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Author Topic: MELANIN; The Genetic Key to Humanity, Life, Spirituality, Our past & Our Future  (Read 202788 times)
Posts: 4

« on: December 31, 2006, 03:55:12 PM »

MELANIN: The Genetic key to our Humanity, Suffering, Greatness, Liberation, and Future.

The greatest mistake our race has committed, and the cause of our decline, and suffering was to humanly welcome different barbaric people into our home land, presently called Africa- mainly the cold Euro-asians and the Arabs nomads.
These people without civilization nor culture, still barbaric and cannibals, and having as their natural habitat the cold hills and caves of the Caucasian region, were taken out of their primitive condition by our ancestor and were taught not only science and basic human sanitation but also simple things such as;

-Women are precious and should not be enslaved nor treated badly,

-The old people, which lived with them in the same cave, were not to be eaten or maltreated.(1)

-Fire was not god but an element created by God; Because of their natural cold and hostile environment, and lack of spiritual nature, they developed materialistic religion or mythology, and saw fire as a savior, deliverer from the cold (2)

This natural and innate love for nature and humanity that Afrikan people have, has contributed, and still contributes to our downfall and enslavement. We haven’t learnt yet that not all people are our friends nor that all people have the true sense and patterns of humanity. This includes some of our own brothers and sisters; Uncle Toms and Sell Outs. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Indeed there are a lot of differences between Afrikans, the original people, and other people of this world, mainly the whites (Euro-beasts). When JAH created the earth only one race was present, and that is the Afrikan race.

The rest of the world’s population are the product of our existence, they were Afrikan first but then mutated into their present state, losing all their natural and god-like features that The Creator put upon us; JAH did indeed create (afrikan) man and woman in His own Likeness and image.

One of our most prominent scholar, Dr. Richard King, who has dedicated his life in studying all the differences between blacks and whites, above all melanin, states that:

”The black man and white man are distinctly separated and unequal. There is a state of war between the two races that spans thousand of years and has extinct billions of lives. Seldom has this planet witnessed a confrontation, a war of such dimension.

It is a true example of total war, that is at times subtle or overt, mental or physical. It is warfare raging through every form of human expression from art to politics and religion. No safe ground exists, no neutral territory, no fence to straddle, all of us are involved.

The confrontation between blacks and whites is a total war for survival. Without a doubt, the meaning of black vs. white confrontation must be understood by every human if we are not to be severely crippled, consumed or destroyed.”
( 3 )

To Understand this fight we have to first of all know all the differences existing between Afrikans and whites. Surprisingly when talking about all the differences, white scholars tend to hide the truth and mislead the people.

Above all, the less talked about difference existing between the original people and the mutants is the existence in excellence in the Afrikan of an enormous amount of a chemical and life substance called Melanin.

The word melanin derives from the Greek word melanos, meaning BLACK

We Afrikans, with our distinct racial features -blackness, curly hair, broad nose, thick lips, etc.- are really blessed with greatest gift from nature. The source of all this beauty is this precious life and chemical substance; Melanin.

But yet again, due to the existence of a war in all aspects of our lives that Dr. king stated, its definition, interpretations and functions varies when being discussed or written by whites scholars.

I am not an expert on the subject, I only started learning about melanin less than 15 months ago, but I hope to share what I have learned so far with all members of the Afrikan family. I consider melanin as being the key to our survival, our humanity, our greatness and civilization, our spirituality, and indeed the key to our total liberation.

In Afrikan cosmology, the fundamental purpose of life is to preserve the intrisinct order and sustain the synchronistic harmony of the universal cosmos. This includes searching and showing the truth to people that are unaware of it. That is exactly my objective.

My intention is to write this essay from a Pan-Afrikan perspective; it is not my intention to valorize our position as Afrikans and degrade other people. What is true has to be said, and only truth sets an individual free. As Afrikan people are still in bondage, mentally above all, I hope that this essay will enlighten our people, empower and give them the initiative to search for more truth and take the path towards the total and unconditional liberation of all Afrikan people and land world-wide.

I chose to write about melanin because I feel that the majority of our people are dormant and do not see the truth and reality that is being hidden to them by the Caucasians.

We tend to easily fall into white people’s trap and contend ourselves accepting their simple definition about important issues that affect our lives, the same being the case with melanin. Their interpretation of melanin is as of it being the agent having as its main activity pigmenting our skin, and nothing else.

It is true; of course it does give us skin pigmentation, but it is not its only or main activity. The pigmentation is just one of the simplest task it does, the most relevant task are never mentioned, with fear of awakening and empowering Afrikans. As one of the former American president once said “the awakening and rise of the Afrikan is the decline and doom of the white man.”

But what is melanin after all? There is not a clear universal definition for it, but its function are universally known. It is a very and highly complex chemical structure/molecule which is from brown to most often black in color. It is black to allow its chemical structure to obtain, retain, store, and generate light and sound Energy once it contacts the molecule. This light and sound energy permits the Afrikan to have a higher level of perception and gives him the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. To what extent melanin advantages the Afrikan will not easily be understood, but I am going to outline a few of the more known facts.

Why is it complex? Because as ever present as it is and as a life giver, it can not be analyzed, can not be broken apart, nor can it be fingerprinted; it is still a mystery to modern scientists. Our body is totally the replica of the universe, every single chemical present in this earth can also be found in our bodies. Melanin is also present in all corners of the nature.

The galaxies, the sea, the soil and food, and the womb of our mothers all manifest the presence of this complex chemical substance. Melanin is also present in our internal system and in all parts of our body; hearts, livers, muscles, nerves, intestines, and 12 locations in our brain. It is indeed our mothers who give us melanin once we are still in the womb.

