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Author Topic: Black or White... Which one is the most S U P E R I O R???  (Read 169905 times)
Posts: 99

« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2007, 04:47:24 PM »

Your recognitions or dismissals of what is 'real' may be just as biased as I originally said they were, Will. However, I don’t blame you and wouldn’t attempt to condemn you for them. Right now, you seem to be recognizing only the embattled sides and not the game itself. The whole 'You're either for Us or against Us' argument loses all effectiveness against a free thinker. I, for one, am currently and actively engaged in the struggle for the uplifting, education and edification of all my 'people' (or my entire 'race'), on levels and in aspects that were once foreign and unknown to me and which I had never previously heard being expressed by or alluded to by any man, Black, White, Red, Yellow or Brown or otherwise. In my personage and in my thoughts I, like you, am unique.

So, should I consider myself, through this uniqueness, to be 'Superior' to you, your self, your particular identity and abilities, or anyone else's? No. Of course not. The spontaneous manifestation of thoughts in any ways similar to these would be biased even if factually correct, for they would brand one insane, egotistical, incapable of comprehending the worth of anything beyond oneself and in that, having a kind of blindness. And since you list physical accoutrements as a basis for admittance into a so called "superior" status, such a disability would immediately put one into the 'inferior' category. (Incidentally, these are the same very marginalizing and debilitating mental conditions which mar the white man's abilities, cultures and societies. I know you wouldn’t be contemplating picking up those behaviors, right? Hmmmm.)

If I fight for what is best for all sides am I a traitor? How could that possibly be? Because I choose my tools, objectives and battles differently than would you, you believe me to be unprepared or unwilling to fight? 'COWARDICE', you proclaim in big bold letters that belie very specific feelings and emotions. So, let us first, contend with those issues. Anger, is a cowardly attempt to disguise emotional hurt and dis-ease. Hatred is the by-product of irrational fear. Which owner of either of these two asinine brands of cowardice is superior? (I say this not to arouse your anger, but to show you that I do understand. I’m there often, too.)

Unfortunately, you have deprived yourself of certain senses, and that because you, yourself, have refused them. Seek love, for now... while love may still be found. Prepare for war only when you find you cannot generate love. Only then you will know what kind of person you are or have become. Only when you grow as a person do we grow as a ‘race’. We go in and out of self imposed, contriving, and unexpressed ideals, straight into realizations and consciousnesses the likes of which most sciences claim could not exist. In this Temple, the one that you call Man, Brother Will, is a presence as confessed, as ratified and as blessed as the incense that wafts ever about my head. The Son of Man is my abode and the very continuation of my existence is proof of my distinguished status as one who has not ‘obfuscated’ issues, but who has instead chosen to exit the world of lies on the principle of truth. Ask any or all of my children. They are here with you and are all around you, searching for the truth, just as you are. Are any of them inferior? Or have you any ‘REAL’ (as you say) idea of who they are or what they do?

That which has a beginning is subject to an ending. Let anger and sorrow be so also. Continue to learn and grow, seeking knowledge with the expressed intent of its dissemination. Love upon love, Precept upon precept. Here a little. There a little.
I would also have you understand that my 'race' is the entirety/entity of Mankind, and that by no means does any separation exist therein except in such as have created it within themselves and within their own minds. They are bound by policies that they themselves, not nature, have instituted and erected. Neither can any enemy be ‘SUPERIOR’, for then one would be the Victor and one the Vanquished.

Discontinue attempts to exalt the Orb of Human Knowledge above the Sun of Divine Sight, the education gained in the latter is to be found nowhere in any of your earthly textbooks, black or white. It lies strictly within your self. 
Posts: 91

« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2007, 07:00:12 AM »


i know not why you try to draw me into a position of sameness with you, and/or your counterparts... That is not me, and you should be shame to advocate such a policy... Especially when looking upon the remnants of the BLACK HOLOCAUST..

Man, can't you see the thousands of BLACK kids, not only in AFRICA, Jamaica and the Carribean standing around with nothing to do and no-where to go, after being marginalized to death by this system that you are attempting to sell us as OURS, eventho' it has EURO-CENTRIC stamped all over the face of it... But when you really open your eyes to look around you, you'll find that this condition exist in every BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD, throughout this WORLD, where BLACK PARENTS, both men & women, have been beaten down into submission by those very same people that you are so in LOVE with, and spend your every waking hour chasing, in an attempt to show them how MUCH MORE YOU ARE LIKE THEM, than you are LIKE YOUR OWN PEOPLE...

