we chase the cat
(especially those 'white'pussy cats)
i guess it is just the dog in us.

they say of war that to the victor goes the spoils of war. raping and pillaging are the acts of war. as you know, there is a war going on and first the victor rapes and pillage. then after the natives have been subdued, the victor offers the remnants of men(the unmanned aspiring to be mannish dogs)his sloppy seconds from the female cats who remain in exchange for loyalty to its new masters. the dog is given one rule: never bite the hand of your master. never offend your master.

the master says,"i know that you like a little pussycat and it is a good thing that you continue breeding those little mongrel catdog things withe that dirty non'white'pussy. they will become excellant workers like you, dog. you can have that cause i done had that but since i am really "gay" i can't handle that. it takes a real dog to handle that dirty pussycat. what's so 'sloppy' about 'seconds' if it was yours in the first place. i let you have that pussycat, remember that and remember this: that 'white'pussy up there on that pedestal on my porch. you see it there. that clean pussycat up yonder between my pictures of "god" and jesus. now that there pussycat i reserving for myself. it will serve for those times i find myself entertaining company or when get one of those uncommon urges to become "straight" like when i think about how mister happy would be if he could handle that nappy dugout cat that i tossed to you. but even if i toss that 'white'pussycat out don't you dare touch it. i will spay her and neuter you (even more). you know i like you, dog and if you don't act mannish around me, everything will be copacetic for me. i can admire a 'tricky' dick nixon but there is nothing sadder than a 'broke' dick nixon, dog. "

dog never talked much. it was mostly a thinker. it spent most of its time thinking about the intricacies of the cosmos like 'who put this thing together. me, thats who', 'where in the hell are my bones at', 'i can p there', 'this shade tree is cooler than lying under that old car','you dogs better keep steppin', 'i am top dog', 'all of these pussies are mine', 'no, i am not you daddy', 'one day i am going to get the 'white'pussycat', 'this yard looks like crap', 'oh, that is crap'...........

the dirty pussycats grew accustomed to nearly all of the ways of the dog. if they did not like it dog would just leave withe bones and all. dog would think, 'funk them they ain't crap, one day i am getting 'white'pussycats and i will show them what it means to be loved. but enduringly, the non'white'pussies never knowing what love was believe that they loved the dog.

'he is finer than our gay master', they would sing, 'but he could never look like jesus,.... yes lord'. over time they enjoyed being chase, peed on, and the mother of the dogs mongrel and bastard offspring who grew up to become the splitting images of their disfunctional progenitors.

what happened to make the master lose interest in his 'white' bitches we will never know for certain. some speculated that they bothe came out of the closet, other said that only he did, some said that she became to de-manning, others said that she could not shake an addiction to me so horny tunes and that she just jumped off of her pedestal between god and jesus and began a life of chasing stray dogs and free lap dances withe her skinny........but... nothing could best serve a dog's hearts discontent than more sloppy seconds from his masters table.

'free at last, free at last. 'white' pussycat is free at last. i am going to lose my mind up in here, up in here.. ',dog thought, 'and white heaven must be missing an anglo. i have waited all of my life for some cuddly pussycat. a pussycat who will love me for me:

Just to be close to you girl
Just for a moment, well just for an hour
Just to be close to you girl
Oh well ah baby aw

You know I've been thru so many changes in my life girl
Aw I've been up real high where I thought I didn't need anybody
Aw and then again I've been down real low where
There was no one in my life who needed me
Aw and I found that material things I thought had so much value
Aw girl didn't really have any value at all

There was a lonely man
A man with no direction, with no purpose
With no one to love and no one to love me for, for me
Aw girl then you, then you came into my life
You made my jagged edges smooth
You made my direction so clear and you aw woman
You became my purpose my reason for livin' girl

You see you're my heart, you're soul
You're my stone inspiration
Baby oh that's why I'm standin' here singin'
And opening my arms to you
I wanna say child why don't you
Take my hand and we'll live in love forever
Yeah take my hand ooh, we'll be alone you and me yeah-------the mannish dogs

the non'white'pussycats could only think, "SELL OUT.

we will assessed our lives and managed to pull ourselves together, stop raising mannish boys and cuddly pussycats. start raising what it would take to destroy our victors house and reclaim our positive ancestral attributes by ridding ourselves of broke 'dick' nixon dogs.

because it is best if mannish dogs chase its master's pussycat. just leave our pussies alone.

enough of want-to-be man dogs.
we can make man in our own image rather than the masters image."

withe the aid of strong dogs and cats, the nation was on the rise once more withe the exception of a few mannish dogs and cuddly cats who persisted in their own trivial pursuits of carnal pleasure. most ended up withe assault, drug, theft, rape, and even murder charges/convictions. some times after biting the hand the hand they would run to us for forgiveness and reconciliation. other times you might catch one breaking in in order to comfort that 'white'pussycat that they are still clutching onto like a wino clutches its bottle.

the same violence that 'white' males exhibit in the world, that same violence fills their homes. a remedy for his domestic victims(family) is not clinging to and pulling back the non'white' victims of your collective 'white' supremacy(racism). 'white' families who are fed up withe their violence should work amongst yourselves to destroy 'white'ness.



AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2005, 01:09:20 PM »

peace and hotep,

how does one man exert power over another man?
...by making the other man suffer----george orwell, 1984


An interval of four years between celebrations of the Olympic games, by which the ancient greeks reckoned (calculated and figured out  in order to come to terms or settle accounts with) dates.

A celebration of the modern Olympic games.
[Middle English olimias < Latin Olympics < greek olumpias < Olumpios, Olympian < Olumpus, Olympus, a mountain in Greece and fabled abode or home of their gods]

Olympic games

In ancient Greece, a pan HELLenic festival of athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance, first celebrated in 776 b.c. and held every four years until  393 years after the death of jzeus  on the plain of Olympia in honor of the Olympian zeus.


Majestic in manner.
One of the twelve…..major gods inhabiting Olympus.
One of the contestants in the ancient olympdic games.




An adverse judgment or opinion form beforehand or with out knowledge or examination of the facts.

A preconceived preference or idea; bias.

The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions.

Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion.

Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived and unfavorable conviction of another or others.
[Middle English < Old French < Latin praejudicium: prai-, before + judex, judge]


A person who is rigidly devoted to his own group, religion, race or politics and is intolerant (unable or unwilling to endure differences in opinions or beliefs) of those who differ.
[French < Old French]


To make a clear distinction; distinguish; differentiate.

To act on a prejudice.
[Latin discriminare, discriminate- < discrimen, distinction]

Race 1

Mankind as a whole.

A local geographic or global hueman population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.

A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographical distribution.

A plant or animal population that differs from others of the same secies in the frequency of hereditary traits; subspecies.

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.
***[French, generation < Old Italian, razza]***

 Race 2

A competition of speed, as in running or riding.

---races:  a series of such competitions held at a specified time on a regular course.
---a contest or pursuit of SUPREMACY.
---steady or rapid onward movement.
***[Middle English, ras < Old Norse ras]***

Race 3

A root
***[Old French rais, root < Latin radix]***


The notion that one’s own ethnic stock is superior.

Discrimination or prejudice based on notions of superiority.

Homer and Herodotus have written immortal eulogies of the race.  Homer speaks of them as the "blameless Ethiopians" and tells us that it was the Ethiopians alone among mortals whom the Gods selected as a people fit to be lifted to the social level of the Olympian divinities.  Every year, the poet says, the whole Celestial Circle left the summits of Olympus and betook themselves for their holidays to Ethiopia, where, in the enjoyment of Ethiopian hospitality, they sojourned twelve days.-----Marcus Garvey

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2005, 03:53:59 PM »

In Response To: Re: has there ever been a "black supremacy"....... (uplift Iself)

peace and hotep,

uplift iself, when you state:

"if we usin them words and terms and meanins then black n white are opposite", please remember:

'white' people, generally, produce more questions, and more answers, about more things, than all of the 'black' and/or non'white' people of the known universe combined.

in the process of producing many questions and many answers, great numbers of 'white' people discovered that they had learned more, and knew more, about more different things, than all of the 'black' and/or non'white' people of the known universe combined.

in the process of learning, many 'white' people discovered that when they had sexual intercourse withe 'black' people, any off-spring produced were usually not a nearer 'like'ness of themselves. the off-spring were 'non'white in appearance, and/or "classification", most of the time.

being, collectively, 'smarter' than 'black' people, being incapable of producing 'white' off-spring through sexual intercourse withe them, and "fearing" the ability of black people to produce people of all "colors" as well as the "non-color" {'white'}, many 'white' people decided to SUBJUGATE 'black' people--- using "color" as a basis, or "reason".

the subjugation of people based on color, and/or, by using factors "associated withe" color, has resulted in the establishment, maintenance, expansion, and ofttimes refinement of the greatest and most effective form of injustice in the known universe.

this injustice is ofttimes referred to as RACISM, and more specifically reffered to as "white supremacy".

in the process of making non'white' people subject to them, those 'white' persons who participate in the practice of WHITE SUPREMACY do so through the greatest and most sophisticated use of deceit, direct violence and/or the threat of violence, ever devised by people, among the people of the known universe.