Melanin is the substance responsible for our existence. It is a healer, a "drug" and organizer of major body functions; melanin is a system unto itself. It is present in both sperm and egg and it supervises the growth of the developing fetus. (Browder, 1989, p.91)

When the whites mutated into their present conditions, they grew a bony substance, calcium, on their pineal gland*, thus, restricting them to a very minimum amount, if any, of melanin, and making their pineal gland non functional. Melanin is what makes people human, it connects people with the creative forces of the universe.

Among Eurasians, only a very slight percentage of them are able to produce melanin, well less than 15 per cent. Their only visible melanin is the one existing in their internal system, hair and eyes- in some of them. It is now scientifically proven that out of an Afrikan eye, there can be made over 20 Caucasian eyes. Whites, and sometimes Albinos, are also the most likely people to have melanosis.!

All individuals having melanin in excellence, are blessed with the following capabilities:

1- The ability to reach higher level of performance; as melanin enhances the entire efficiency of our being,

2- The ability to maintain high energy level, in adverse condition. Melanin has the potential to transform solar energy, electro-magnetic energy, electricity, microwaves, music/sound waves, radar, waves, radio TV waves, thermal waves X-rays, cosmic rays, and U.V light; into kinetic energy (energy we derive from food for things like growth and bodily repairs), without the need to eat,

3- The ability to relieve the brain from its responsibility of bodily coordination; as melanin can also supervise physiological functions without the need to report to the brain. As bodily impulse can be supervised by any concentration of melanin, present in the body, this brings about two things. Firstly, there is the acceleration of our bodily responses and reflects, against stimuli. And secondly, there is the heightening of the brain’s faculties to concentrate further on intellectual, emotional and Spiritual matters,

4- The ability to delay the aging process, and protect us from the development of skin cancer. The reflection of melanin in our skins, protects us from the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. Melanin absorbs the UV rays, and converts this energy into melanin,

5- Melanin has the miraculous ability to duplicate itself. This is the first chemical which can capture light to reproduce itself. It also can duplicate itself even when the necessary energy sources are unavailable,

Melanin is also what gives us intelligence. Ancients Afrikan mastered the universe to a very high level, they discovered that we, Afrikans, had an innate intelligence that could be measured as being equal to the geometrical angle of the earth = 360 degrees. They developed this intelligence in institutions such as the Mysteries Schools in Khamit (Egypt) and Nubia.
When Khamit was invaded, the Europeans destroyed all these schools and brought most of the materials to Greece. Among Eurasians, the people with most intelligence and higher level of perception and spirituality are members of wicked secret societies such as; the Illuminati, and the Freemasons. Out of the 360 degrees{} that the Afrikans developed in their mysteries school, they (the illuminati/freemason) only managed to obtain 32 degrees. Their brain has limited capacity to store intelligence.

Melanin, the Environment, the cosmos, and science.

White people know all about melanin and what greatness it can produce. They feel as if it was a danger to them. If God is omnipotent, then melanin also has a mighty and unlimited power. It is hereditary and its power never vanish. If our ancestors had this greatness in their genes then we, as their descendant, also have. All of our ancestors’ natural ingenuity and greatness is still dormant in the genes of Afrikans. Hopefully, with knowledge of self and melanin it will be manifested in the near future.

Afrikans have, always viewed the sun as a life giver and a manifestation of god. It as been to us the oldest and natural object o worship. No wonder why the first day of the week was called Sunday, Sun Day. But to other people the sun means death. When the Greek first came to our homeland they called us Aithiopians, meaning the sun burnt people. They knew that we had a special relationship with the sun.

Our natural habitat is and has always been a sunny and warm environment. Cold western environment gives Afrikan people depression. When it is cold a lot of us feel depressed without knowing why. But it is a simple fact; the melanin inside us is manifesting its disapproval of the cold weather. In contrary, Europeans, even if they like summertime to tan themselves, consider the sun as being their worst and natural enemy.

There is a connection between the sun, melanin and some illnesses such as skin cancer, herpes, AIDS, etc. Pale people are the most vulnerable to skin diseases, because of their lack of enough melanin to protect them from the harmful sun rays. Our body, as said earlier, has all the element present in this nature. So when we are wounded or ill and go to the doctor, he does not heal us, the melanin does. The medicines that we take only helps to create the ecology necessary for the body to heal itself, with the help of melanin and many other natrual substances that are found in our bodies.

All these advantages that we can get from melanin can sometimes be no-functional. That is in case we have bad sleeping habit; bad eating habit (Normally we shouldn’t be eating too late, when the pineal gland is producing the melanin. If we have to eat then it better be something light); skin bleaching; relaxing and destroying our hair; exposure to bad, intoxicated, and cold environment, etc.

AIDS, and some Narcotic related diseases present in the Afrikan community world-wide are being said to be white man’s invention. The AIDS and Herpes viruses are activated by ultra-violet light. The composition of drugs such as heroin and crack, which are all man made drugs of course, and of the Herpes and AIDS viruses, has an element very related to melanin; so once they meet they bound, forming a very strong unbreakable alliance.

The image of the cosmos is black; the color black represents life. It holds thousands and thousands of information. It serves as a video camera to record information. Every single information is stored in the cosmos. These information sometimes we receive them in forms of light and sound. Around us there is an invisible magnetic force, which helps us obtain better sound and light waves. That’s why we are always in tune with whatever kind of rhythmic or natural sound.

Melanin and Religion/spirituality.