Why seek universal LOVE and ACCEPTACE from them, when BLACKS are dying by the thousands, in OUR COMMUNITIES, each and every day....

Why not seek ACCEPTANCE from YOUR OWN KIND??? PLEASE stop the lip service about your close association with their GOD... SHOW some LOVE and CONSIDERATION for US and OUR GOD....

Before you spend so much time inducing some little white kid and his/her "MOM" into accepting you individually at face-value, why not spend as much,or more time exclusively in our neighborhoods, in a hands-on-effort, to bring smiles and happiness to some BLACK kids and to their "MOM" faces....

Aren't we and our condidtion as important to you as is your SOLIDARITY with them?Huh
i'd like to reiterate my charge of COWARDICE at this point... The reason being that you, like myself, reached that point in our development where we had to choose a path to follow... We had to make a choice about what we wanted to do, or needed to do, to find inner-peace... We also wanted our choice to be a noble one... Something that was rewarding both to ourselves, and to our communities...

We needed to prove ourselves as men... As contributing members to our  group... We had to move forward without leaving them behind... NO ONE WANTS TO JUST UP AND WALK AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS, without at least some sort of explaination... Many have, but MUST I??? MUST YOU???  Would i be one those who "punked-out?Huh Would i turn my back on MOTHER AFRICA and all her people, purely for personal gain, coupled with the fact that i was too SCARED TO DO OTHER-WISE?Huh

It's not against the LAW to work on behalf of BLACK PEOPLE...  WHITES ddo it all the time for their PEOPLE(s)....

You are not the first to abandon your people, leaving them in abject poverty, diseased, starving and dis-enfranchised... Being unable, and/or unwilling to sacrifice on their behalf,  you choose to go the "SLICK-ROUTE", by encouraging them to fore-go any aspirations for fulfillment in this life-time, and to concentrate ONLY on that LIFE after this one ENDS...

You mimic all of the WHITE-MAN'S socialogical/psychological/theological concepts destined to get his people to work within their system, for the good of their system... This entails that we accept the SATATUS-QUO... That we not buck against any laws or proclaimations issued for the majority, eventho there is absolutely no benifit to be gained for us there-in...

Just SUCK-IT-UP, and be nice to them, for their GOD will punish them in the here-after for all the transgressions, and omision, that they took against the GOOD, GOD-FEARING BLACK PEOPLE....

Under your teachings, we must rid ourselves of all biases, impurities and ill-feelings toward them; regardless of any and all atrocities they committed aginst us... We are to forgive them SLAVERY and seek no retributions or reparations... This is not what their GOD wants us to do.. OUR REWARD will come later-on in HEAVEN....

There is no need for us to read, write, research, interpret or translate for ourselves from a BLACK PERSPECTIVE, as WHITE PEOPLE are capable of doing all these things for us, and they will inform us when they have more information available for us to digest...

i am told by BLACK SCHOLARS that we BLACKS are the original people & that we started civilization and most of what followed it... And that WHITES, thru hook&crook were able to steal it all away from us....

While WHITE SCHOLARS, who are charged with the so-called authentic-authority to translate and disseminate factual information, may in fact have mis-led & abused us mightily, we are entrusted by their GOD to TAKE THE HIGH ROAD; and then in DEATH, he and he alone (their GOD) will exact revenge on our behalf.....

wezekana, please MAN tell me, that you are only JOKING....And that you only want access to white women in such a manner that, BLACK WOMEN won't be able to single you out.... Isn't that RIGHT MAN?Huh?

Yeah, i know you are joking, 'cause there's no way, while knowing to what extent BLACK PEOPLE  are suffering, that  you can turn your head  and LQQK THE OTHER WAY....

i just don't believe a good BLACK MAN can do what you say you are doing... i don't...

Please, don't OBFUSCATE... i am not interested in our starving, diseased BLACK SOULS right now... i am interested in filling their bellies, restoring their health and in putting smiles of fulfillment on all their BLACK FACES.... HEAVEN CAN WAIT....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2007, 12:49:46 PM »

I do not apologize, Brother Will, for attempting to draw you into positions of sameness with myself. Our views, at this point, may differ at various angles, but what you fail to recognize is the fact that, in essence, our goals are the same. I merely wish to present to you a wider view of the issue. Yes, Will I do see the thousands of BLACK children languishing without proper care under the disease of racist ideology, BUT I ALSO SEE ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN OF THE EARTH LANGUISHING UNDER THE SAME DEBILITATING CONDITIONS AND I AM NOT PARTIAL IN MY STANCE ON THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN REGARDLESS OF THEIR COLOR. This tribute made possible by my African heritage and its original, total way of life. For the life of me I cannot see where any racist black ideology is any better than any racist white one. Why do you support this apparent sameness and denounce the one you have with me? This is most perplexing.