WHITE SUPREMACY (RACISM) is now the dominant socio-material force among the people of the known universe. No major problem(s) in the areas of Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, RELIGION, Sex or War can be solved as long as 'white' supremacy exists."-----neely fuller jr


AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2005, 03:55:55 PM »

In Response To: Re: has there ever been a "black supremacy"....... (uplift Iself)

peace and hotep,

uplift iself,

"do not call people 'human beings'.
do not speak of any person as being a 'human'

for a person to be a 'human' being, he or she must think, speak, and act 'humanely' at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity.

in order for a person to think, speak and act 'humanely' at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity, he or she must think, speak and act to find, REVEAL and use, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity. these areas of activity must include all aspects of Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

this means that a person, in order to be a HUMAN BEING, must not promote falsehood, injustice or incorrectness, at any time, in any place, in any area of activity.


'human' beings do not now exist in the known universe.


for now i will continue to "call it hueman".


AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2005, 03:58:05 PM »

In Response To: Re: has there ever been a "black supremacy"....... (uplift Iself)

peace and hotep,

uplift iself, ask any person classified as "white" if....black n white are ONLY opposites.

better yet;

" ask any person classified as 'white', and/or 'caucasian', on or more of the following basic questions as pertains to racism [Note: be courteous. it is correct to ask these questions only under circumstances where the 'white' persons involved have agreed to openly discuss all aspects of racism withe you, including their own relationship to racists practices]:

1. do you know and understand the basic characteristics of a racist(white supremacist), as regards how he or she functions in each and every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War?

2. Are you now, or have you ever been a racist?

3. are you now, willfully, deliberately, and by personal choice, maintaining comradeship withe any person who you have reason to believe is a racist (white supremacist)?

4. what are you doing now, and what have you ever done, willfully and deliberately, to eliminate racism (white supremacy)?

5. what suggestions do you now offer to the victims of racism (non'white' people) as to what they, themselves, may, can and/or must, do to insure that racism (white supremacy) is immediately eliminated and/or the victims compensated? -----neely fuller jr


AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2005, 09:48:35 PM »

" ask any person classified as 'white', and/or 'caucasian', on or more of the following basic questions as pertains to racism [Note: be courteous. it is correct to ask these questions only under circumstances where the 'white' persons involved have agreed to openly discuss all aspects of racism withe you, including their own relationship to racists practices]:

1. do you know and understand the basic characteristics of a racist(white supremacist), as regards how he or she functions in each and every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War?

2. Are you now, or have you ever been a racist?

3. are you now, willfully, deliberately, and by personal choice, maintaining comradeship withe any person who you have reason to believe is a racist (white supremacist)?

4. what are you doing now, and what have you ever done, willfully and deliberately, to eliminate racism (white supremacy)?

5. what suggestions do you now offer to the victims of racism (non'white' people) as to what they, themselves, may, can and/or must, do to insure that racism (white supremacy) is immediately eliminated and/or the victims compensated? "----neely fuller jr

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #43 on: October 23, 2005, 09:51:15 PM »

speak and act to oppose the belief that 'white' supremacy (racism) is "God's religion", or is a part of, "God's religion".


it has been said that "God made white people for the purpose of serving God, and God made black people for the purpose of serving white people".

this could be true. there is much to indicate that it is true.

if true, however, there is much to indicate that the smartest and most powerful white people have chosen NOT to "serve God". there is much to indicate that the smartest and most powerful white people [White Supremacist] have chosen to subvert, and/or replace God. they have, apparently, chosen to "make" themselves "God". it is unfortunate, non-just, and incorrect for the smartest, and most powerful of the people of the known universe to have organized themselves into a "race".

not all white people, presumably, are members of a race, but, apparently, those who are smarter, and, therefore, more powerful, do function [by choice] as race members [Racists/White Supremacists]. they have made Racism their "religion". they have made Racism into the most powerful "religion" among the people of the known universe, and made themselves the "God" of that "religion".

to confuse their victims, they have disguised their practice of Racism by using the names and titles of many other religions and social concepts. this has helped them to refine their subjugation and abuse of their victims.

they have chose to have non'white' people "worship" them for being "white" and supreme. they have attempted to make God and White Supremacy one and the same. they have done all this for no ultimate purpose than to "glorify" White Supremacists (Racists).

the basic speech and action of a Racist (White Supremacist) is only for the purpose of promoting falsehood, non-justice, and incorrectness as the funtional foundation for Racism (White Supremacy).

the Racists are masterfully skilled in the use of deceit and direct violence.

it is reasonable to believe that Racism does not serve God. also, there is no reason to believe that a person can be a Racist, and serve God, AT THE SAME TIME.

