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Author Topic: I.Q. Test are meaningless according to DR/Prof/Researcher/writer Grada Kilomba..  (Read 35851 times)
Posts: 91

« on: October 14, 2007, 04:07:44 PM »

Africans in academia: Diversity in adversity
Grada Kilomba
Grada Kilomba analyses hierachies of race and gender with respect to the privileging of authority, scholarship and knowledge production. 'Academia is not a neutral location', she says. 'This is a white space where Black people have been denied the privilege to speak... It is not that we have not been speaking; but rather that our voices - through a system of racism - have been systematically disqualified as valid knowledge; or else represented by whites, who ironically become the 'experts' of ourselves. Either way, we are locked in a violent colonial hierarchy.' Derived from her experiences of working in Germany, her comments are widely applicable to debates about academia, identity, power, the centre and the periphery.

Every semester, on the very first day of my seminar, I play a quiz with my students. We first count how many people are in the room in order to see how many of us will be able to answer the questions. I start by asking very simple questions such as: What was the Berlin Conference of 1884-5? Which African countries were colonised by Germany? How many years did German colonisation over the continent of Africa last? I conclude with more specific questions, such as: Who was Queen Nzinga and which role did she play on the struggle against European colonisation? Who wrote Black Skin, White Masks? Who was May Ayim?

Not surprisingly, most of the white students are unable to answer the questions, while the Black students answer most of them successfully. Suddenly, those whose knowledge has been hidden, become visible, while those who have been over-represented become unnoticed and invisible. Those who are usually silent start speaking, while those who always speak become silent. Silent, not because they cannot articulate their voices or tongues, but rather because they do not possess the knowledge.

This exercise makes us understand how the concepts of knowledge and the idea of what scholarship or science is, are intrinsically linked with power and racial authority. What knowledge is being acknowledged as such? And what knowledge is not? Who is acknowledged to have the knowledge? And who is not? And who can teach knowledge? And who cannot? Who is at the centre? And who remains outside, at the margins? So, who can indeed speak in the academy? And who cannot?

Academia is not a neutral location. This is a white space where Black people have been denied the privilege to speak. Historically, this is a space where we have been voiceless, a space we could not enter. Here, white scholars have developed theoretical discourses which formally constructed us as the inferior Other - placing Africans in absolute subordination to the white subject. We were made the objects, but we have rarely been the subjects.

This position of object, which we commonly occupy, does not indicate a lack of resistance or of interest, as it is commonly believed, but rather a lack of access to representation by Blacks themselves. It is not that we have not been speaking; but rather that our voices - through a system of racism - have been systematically disqualified as valid knowledge; or else represented by whites, who ironically become the 'experts' of ourselves. Either way, we are locked in a violent colonial hierarchy.

As a scholar, for instance, I am commonly told that my work is very interesting, but not really scientific; a remark which illustrates the colonial hierarchy in which Black scholars reside: 'you have a very subjective perspective'; 'very personal'; 'very emotional'; 'very specific'; 'are these objective facts?'.

Source: http://www.pambazuka.org/en/issue/317


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 04:24:23 PM »

Many scholars discount the EUROPEAN I.Q. TEST, because of biases inherent in the system... It has been pointed out that these test can only be applied to those that were raised and nurtured EQUALLY in the community of the test preparers..

fORIEGNERS & MINORITY test takers cannot be expected to count as revelant any information that was told to them, but not actually experienced, or revered,  in their daily lives....

American-European type are the only ones on the PLANET that pushes the I.Q. fiasco in an effort to prove their so-called "WHITE SUPREMACY"....

Dr kiolomba proves that we don't do that well on their test, but they don't do well at all on OUR I.Q TEST either...




"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 05:13:42 PM »

Please read the remainder of DR. Grada Kilomba's work at the source.....


Her findings are very enlightening.....