You assumption that being Pro-Black also means being Anti-white is hurtful to your own mission and is it my opinion that such childish beliefs will keep us, regardless of our wishes for solidarity and upliftment, in a perpetual state of agitation that will, in turn, make every attempt at the edification of the community a worthless endeavor. Too much energy is being expended thinking about the white man and what he is doing. Too little energy is actually being used doing something about the problem (And the problem has never been the white man but instead has been our tendency to be easily split by him into opposing factions).

I am with action, just not under the coercive banner of racism, which truly is a white concept, Will. That you should know. White scholars, black scholars… Whose knowledge is more complete or accurate? White god, Black God? What have I to do with the Bible? Nothing written in any existing Holy Scriptures can verify or deny who or what I am and I am far from deluded by religion. There are, however, certain aspects of human existence that are not mapped out by the physical countenance of man or his dissertations and this many have seem to have forgotten. When the matter is finally settled and all accounts closed I wish none to be taken unawares as to the true nature and purpose of life. 

You will not find EURO-CENTRISM anywhere on me, Will. Under my teachings, all must rid themselves of bias, impure thoughts and ill-will toward their fellow man; regardless and in spite of any atrocities they may have committed against us... this does not mean aligning ones self with any enemy or smiling all in their faces and trying to ‘suck-up’, but instead instituting forgiveness and recognizing individual attempt and merit and not abusing its presence with irrational, outdated, unproductive thought processes.

Incidentally, what retributions for slavery do you seek, Will? Are you quite informed as to the meaning of the word ‘retribution’, Will? The old adage ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ sufficeth none but the hard of heart? Or do you have an even more grandiosely wicked agenda? These are not my tactics and I hope you do not succumb to their ilk either, as we both know who uses these tactics. Why do you support this apparent sameness and denounce the one you have with me? This is most perplexing.

The fact that we each have been endowed with a brain necessitates our need for individual mental stimulation and growth.  Reading, writing, researching, interpreting and transliterating for ourselves from a HUMAN PERSPECTIVE, and not as RACIALLY CODEXED PEOPLE, will give us the ability digest pertinent information and more readily expose negative, self-interested philosophies... which, incidentally, as a Black Activist or as a Man engendered to the benefit of ‘the People’ you must shun. I know nothing of Heaven, but ZION (or THE TEMPLE WHICH IS MAN) cannot wait.

Excelsior, William.

On a parting note, Homie… I’m not into white girls.
Sistah Fiyah
Posts: 3

« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2007, 02:42:38 PM »

Peace and Oneness,

I happen to be browsing for some sites that could offer serious commentary about African people. I wanted to know about different ones opinion about the issue of melanin, not so much whether it makes one superior, but how it connects every person to the black race. I am clear. I am not posting to have my questions answered. But to ask of the two brothers that have corresponded back and forth in an apparent debate over seemingly the same principal foundation...is there love in your heart when you express your debate?

As I was reading the post, I felt the energy in my spirit (and I'm not talking about the "holy ghost") shifting back and forth. I could feel the evident tug of war between your two spirits. One, was in love meaning where I could feel the love, and the other while I know the love is the basis, the dominant energy was anger.  An anger that is so understood by so many that come before any of us, and overstood by many of us now. And while anger is an often misunderstood emotion(not always to be associated with weakness), it does not change the fact that both of you Black Kings have very valid points.

You are both saying the very same things, but in a different way. That you both LOVE YOUR PEOPLE. Do not give way to negativity and give the would be devils of all races what they want by witnessing more division within the African race.  When it comes to races there are many, when it comes to opinions there are many, when it comes to truth, there is but one that stands undisputable. That we are connected mind, body and soul to the Universe.  We are made up of the birds and bees the water and the trees. That, is the truth I know.

Many men have claimed many truths throughout time. There is an end to every beginning. Science and Politriks just like science and religion have become as one entity now, taking and borrowing from each other to validate each other's stance. This too, has been throughout time.