Even our ancestors possessed a great knowledge about melanin; with it they built great Afrikan civilizations, that started on the Nile Valley and later reached the four corners of the continent, and developed different forms of spirituality to a very high level, which later gave birth to the world’s major religions.

This knowledge has been lost through the cultural and military invasion that we have suffered from our Eurasians enemies, and their destruction of Afrikan institutions of knowledge in their 2500 year relentless warfare against anything Afrikan.

Ancient Afrikans understood that melanin never died and that the most important part of the body was the head, <I>where the melanin is produced. Proof of this can be seen on the wrapping of the mummies. Because they understood and believed on a resurrection after death and an internal life, they were cautious on protecting the head of the deceased. (Diop, 1974)

Thanks to it, as melanin never dies, scholars and scientist were also able to examine and study the melanin present in the mummies and other human remains found in other parts of the world. The conclusion helps us to clarify the Nile Valley Civilization as of Afrikan/black origin, and the origin of the humanity- Afrikans/blacks were the first inhabitant of this planet, all other races/people mutated to their present form.

Melanin has a link with religion and spirituality, as our ancestors discovered. Religion is a white man invention. No word has yet been found in any Afrikan language meaning religion. Afrikans communicate with the spiritual world when we sleep. It occurs naturally. It is the same as when we dream. The third eye or pineal gland, (inner eye) is the eye that serves to give us vision, spirituality, dreams, and necromancy. This eye produces on a daily basis an hormone known as melatonin.

When sleeping time approaches, normally between the our of 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 am, the melatonin is released and it serves to bath the brain and create the molecular condition for this communication- inner vision- to take place.

Melanin produces itself in two forms; epidermal melanin, melatona, and neuro-melanin, ceratona. During the night the pineal gland produces melatona and during the day it produces ceratona. The epidenal melanin has as its main function to take care of the skin, including blocking harmful UV rays, transforming solar energy into melanin, and pigmenting other parts of body. The neuro-melanin deals with the human brain and the nervous system, it is the agent responsible for our colored dreams.

The relationship between man and melatonin is certainly nothing new. The revelations of the Bible and Torah were all inspired by people possessing a high amount of melanin.

A person can live a whole week without drinking water, and two weeks without eating. Once there is a food shortage in our internal system the melanin, well known as the soul, activates itself and takes control of the whole system.

YAHUSHUA, the Christ, stayed 40 days without food, That means that, He must have had a very high spirituality, a very powerful soul/melanin to regulates His internal system. This proves that this brother was definitely an Afrikan.

The physical qualities of melanin described above only represent a fraction of its capabilities. In spiritual realm, the scope of melanin is very extended; so extended that its real potential has not been understood yet by man.

Melanin is what makes human beings be god-like, and gain godly spiritual power and consciousness. Perhaps this is the reason ancient Afrikans believed that we are made in God’s image, with the power and ability to live in harmony with nature.

From what we overstand the spiritual dimension of melanin, give us the ability to;

1- Reach higher level of consciousness. Melanin sharpens our psychological awareness, while giving us a deeper overstanding of life,

2- Maintain a humorous disposition. Melanin has a mild sedative effect, keeping us calm and collected; while generating within us compassion for ourselves and others, and helps to keep us in tune with the environment, and music,

3- Naturally intoxicate our senses. Melanin can induce an altered state of consciousness, giving us the sensation of feeling high, without the need for "drugs",

4- Use a larger percentage, of our brain. It is a known fact most people use approximately 5 per cent of their brain; as their thinking is typically concentrated on the left hemisphere of The brain. However with the gift of melanin, we are able to make use of both sides of our hemisphere.

Religion is a man (Eurasian) made institution, and it will never fully liberate Afrikan people. It was made to empower them and to destroy us and it still does. We are the only people who do fight over other people’s institutions and inventions.

We do fight amongst ourselves without knowing why. When the Eurasians came to enslave us, they converted some of us into their different religious and political ideology, and after more than 2000 years, we are still killing ourselves over their corrupted institutions. This legacy can only be broken by knowing ourstory (past) and acquiring knowledge of self, thus, knowledge of melanin.

Why Corrupted institutions? Corrupted, because none of the world’s major religions originated out of Africa; the foundations of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhist, etc., all originated in Africa, most of all in the Nile Valley.

This legacy has gotten into the genes of Afrikans and has kept us in obscurity. Melanin is the key to the greatness of the Nile Valley and the rest of the ancient Afrikan civilization. If the ancient Afrikan overstood it and used it, we better so start using it and empower ourselves and our Afrikan family.

Melanin is indeed the key to our spirituality. Spirituality and organization are the key to our liberation. There are no historical records that document Afrikan people using religion such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., to successfully liberate themselves or to manage to totally defeat their evil slavemaster. (4)

Afrikan spirituality, which has existed ever since we were Created, Started worshiping God, and admiring the beauty and complexity of the universe, is the only key to our survival. Our ancestors mastered the sciences of the cosmos , and spirituality to a level where they were able to shift their shape; change their physical body into an animal one.

Many documented cases of shape shifting in Afrika, Haiti, etc., is the proof that we haven’t lost completely this science yet. With the help of our nature-given gift, melanin -the essence of our existence and humanity- we can awaken our minds and create a liberation fight that will consist of all aspects of our lives, starting with our minds.

Afrikans in Haiti used Afrikan spirituality, ancestral worship, and organization and managed to defeat the evil French slavemasters. France, with Napoleon, was at the time one of the most powerful military force in the world. Their had superior military contingent and mighty weaponry and other war materials.

But they were defeated by a superior force, a force that they did not possess and had never seen before. Afrikans used Pan-Afrikan forms of worship such as Voodoo etc. All this could not have been effective if they did not have the means (melanin) to communicate with the Spiritual world.

