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Author Topic: Confused  (Read 22909 times)
Posts: 2

« on: August 07, 2006, 09:31:07 PM »

I am confused about life right now and need some advice I am 17yrs old and I started reading this book suggested to me by my friend it is called Metu Netter vol.2 by Ra UN Neffer Amen.

I started to get a scope of the message the book was sending to me and understood how important it is to become my true self but i need guidance as there is allot in the book that I still don’t understand like how waking up and sleeping at certain times or becoming a vegetarian will help me achieve my this?

Thanks for your time

p.s. do you think I am to young to into this yet?
Posts: 1788


« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 02:51:10 AM »

Greetings mcruz,

You are not too young to start the process of becoming more informed.

The attitudes that people are socialized into are filled with a lot of misconceptions and poorly thought-out ideas. These poor attitudes are very damaging as they are linked to social abuses and injustice. As such, it is in an individual's best interest to evolve towards better understandings of themselves and their environment. Addressing issues such as race, color, gender and class are important in people working on their negative socialization and reaching a higher understanding of SELF.

Although I am a vegetarian, I do not recommend to people that they become vegetarians, as each person should do what they feel is best for them at that point in time. When individuals make strong movements to connect with their essence, they will be receive signals that will help guide them as to what is in their best interest at that point in time. As a person develops and evolves so does their internal regulatory system.

Do not be discouraged by what you do not understand in the book. When reading books, not everything will make sense, and not everything will be sense anyways. Accessing different perspectives will put you in a much better position to CRITICALLY ASSESS the information that you access and to make sense of what is the best way forward. Feel free to ask further questions on various issues.

Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 07:10:01 AM »

Thank you for the reply Tyehimba,

I feel as thought I need someone to guide me and wanted to know if any one could help me I live in London and I although I know a lot of people from my country Angola and from other parts of Africa I know of none that study spirituality through a African religious tradition and so I have no one to study the book with.

You see I am very interested in this because at several times in my young life I have seen my uncles and aunts taking my mum into a room where they would sit down and offer her food and wine and talk to her as if they were talking to somebody else, they never let me stay in the room and one of my older cousins said that they were talking to my great-grandmother because there was something bad happening within the family, I don’t really know much about it as no one really tells me anything.

Posts: 5

« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 08:31:24 PM »

Greetings mcruz i say i hear where u are coming from.
I was in a similar position once and wondered what do i really want to know?
I then decided to look for truth and that made life easier. I haven't read that particular book and i do also live in London and would be happy to dispense what i know.
Junior Member
Posts: 118

Orisa Priest in Training

« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 12:56:37 PM »

I began my journey as a pre-teen. Take your time, apply what you understand. If you know it commit to it, if you dont understand it, dont panic. Find an elder/teacher. (this is very important) Take your time finding one. It may take a minute. Learn how to breathe. Learn how to control your stress. Learn how to live w/ lots of music and noise in the background. These simple suggestions will help you along the way. Everything else will fall into place so long as you are honest, brave and diligent.

Truth is inside of you. It wont be as far a journey as you think.

When we have the determination to restrain our lower desires, the door is opened for us to fulfill our highest aspirations.
Posts: 26

« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 10:22:07 AM »


I am from angola to and my family have similar practices and It would be no problems for me to explain brother as I have asked and learned why we do these things.
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2007, 11:56:44 PM »

 dont worry, i came out of christ insanity and catholicism,rejected both craziness, and decided to follow the ancestral path.make sure when  when u finda priestthat he is of afrikan desedant,dont get intiated by krakkkozoids Beam
Posts: 13

« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2007, 01:07:21 AM »

Hey, I'm 16. I started reading books on spirituality at around 14 and I'm going through the same things as you right now. If you believe in a universal source, then ask for guidance humbly and it will come to you. Cool You don't need religion to access your spirit. You don't really need a spiritual leader, but whatever floats your boat. You have whatever it is you're looking for in you, you just gotta 'tune into it'. As some say, you're not a human being having a spiritual experience, you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Most spirituality books will talk about the same things: forgiving others, becoming detached from material/earthly things and emotions, letting go of the ego, go out in nature, meditate, surrending to It (God, the Goddess, Him, Her, the Tao, the Universal Creator), trusting it, being silent enough to listen to your instinct, being humble, stuff like that. My advice is to breathe, chillax, shuffle your schedule to give yourself a couple hours, and meditate or pray to whatever you believe in for answers in a quiet, relaxed environment. But you have to keep in mind that the best you can do at all times is to just be a good person to everyone.
As for the vegetarian thing... it's great to go to a veggie restaurant every now and then for me. Jamaican spicy food is so invigorating!
 But, you don't have to avoid meat. As a growing girl, you need your nutrition and if you're more comfortable with meat, by all means, go ahead. Just start transitioning to healthier, nutritious food as you move away from junk/excessively processed food. If you eat nothing but watermelon for 2 days, McDonald's will taste DISGUSTING. I wasn't surprised, but I was surprised. You know?
Posts: 99

« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2007, 08:50:33 PM »

Vegetarianism will help to clear up certain earthly cravings (Mainly for death. Eat live foods, animals excluded.) and the proper mediation/prayer times will accentuate your attempts at spiritual cleansing. The Total Force is more... available ... in the wee hours.
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