We live in a world that is becoming depleted and dried out becasue of MANKIND. In everyone's quest to proove superiority, we destroy the life within and without the life that sustains us. Knowledge of self is nice yes, but it is more what you do with it that defines who we are. Even the universe is not superior to us because we are of the universe. Whether you choose to include spirituality or not, that fact still remains. And whites just like any and all other cultures are part of the same universe.  War has always been and always will be in some form or another, you men proved that to me today. But war is not always a bad thing, depends on the nature of the war. There is nothing WRONG with fighting for what is RIGHT. And there is nothing WRONG with a one love approach to TEACHING.  There are warriors, and there are scholars. Those that beleive in God and Angels know that when God wanted was, he sent a war angel. Everybody has a position. You brothers remind me of Malcolm and Marcus in your deliveries. Both stood for the same cause, only took different approach.

To the brother, I am not sure if I understood your comment about Rastafari in it's proper context. I know you stated that you knew very little about Rastafari. And I agree, if there is debate then the sides should always remain clear, not mixing ideology, religion, or issue that are not specific to the question at hand, where it does not belong. I am a Rastafarian Empress,  also a reggae singer and musician, who purely found this site by accident, but I was intrigued but what I was reading.  I'm not sure why you made some of the comments you did, if they were directed at someone that you feel is not purely living the faith, or if this is the overall impression that you may have concluded. I am in defense of no one but Haile Sellasie who was not a ganja smoking reggae artist. I ask you, do some research on Haile Sellasie, Jamaican culture, Rastafarianism in Jamaica and abroad, and the culture of Reggae music and this may give you a wholistic impression. Sadly enough, here again is another mixing of things by individuals that may not be living the life. But the false teachers will be exposed and dealt with accordingly. Rastafarianism itself is the movement...it is the ones and ones that dwell within that movement (like any other movement), that not only define themselves, but ultimately Rastafari.

I hope you can feel the love that radiates from my heart as I type these words. A universal love that I draw from the sun, wind, and air. I draw it from the trees and from other human beings. I hope that as we all come together to express views that it is done in love, because knowledge alone can only make us wiser, but it is LOVE that will make us stronger. You are brothers, mind, body and soul. And like brothers from the same mother, you may not always agree, but there is something...something that brews deep within both of you, that hunger...that thirst for righteousness. Let Africa be our nourishment, and let our spirits be our guides.

In closing, I often search the net for world news on freedom, inequality, famine and other issues as a writer and musician, I am glad I came across your site for it has given me a next inspiration.

Sistah Fiyah
Posts: 3

« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2007, 08:41:57 PM »

 Two Thumbs
BTW feel freedom to listen my tune "Have Faith In Jah" at www.myspace.com/sistahfiyah

this tune address this very thing you are discussing.Bless.
Posts: 99

« Reply #50 on: November 13, 2007, 12:49:45 AM »

Will... I agree with Sistah Fiyah. I apologize if I have caused to arise in you any negative feelings. I wish to continue henceforth forward as brothers-in-arms. I am sorry.
Posts: 16

« Reply #51 on: November 13, 2007, 02:55:41 AM »

Greatings, I man must say thats the way forward if we are to reach to our ivine destiny. Sistren you are a reminder of how I I-ncient foreparents handled situations with wisemind. Brothers much love and respect to you too, Wezekana Hongera!(congrats)
Love and raspect to all!
Posts: 91

« Reply #52 on: November 13, 2007, 04:35:36 AM »

Sistah Fiyah & Bro. wezekana...

Thank You both for your kind words, and for your reach towards conciliation..  i want you both, as well as all other Bros. & Sistas on this medium, to know that i hold no ill-feelings or malice towards any of you...My sole purpose for being here is not to find "LOVE" as suggested by wezekana, but to spark a feeling of 'Self-Love" & "Self-Determination" WITHIN OUR GROUP...

Sure Religion & Spirituality are GREAT EXPERIENCES... But are they feeding & healing our children in GREAT numbers... Are all our BLACK lives being improved by them, or, are we simply being led into a false state of serenity, where we can sing, pray and smoke ourselves into oblivion; while we forget about this TRAGEDY, that is our LIFE...

Why do we need solidarity with all RACES, when BLACK neighborhoods, everywhere in this UNIVERSE are mostly run-down, dirty, smelly dumps... Streets are filled with trash, guns, drugs, bums, beggars, rapist & pedophiles.. We can't safely walk the streets anymore, let alone send our children out there by themselves...  We must arm ourselves and/or be ever watchful when-ever we dare to leave the sanctity of our homes...

We can't even provide enough employment for our own people to give them a chance to become useful productive citizens, in any country... We have to depend completely on others to help us out, after they first help-out their own people... Obviously, most of our Teachers, Preachers & Leaders are good at comforting us with smooth, soothing words that helps to up-hold the STATUS-QUO..