(As Rastas we are also familiar with the word Nyabinghi, Which was the name of a legendary Amazon Queen, who was said to have possessed an Ugandian woman named Muhumusa in the 19th century. Muhumusa inspired a Spiritual and Military movement, rebelling against European colonial authorities.)

How do we acquire spiritual consciousness? The black dot, the pineal gland, opens itself and establishes a link with the outer space and spiritual world. But before all this can take place the individual need to satisfy some basic requirement.

Melanin is also present in the genital organisms of the black man and woman. This is the point of departure of our inner breathing, thus, spirituality. When it departs the genitals, it makes few stops before reaching the black dot; below our breast and a few centimeters above our breast.

It goes in a form of a spiral. Our soul and spirit spiral in a form of a serpent. So does the cosmos, the universe, our black hair, etc. A clear example is when we throw something in the water; the object hits the water and it forms a spiral movement. This spiral or serpent like movement of the cosmos and spirituality was well know to ancient Afrikans.

This is what they called kuminaini.! The pharaohs in Khamit/Egypt, always had golden serpent image right in the middle of their forehead, where the black dot is located. We activate our pineal gland (melanin) through prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, martial arts, good diet, fasting, dancing, singing, proper love making+ , etc., anything that can help one get in touch with the inner self.

The only danger is that for most of us, once the reach the stage of high consciousness, we do not know what to do with the power that we possess, so we become materialist, envious, jealous, etc. It is our turn to look into ourselves, realize and overstand the gift that JAH put on us, melanin, and start working for our liberation.

The war that brother Richard king described must be fought in both individual and collective level. Lets learn and prepare our future. As we acquire more knowledge about melanin, let’s not rely on other people to do the job that we can easily do ourselves.

“We cannot expect non-melaninated people to explain to us, or even overstand something which themselves do not possess. As our knowledge of melanin increases we will gain more insight into ourselves, both spiritually and physically.

But they key is that the knowledge must come from US. We must develop the scientist, sociologist, and institution necessary to carry out the research to expand our overstanding of melanin...the key to life, the key to our spirituality, our greatness, our liberation and our link with JAH.

Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today, so lets use our melanin, embrace it, and use it not only to liberate ourselves but also to help us prepare our tomorrow , and most importantly the future of our children, race, and the whole humanity. But let also be aware that some of our own brothers and sisters do not work for the interest of our afrikan race.



0 A study was once done to children of all parts of the world between the ages of 0 to 24 months old. The purpose of the study was to find out whether if there was a genetic link to people’s abilities in nature and the cosmos. To the surprise of the Europeans scholars , the Afrikan child dominated, in all aspects, his Caucasian counterpart. The following results, in average, were obtained:

Babies; - Being drawn up unto a sitting position, able to prevent the head from falling backward: Black Child: 9 hours old White Child: 6 weeks old

- With the Head held firmly, looking at the face of the examiner: Black Child: 2 days old White Child: 8 weeks old

- Supporting him/herself in a sitting position and watching his reflexes inn the mirror: Black Child: 7 weeks old White Child: 20 weeks old

- Holding him/herself upright: Black Child: 5 months old White Child: 9 months old.

- Age at which the hid knew his/her own name: Black Child: 8 months old White Child: 14 months old.

- Age at which the child could use three or more words appropriately: Black Child: 10 months old White Child: 12 months old

- Climbing the steps alone: Black Child: 11 months old White Child: 15 months old

- Standing against the mirror: Black Child: 5 months old White Child: 9 months old.

The conclusion from this and other comparatives studies, of black and white children in Afrika, Europe and America, was that the Afrikan child is significantly advanced over the white child up to at least the age of two. After this age society steps in an introduces the child with new dimension of values and intelligence. And if these new values and dogma do not find a way to live in harmony with the natural qualities and culture of the child, they get trapped in the genes without full manifestation. Bad diet also plays a great part to the fact of an individual not being able to manifest all his natural and God-given qualities .

1. White people have a long history and legacy of cannibalism. It is no wonder that they still like to eat their food raw, especially bloody meat. Having a natural and hostile environment as their habitat, they were obliged to live with their old people in the same caves, where they developed a genetically transmitted and social ideology of not only white supremacy but also of ‘Genetics’.

It simply means: the fittest of the fittest survives. This ideology is still present in their genes in the 20th century; it was revived and enforced to a great extent by Hitler, who saw the blond population as being the fittest and superior among all the people. With the scarcity of food that rewarded their hostile habitat, their were obliged to torture and finally eat the old and weaker people among them; cannibalism in its worst sense.

2. For more information read: Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization : Myth or Reality, Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1974. ______________ The Cultural Unity of Black Africa, London: Karnak House, 1989

3. Taken from chapter 8 (The Esoteric Factors of the Cress Theory) of Dr. Richard king’s book ; The Afrikan Origin Of Biological Psychiatry, published by Seymour Smith Inc., 1980

4. The only historical documentation that I am aware of is when the warrior Queen Nzinga Mbandi of the kikongo kingdom used, although she didn’t accept or embrace it, Catholicism as a mean to liberate her people. She was baptized by the Portuguese and given the Latin name of Ana. A lot of people still commit the mistake of calling her Ann Nzingha, when in fact, her real name is Nzinga Mbandi.

5. Browder, Anthony, From The Browder File: 22 Essays on the African American Experience, Washington, I.K.G, 1989, p. 95

Posts: 80

« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 06:23:15 AM »

Great thread!