if Racism does not serve the purpose(s) of the Creator [God], then it is the DUTY of the victims of Racism [non'white' people], as well as the duty of those white people who are NOT Racist, to speak and act to eliminate Racism. it is also the duty of those white persons who are Racists, to stop being Racist.

if these duties are performed, conditions will then be better for the Creator's [God's] purposes to be served.

the value of any "religion" should be determined by how it affects people in the way that they relate to each other, as well as all that is in the universe.

people who have great power were "given" the means and ability to develop that power, if people who have great power use that power to mistreat people, the have, by so doing, destroyed their reason for HAVING that power. it is then the duty of those persons who have been mistreated to persuade those persons who have been misusing that power. it is the duty of the mistreated persons to cause these powerful persons to be separate from their power. in causing this separation from power, it is correct for the mistreated to use correct social force and/or correct counter-violence.

the correct purpose for producing, receiving, or sharing knowledge, and/or power, is to reveal truth, and to use truth in a manner that produces justice and correctness----in order to produce "peace".

no people should do other than this. no people should BE ALLOWED to do other than this.------neely fuller jr

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #44 on: October 23, 2005, 09:53:44 PM »

do not "argue" about, and/or speak against any religion, except the "religion" of
White Supremacy(Racism).

be willing to explain to others everything that your religion requires you to do, and not do, or say and not say, as pertains to every area of activity----including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

when "religious matters" are presented to you by others, explain you religion to them, and ask them to explain their religion to you. ask them to explain what tjeor religion requires them to do and say, and/or not do and say, in all areas of activity----including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

speak and act in such manner that there is no "conflict" between your "religion" and your "politics".


to the extent that any religion is, in any way, involved with people, that religion is "political".

"politics" is nothing more, nor nothing less, than "people relations".

any relationship(s), in any area of activity, between one person, and any other person, is "politics".

the only way that a "religious person" con avoid bing involved in "politics" is for that person, to not have anything to do with any other person, at any time, in any place, in any area of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, sex, and/or war.

do not assume that a person who says that he or she is a "Christian", a "Jew", a "Muslim", a "Buddhist", [a "Rastafarian], etc is one.

do not assume that a person who says that he or she is a "Christian", a "Jew", a "Muslim", a "Buddhist", [a "Rastafarian], etc is one ALL OF THE TIME.


a person who calls him or her self a "Christian", may, or may not, BE a "Christian".

a person who calls him or her self a "Muslim", may, or may not, be a "Muslim" ALL of the time.

a person who calls him or her self a "Jew", may, or may not, be a "Jew" MOST of the time.

a person who calls him or her self a "Buddhist", may, or may not, be a "Buddhist" SOME of the time.

a person who calls him or her self a "Christian", may, or may not, call him or her self a "sinner". he or she may, or may not, call him or herself a "sinner" at the SAME time that he or she calls him or her self a "Christian".

a white person may, or may not, call him or her self a "Jew", while, at the same time, he or she may, or may not. be practicing White Supremacy(Racism).

a non-white person may, or may not, call him or her self a "Jew", while, at the SAME time, he or she FUNCTIONS as a victim of White Supremacy.

a person -- ANY person-- may, or may not call him, or her self a "Christian", "Jew", "Buddhist", "Muslim", etc..., and, at the same time, BE none of them.

a person may call him or her self a "Christian" at time, a "Jew" at another time, and a "Muslim" at another time. that SAME person may, or may not, have been ANY of them, at ANY time.

a non'white person may, or may not, function as a "Pluralist" SOME of the time, and may, or may not, function as a "Jew", or a "Christian", at other times.

a non'white' person may, or may not, function as a "Pluralist" at the same time that he or she is a Victim of Racism--- but his or her practice of "Pluralism" MUST be in resistance to Racism, while subject to Racism(White Supremacy).

in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists(Racists) ALL non'white' people are Victims of Racism regardless of the "religion" they say that they practice, or attempt to practice.

White Supremacy is a "religion". it is an extremely powerful and exclusive "religion". it is so powerful, and so exclusive, that any person who practices White Supremacy (Racism) cannot, at the same time, practice ANY other "religion". White Supremacists do, however, use DECEIT as a basic tool of the "religion" of Racism that they practice. within the function of White Supremacy this deceit is "religious" deception.

thus, a white person may ofttimes PRETEND to be a "Christian", a "Jew", [a "Rastafarian"], etc.., while actually PRACTICING the "religion" of White Supremacy(Racism). it is therefore difficult, and ofttimes dangerous, for any NON'white' person to assume that a person--- particularly a white person--is a "Buddhist", a "Christian", a "Jew", a "Pluralist", etc.., simply because that person SAYS that he or she is.



-----neely fuller jr

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