But their pockets are lined with GOLD, while most of ours are EMPTY... A lot of us don't even have any meat or potatoes in the pot, or bread on the table... It makes me wonder if those we entrust with our LIVES are really on our side, or if they are actually AGENTS of the SYSTEM, who's JOB it is to keep us in line??? Sometimes, it's pretty hard to tell...

PEOPLE, we DESERVE a  BETTER DEAL .... i'm sure, a good, just GOD didn't intend for it to go down like this.... So what happened?Huh Why us?Huh Why this???

i don't want to go off on a RANT, or any thing like that, but dang.. people.... What we are doing right now - just ain't working for us... We need to make some major changes... We need to re-assess where we are right now, and then to STEP-UP and begin to make things happen for ourselves...

i mean how do we, a collective people, all descendants of AFRICA, find ourselves content, and at PEACE with the WORLD,  while currently residing at the feet of the rest of man-kind... Our people as a whole gets no respect from any corner of this UNIVERSE...

If GOD is with us, then he/she has a very strange way of showing it.... Obviously, we are following the wrong GOD.... We can do this bad all on our own......



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #53 on: November 13, 2007, 03:56:47 PM »

O.K., Brethren, I am am not O.K. with the world. Let us work collectively. What do you suggest. Between us, our presumed (by me) distances. Our collective goal... What can we do together to make that difference that we both desire. I'm with it. Let's talk.
Posts: 91

« Reply #54 on: November 15, 2007, 06:57:17 AM »


That's all i have been doing in this forum is talking, but you've been opposed to everything i've said... i mean that's why you are here, isn't it?? Because you heard me speaking, right???

How about you go back over some of what i had to say, to see if you can come up with a better response, cause, i am about talked out...

If you couldn't agree with any thing i said so far, how did you manage to reverse yourself so completely & so fast?Huh??

ummmmmmmmmmm... That makes one wonder a bit about this "New You"....



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #55 on: November 15, 2007, 08:15:21 AM »

Here's a link to check out about our situation.. It really makes one think.... check it out, if you DARE....

click here


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #56 on: November 15, 2007, 08:51:12 AM »


Here is an exerpt from an article in the L.A.TIMES detailing the division from a white perspective... Follow the link below the article to read the whole thing....

WASHINGTON -- A majority of black Americans blame individual failings -- not racial prejudice -- for the lack of economic progress by lower-income African Americans, according to a survey released Tuesday -- a significant change in attitudes from the early 1990s.

At the same time, black college graduates say the values of middle-class African Americans are more closely aligned with those of middle-class whites than those of lower-income blacks, the poll by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found.


Does education = division?Huh??


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2007, 08:01:14 PM »

I've not been opposed to everything you've said, and I haven't reversed myself at all, Will. Conciliation is my goal. Let us see how far you will go to oppose that.

Posts: 91

« Reply #58 on: November 17, 2007, 06:48:22 AM »

i am not opposed to CONCILIATION at all.. With us, it will be difficult at first, but we can work thru' that.... First as a starting point, since you are not OPPOSED to EVERYTHING i've said... Let's go back thru' the post to find those things that we do AGREE ON...

Ummmmmmmmmm... i can't seem to find anything...

Perhaps our biggest hurdle is our belief systems... We serve different GODS... We aspire to different heights..  And the hardest issue to deal with is our sight... We can both, u & i, be LQQKing at the very same object, but in our minds eye, we see two (2) entirely different things...

Why is this?Huh

It's hard for me understand this being we share the same MOTHER... Mama AFRICA bore us both; but we were snatched at birth, separated, and dealt to different foster parents; each of us were raise to dis-trust our kin & to dis-respect our Mother... We each know this is WRONG; but still we do it because they ask us to...  Maybe that's why today, we find ourselves standing on the opposite sides of the STREET, THROWING STONES AT ONE ANOTHER... It's sooooo S A D....

If only we could just RID OURSELVES of all this 'FORIEGN CRAP'; and return home to MAMA, then i am sure she would help us get to the point where HEALING CAN TAKE PLACE.....

Barring that, nothing's possible, 'cause we are serving different MASTERS...  You feel yours is RIGHT... i know mine is RIGHT... So what are we gonna do?Huh

Do you give up yours and accept mine,; or, do i abandon mine in favor of yours?Huh  What's it to be 'my Brotha'Huh? Your GOD, or mine?Huh  Or maybe we can just go home, committed to working it out, with our Mother "AFRICA"....

i'm sure,  that once the FAMILY is RE-CONCILED, nothing will stand in our way... "UTOPIA" would be immediate.....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2007, 06:49:03 AM »

We will find a way, Brother Will (Power).
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