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2007, 06:13:01 PM »

peace and hotep,

Jahwitness, please expound more upon this:

"The composition of drugs such as heroin and crack, which are all man made drugs of course, and of the Herpes and AIDS viruses, has an element very related to melanin; so once they meet they bound, forming a very strong unbreakable alliance."

what element are you refering to?

Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2007, 06:55:59 PM »

ahhh blackstatically well researched and well documented,because melamin is dark matter and matter is energy and energy is part of the universe,sound,wave cause and effect,everything came out of the darkness,assante sane for that brilliant research brother! Two Thumbs
Posts: 11

« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 03:01:42 AM »

I was going to make a longer post but my computer had crashed and I must be getting sleep. I will make this short. I am a white male my self 18 years old now and with white skin which is pale and I don't mind at all. You make me sick. Your facts about egypts parallel white supremicists views of the vastly superiour europeon civlization to other parts of the world. Both sides haveing a superiourity complex. Your just a racist no diffrent from the rest. We are essentially the same being humans are MORE ALIKE than diffrent than you would even know. You are wrong it is because of adaption to enviourment that we develop lighter or darker skin as humans evolve they naturally adjust to their enviourment as africans with black skin and whites with pale being in the northern climates. As for your talk about southern europeons you are completly wrong again. My dad is southern italian the Arabian invasion of Italy did not have a major effect on the racial make up. Southern europeons have tan skin because they are of the mediteraneon ethnic group within the white race. That is why they have tan skin and you may even see many white american people with tan skin it goes beyond color it is race. 25% of Britian itself is made up of tan skinned caucasions and this is not including any arabians.

If blacks where so superiour with their melanin why are they in such a position of weakness in africa today? Answer me that if they are so supeiour why do they continue to struggle in America. Blacks are strugeling all over the world brainwashed by the system. Surley your melanin and high spiritual abilities should over come that. We are all the same blacks,whites,asians we are of the human kind. Their will always be a victim as humans have been at war since the beggining. Their is good and evil in all races and once power is obtained it would eventually be used for evil purposes. Your purley religious dogmatic views help nothing even religion teaches us to love all not look down on each other like you are doing with whites let go of your hate. Your brainwashed little one and your african superiourity complex does you no good only clinging to hates of a former oppressor in a past time where as oppression today is certinley not like it was in the 1900's or 50's. The black race is not and never will be superiour to the white race from a racial stand point and neither will the white race we are all human. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT. Brianwashed beyond help.

{Im sorry for all the very poor spelling its 2 am and Im extremely tired ive been typing very fast}
Posts: 11

« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 11:23:04 PM »

I don't know much about the rasta religion but you are no true Rasta, I know that. You are very much similar to your enemy {white people,who are not all racist and hate blacks} than you even know. A brainwashed black man clinging to the past of the oppression of your people, Im not saying you should not pay attention to it but more hate will only cause more pain for humans as a hole. You are very much like a white supremecist, you have almost become the enemy you would fight your no diffrent. I added you on msn messenger just to talk, I just wanted to know why you have these beliefs and 2 times I added you, you blocked me. As I said you are no diffrent than a white supremecist or racist only you are directing your superiority over me towards me and my people.

Here's the first conversation we had.     

ChR0NiCLEZ says:
who's this
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
the guy who made the post on your thread
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
on africa speaks
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
with all the messed up spelling
hmm, i dont recall
oh, on rastafarispeaks.com?
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
i don't think it was that im finding it
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
You seem to point out that melanin makes black people superiour
oh, i thought that was rastafarispeaks
i never checked back on the replies
i was fed up with stupid replies from stupid rastas, so i was like..f*** it
i'ma check it out tho
you the cainanite?
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
i was really pist off when i read it so forgive the any insult please
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
cursed seed
seed of the serpent
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
ya im white
ChR0NiCLEZ says:
im not cursed
ChR0NiCLEZ says:

...And the second.

look, I'm not your friend, and we will never be friends
€×ØĐÙŠ†™ says:
comon wait
Call it racism, call it hate
€×ØĐÙŠ†™ says:
i never said we would be friends
i dont give a f***
€×ØĐÙŠ†™ says:
i just want to know why u think this
let the dead bury the dead, i am not wasting time on you neither am i throwing pearls at swine

You talk to me like Im less than human similar to how white people treated blacks in colonial times. Your just full of anger an hate for the White Race that these extremist beliefs you have brainwashed you into thinking these things, in time your hate will be your ultimate demise everyones controlled by something. Conflict between human races only hurts us in the long run we will never progress or evolve if we continue this hate and conflict for one another. We will never reach the stars walk on other worlds, discover our true origins if we continue this. We will be stuck on earth killing each other until a Nucleur holocaust. An Awakening is what you need your beliefs are only fed by hate. Always looking at the physical aspects of instead of what's on the inside. Yes I am white and pale and I don't mind it either, Im probably paler than a lot of my kind but it does not bother me at all I am proud of it. What is so wrong about being pale? There are many black people who are black as cole and many white people white as snow. They are only two extremes of two colors if we do not look beyond the physical aspects we will never evolve. Whites are not superior to black and the same goes for blacks your melanin in no way makes you special or better than someone else. You talk of these things to do with our human biology, if you live in the USA you will be suprised at how much europeon genetics you actually have. It is obvious that I am right and I cannot be questioned on my point, this man is brainwashed by hate beliefs and is trying to prove that black's are superior to all races, you also pointed out asians to. Whoever supports this man's claims is also a racist, is fed by hate for other races and is the scum of humanity. Now you decide.

Posts: 4

« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2007, 11:37:33 PM »


Give me the chance and i would/WILL kill you, your whole family, your ancestors, decendants and everybody of your  Devil kind.
Then I would throw a GREAT Feast  Drummer Red Ballon Crown Grin Green Ballon Clapping

call it what you wanna call it, i dont care. Afro

You're just bitter cause you aint got a passage to The Higher Realms
I am simply writing this because your pale pathetic self try to come at me on Instant messenger as if I view you as my equal and will "reason" with you...FUGG OUTA HERE Clown
LOL  Laugh 3 Laugh 2

And You got one thing straight; i KNOW That you are lower than all animals, including the rat and pig. and i will never deny that, not in action nor word.

I did not even read your (original) post, i merely glimpsed through it. So there's no need for you to waste further time talking to The Living Whom are Not the least concerned about what the dead has to say. This is just a proper REBUKE Hammering

(yup, I had MAAAD Fun exploring these smileys!!!)


21 Prepare a place to slaughter his sons
for the sins of their forefathers;
they are not to rise to inherit the land
and cover the earth with their cities.

22 "I will rise up against them,"
declares the LORD Almighty.
"I will cut off from Babylon her name and survivors, her offspring and descendants,"
declares the LORD.

23 "I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland;
I will sweep her with the broom of destruction,"
declares the LORD Almighty.

24 The LORD Almighty has sworn,
"Surely, as I have planned, so it will be,
and as I have purposed, so it will stand.

Posts: 11

« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2007, 12:59:44 AM »

You won't get the chance boy, your the one less than human your the animal. Your threats over the internet worthless and crazy, lol your like a black hitler. Your the animal here your the one less than human, The world would be better without scum like you, you'ed be better use dead. Don't ever make threats about somones family especially over the next are you that crazy? Your acting on emotion dream of killing me and any white person you can but the truth is YOU WILL NEVER DO IT and if you did you will be stuck in jail or on death row keep on dreaming you sick f*ck. Speaking of having access to higher realms and your talking like this. Get a life you low minded degenerate, indoctrined with religious dogma always refering to quotes from the bible. Religion the single thing that has caused so much death and drestruction, methods of control for humanity next to racism. The only higher realms you have access to is the high you get off your purple haze man piss out of here your no good to the world than to be dead burried in the ground in an unmarked grave. I take what I said back by the way you talk your worst than many white supremecists ive seen or heard of the the things they say, Maken no sense you have no enlightenment at all the only enlightenment you have is the suffering your people went through as for your beliefs there no diffrent than any nazi, skinhead, kkk only you direct it the other way around towards whites. Get this peice of .... out of here.
Posts: 11

« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2007, 01:05:16 AM »

And don't you ever threaten my family I know you wern't serious running on the anger of what I said but get one thing straight kid you live in a fantasy land  Two Thumbs  Forget about your dreams of freedom, no Im not talking about black people Im talking about you trapped in a cage of hate and anger if you don't move past that you are going to hell I guarentee it. Have fun with your pathetic life you little animal, YOU are the cursed one I stopped hating other races and people a long time ago but as for you...go commit suicide as fast as you can your doing yourself a favor  Two Thumbs.

Later Fake Rasta boy.
Posts: 18

« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2007, 05:06:59 PM »

If blacks where so superiour with their melanin why are they in such a position of weakness in africa today?

Go ask your dear european scholars... Have your ever heard of things like colonialism, neo-colonialism, globalisation, racism, power-having-oil-hungry-psychos and United Nations? If that wicked european "explorers" wouldn't come to Africa back then killing, robbing, raping and stealing, I think you wouldn't have to ask this dumb question (no offence, it's really dumb).

Answer me that if they are so supeiour why do they continue to struggle in America. Blacks are strugeling all over the world brainwashed by the system.

Well, would you like Black people to stop struggling and become your obedient servants? And if you don't think you are superior why do you think you can come and tell people what they should think? You claim you aint racist, but you sound like a straight white supremacist. "Lets go to progress, we are equal but i'm gonna be a boss and you gonna live like me and if you don't want to - you are racist." That is the subtext I guess. And by the way, your nickname suits you alright. I remember seeing you here with nickname "Killuminati33", set-trippin, huh? I think you're an mkultra infiltrator Two Thumbs

Your purley religious dogmatic views help nothing even religion teaches us to love all not look down on each other like you are doing with whites let go of your hate.

Try to learn how not to look down to other people first. You just can't resign yourself with the fact that not all non-white people are eurocentric and live by western laws and values. By the way, Rasta is not a religion... It's a spiritual way of life, righteous and pure, if you want to talk, be sure to have knowledge first.

Conflict between human races only hurts us in the long run we will never progress or evolve if we continue this hate and conflict for one another. We will never reach the stars walk on other worlds, discover our true origins if we continue this.

Progress to what? To new world order? Ain't that what Illuminati wants?

We will be stuck on earth killing each other until a Nucleur holocaust.

Looks like a promise to me. You better go back to your masonic "fraternity" and tell your master that infiltration plan didn't work Wink

JAH witness, relax Rasta, don't you let nobody get you down or incline you to violence. I almost got into that trap recently too... It'll make you depressive and angry. Violence is not the way. We can't take our brains out and put it to the ignorant head. Everybody will get their own. Proverbs 15:3. Babylon doesn't sleep, but Jah doesn't either. Jah knows.
Posts: 97

« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2007, 09:17:49 PM »

JAH knows star! Yo si di fiyah jus-a-blaze pon BABYLON. Whe dem sey, RAS?: If yo can't tek di heat haul yo rass outta di kitchen. JAHWITNESS tek it easy, RAS. InI know sey Almighty Jah is a living man. Dem theif whe dem coulda theif, and dem grab whe dem coulda grab, but ah Jah-Jah kingdom ALONE. And the bible done sey: Blessed are the poor, for the kingdom of [JAH] is theirs

So mi no really care whe babylon haffi sey, InI gwine tek back the kingdom that was promised to I.

Try to learn how not to look down to other people first. You just can't resign yourself with the fact that not all non-white people are eurocentric and live by western laws and values. By the way, Rasta is not a religion... It's a spiritual way of life, righteous and pure, if you want to talk, be sure to have knowledge first.

Tell dem again, RAS, cuz dem still no ovastand: "RASTA denounce RELIGION, JAH is the most HIGH"

Honorable Marcus I
Holy Emanuel I
Sellasie I
Ras Tafari

Posts: 11

« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2007, 12:04:49 AM »

Go ask your dear european scholars... Have your ever heard of things like colonialism, neo-colonialism, globalisation, racism, power-having-oil-hungry-psychos and United Nations? If that wicked european "explorers" wouldn't come to Africa back then killing, robbing, raping and stealing, I think you wouldn't have to ask this dumb question (no offence, it's really dumb).

Ok your right, but what about the times before colonialism? In the times of the Roman Empire and way before during the reign of Babylon as one of the first modern city's. Black's where no diffrent than other races of the time having an advanced civilization like caucasions or caucasiods in Babylon or the one in China. If Europeons never set foot in mainland Africa or even North Africa, Africa would be very diffrent and much more prosperous today. But once a civilization has power and is considerably more advanced than others eventually they will surcome to evil and greed that is why Europeons colonized and enslaved Africa, stoll their history, Diamonds and the list goes on. It is not a surprise Europeons have done this, the human race in general has always fought amongst themselves even between there own race. You blame the violence between African peoples as things like divide and conquer tactics but the truth is even when Europeons set foot in Africa and did not start there Imperialistic agenda they witnessed Africans fighting and killing each other. More hate and racist beliefs will only hurt the situation of race relations more in our times, the next step is for humanity to come together in peace before we destroy ourselves. 

Well, would you like Black people to stop struggling and become your obedient servants? And if you don't think you are superior why do you think you can come and tell people what they should think? You claim you aint racist, but you sound like a straight white supremacist. "Lets go to progress, we are equal but i'm gonna be a boss and you gonna live like me and if you don't want to - you are racist." That is the subtext I guess. And by the way, your nickname suits you alright. I remember seeing you here with nickname "Killuminati33", set-trippin, huh? I think you're an mkultra infiltrator Two Thumbs

No, I don't believe that at all, I was only telling JAH what he should think because he has extremists beliefs as do many other people on this forum. Same as White Supremecists I have said things to them in the past to on some White Supremecists sites. I said those things only as a response to Jah and his claims which are very extremists beliefs comparable to Islamic Extremism and White Supremecey. You saw the damn msn conversation we had hes a classic racist no different than the rest. I decided not to use the Killuminati33 because of a simple reason, people where getting the wrong impression of me as some thought I was naming it after the 2pac album but in there ignourance that is an Anti-Illuminati slogan. Your just kidding about the mkultra infiltrator right? What is that? Those people brainwashed by the CIA with mind control techniques to do there dirty work? If that was the case why don't you have any compassion for the brain-dead canaanite  ? I also don't recall assassinating anyone yet, oh maybe the chip in my brain made me forget that must be it.  Cry

Progress to what? To new world order? Ain't that what Illuminati wants?

No, progress to the destruction of the Illuminati and all secret society's above or below them, including the Reptilian aliens controlling them, that part sounds a lot more crazy id need physical proof of there exsistence.

Try to learn how not to look down to other people first. You just can't resign yourself with the fact that not all non-white people are eurocentric and live by western laws and values. By the way, Rasta is not a religion... It's a spiritual way of life, righteous and pure, if you want to talk, be sure to have knowledge first.

I told you I don't know much about Rasta before I said what I though, I dout Jah is a true rasta though since he looks down on "pale" races even if they have no hate or racism against him. Is that the Spiritual, Righteous and pure way of life Rasta teaches?

Looks like a promise to me. You better go back to your masonic "fraternity" and tell your master that infiltration plan didn't work Wink

JAH witness, relax Rasta, don't you let nobody get you down or incline you to violence. I almost got into that trap recently too... It'll make you depressive and angry. Violence is not the way. We can't take our brains out and put it to the ignorant head. Everybody will get their own. Proverbs 15:3. Babylon doesn't sleep, but Jah doesn't either. Jah knows.

Jah doesn't know ****, he believes blacks are superior to people of a pale skin tone, the belief that melanin makes blacks superior in Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Genetically and so on. There are only some truths to that belief but most of it just goes in the extreme such as Spiritually, Mentally and Physically. It is by evolution of the human race nothing more that blacks have a superior gene that supposedly creates black children when mating with a white or asian female. How can this be when the baby turns out to have a much fairer skin tone when they are older? Their hair is also different and in some cases lighter. The reason why they are mostly born with dark brown eyes is because light eyes is a recessive gene. Sadly these mixes are always unwanted and some black people with caucasion features are still classified as black, that is probably because they are black for the most part, the black man could of also had babies with a tan skinned caucasion such as a Tanned American girl or South Italian, Greek, White Spaneired or any white person with Mediteraneon features. White people have Melanin, just not as much as black people, just look at Nordics such as Blonde Australians or Swedes they have a tan when born in a hot climate, South African whites is a good example to.  As for the mkultra crap if you where serious about saying that I assure you Im not. Im 18 years old and In my last year of high school. 
Posts: 4

« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2007, 12:30:49 AM »

lol, Bless up African_Disciple & Ras_Nevoe  & the rest of the bredrin/sistren who responded Sweetheart (you are of course not included in the family paleface, you're cast the f*** out and just so you know, i did not read your response. save your finger activity or waste it further, its up to you Grin)

I thought it was quite obvious that I was smiling and not angry while Posting that Post with all dem funny smileys...hahahah

I Posted that to show the devil that he can not pull that "ohh, You're evil because you are not wearing a bob marley t-shirt and holding hands with pale bastards singing 'WE SHALL OVERCOME' " type of shit on me. Because I do not care if i come off as a Racist, nor do i care if i come off as a hateful devil monster in the eyes of this backwards world, i would expect nothing less. Because I know very well where I stand, I Stand With The Truth and Righteousness. and I do not expect the devil to agree with me when i speak Truth. Neither am I Begging for acceptance within the tents of my enemy or anybody else. (that also includes many african people of today who have been completely brainstained and joined camps with the cursed seeds)

this sick world, has made it seem as if Slaying the wicked who are constantly plotting to come up with new ways to slay the righteous and innocent is something evil. How Absurd!!!
I would kill every devil, both spiritual and physical if the oppurtunity was given unto me, and that has nothing to do with hate for the devils (HATE IS OF THE DEVIL!!!).
I want to destroy evil because of My Love for The Righteous whom the devils are constantly tormenting and killing.

I will say it straight up, All who are referred to as "mankind" today are Not equal.

African people are Blessed, Created in the Likeness and Image of The Creator.

Pale creatures are cursed, a reflection of somthing perverted/gone wrong. Calcified-non functional third eye. (cast out of the higher spiritual realms just like satan)

We are all spiritual beings manifested in This Physical world. And there are spiritual reasons behind why some are manifested as pale bodies. And through out history and present they have very well DEMONstrated their subhuman behavior.

in this world/shitstem, where everything is backwards, Truth will Always be called a Lie by the majority of people.
What is Unrighteous will be proclaimed as Righteousness, and Righteousness wil be condemned as Wickedness.
Satan is the ruler of this world, and he is the father of all lies and confusion. he prefer things backwards, opposite of the order that JAH Almighty ordained.

I just found it maaad funny as always how satan tries to come at me (through one of his bastard children) as if i would expect the truth to NOT make him sick...

If I recieved a Positive reaction from the majority of people in this world, then i would have to stop and question myself. Straight up!

Therefore i descided to clarify that i could not care less about how the devil feels, and reactions such as that one  increases my faith and confirms that i am on the right path Grin

I was very serious at the same time though. Absolute Violence is The Way, and all evil will be utterly destroyed.
But I am not retarded, It's not like i will grab a sword and go chopp heads off of random pale people...lol, that would serve no great purpose.
JAH Almighty will separate the chaff from the wheat. The goats from the sheep, and slaughter the goats.
And I am Longing for that day with all of my body and soul.
Anybody who doesnt must be in danger of that sword.


Posts: 97

« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2007, 12:43:55 AM »


will reply later....

Posts: 11

« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2007, 01:28:38 AM »

I don't care if this Jah boy reads it or not. He talks as if all pale skinned people are of the devils seed the cursed ones. Many white people of the past have had a positive impact on society like Kennedy who wanted to expose the Freemason plot but was assassinated by a person brainwashed by the CIA, John Lennon was also a righteous person who was not a racist. These are only two people there is good and bad in every race White people are in no way different than the rest when it comes to this. This man is controlled by false truth's and beliefs all white people are not the real evil in this world.

It is only the Elite who are, the gouverments who control, there has never been a gouverment in the history of humanity who has really stood for the people. The Gouvernment and the Secret Societys above them are the real enemy here. Evil has always been controlled threw the white race on this planet because it was easiest to influence them with dreams of power and greed. Just look at where they lived in early times a desolate place in europe where the endings of the Ice Age where still in effect even the meditteraneon was very cold. Struggeling all of your life will eventually make you hunger for more as you get tired of struggeling with life. Your truth is brainwashed, you think all of my kind is the real enemy denouncing all Whites even ones who would show no hostility or feelings of hate for you. Hes the Evil one.

The real enemy is the people at the top of this evil pyramid the people who have brainwashed others into doing there bidding. Just because you are black does not make you immune opposed or the enemy of all the evil in this world. You can become evil yourself when you fight the enemy you have sworn to destroy as this man has. Im wrong though he is righteous and is tired of all the s*** going on in this world but he has hate for other people because they may be different and pale, yes these people have enslaved and put the black man in chains but it was only the evil forces at the top who did this, who wanted this to happen. The white race of today is nothing like it was in colonial times, though there is much proof that they are it is entirely not true, The Illuminati is the evil forces that control us and have done so through the White Race as there family's have taken there places after they have died for century's. But White people in general, the population, common folk are not all evil and bad anymore like they where in the 17th century. Sure there may be many racist whites but we have began to move beyond that as blacks now have more rights but its not enough and it won't change anytime soon because of the people in control, the Illuminati still controls us and the world. You cannot hate or say someone is out to do no good because they are white, It is a stereotypical view and a lower form of thought not connected to your higher self in any form at all. You must look beyond the physical features and at the Individual and Spiritual aspect.   

Overall I believe this man does have good intentions and wants this world to be better, but hes still a racist and as long as that limits him he won't get anywhere, he will denounce white people or any white person. can. He thinks he is superior to us, his beliefs are similar to the exact opposite because of nazi ideology's of Ayran Supremecy as they both share the similarity of having extremist,superior beliefs about there people being better than others.
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