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2007, 05:39:55 PM »

I know that there may be a bias but why would black people score low? An IQ test doesn't have any questions relating to History or philosophical things. Anyway there could very well be a bias but what about this fact?

"Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks."

Isn't this Scientific proof supporting why Asians and Whites may score higher than Blacks on IQ tests? I don't know if I can deny this evidence Whites and Asians obviously have larger brains than Black people. I notice that Africans and Blacks in the USA's skulls seem to slide inward at the back of there head. This Evidence proves that Asians have larger brains and a greater chance of having a higher IQ but the difference between whites and Asians isn't huge. If you look at blacks thats 5 cubic inches of cranial capacity, Even if blacks had a fair IQ test Asians and Whites would probably score higher. Stop looking at the social aspect of this I agree with most of what you say about that anyway.

Look at the many nations around the world, compare the average IQ's in African nations that are economically in better shape compared to some poor Caucasian country's. Croatia for example has 10,676 per capita and 7 millions people. Compare that to Equatorial Guinea with a per-capita of 50,200 and a population of 504,000 people. The IQ in Croatia is 90 while Guinea is 59. I don't understand why this is, the country is obviously not poor and is very small why is the average IQ of the people only 59? Do these people refuse to be educated? Many of them are still living in a backwards tribal culture. Every African Nation on this Website is near the bottom, if you compared the average IQ in those nations to poor European nations such as Ukraine or Croatia you will see that they are much lower by more than 15. You could even compare these results with Iran who is not much richer than nations such as Nigeria. Half of the Iranian population itself is Persian, Ancient Indo-Aryan Civilizations originated in Iran. Persians themselves are more genetically related to Europeans as they do fit in the Caucasian race and they where part of the Aryan Migrations of Ancient times. As you can see the average IQ in Iran is 84, that number may have been brought down because the other half of the country is mixed populations. IQ in Nigeria only remains at 67 a majority Black population. Compare these findings to another Poor Caucasian nation Ukraine, they have a large population and still there IQ remains above 80. As for Bias, why would they be any Bias when there are no white people involved with these IQ tests?


Posts: 91

« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2007, 06:41:48 PM »

White boy... 

i discount everything said by you & others like you....  Everything said or written by you &  your ILK is slanted & serves to support WHITE SUPREMACY... i don't buy into any of it...

As far as i am concerned, it's all G A R B A G E...

And please take note.... i don't participate in any of your FORUMS... So please return the favor.... Also, keep the HELL OFF OF MY WEB PAGE....



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2007, 06:52:42 PM »

Hahaha, this is not white supremacy as was stated Asians have the most cranial capacity. Im not serving White Supremacy I don't agree with it and I never have, nor do I agree with this forum littered with black supremacy views. Im simply dealing with the Scientific facts here with the research done on the brain as I have already stated. You claim things I say only support "WHITE SUPREMACY". But what about the things you say? What about the things Horus,Jahbless and any other idiot that supports the little melanin theory. Don't the things they say support BLACK SUPREMACY? Don't the posts made by many people on this forum about melanin and black superiority support BLACK SUPREMACY? Understand it can go both ways Will. The difference is you are more willing to listen to your African brothers about there racist and superiority's beliefs, making you a racist. Understand that this forum is racist like any other White Racist forum, the only difference is it's more subtle here and there aren't as many posts boasting about black superiority. Instead there are mostly posts about black pride, and being victims all the time.
Posts: 91

« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 07:08:59 PM »

As i said, i am not interested in anything you have to say, now, or ever... So please GO AWAY, white boy....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2007, 07:13:54 PM »

You still remain a slave, all you people do is sit here and whine about how you got it so bad. You your self Will still abide by the system and it remains against you because you are a black man. The very thing most black people have been doing for ages. Isn't it time to rise up? Another Civil Rights movement? You know the systems against you and still you do nothing about it. The White man has more rights than you and you can all see this, but still you sit here make posts about all the injustices going on. Then you boast about your black pride and your beautiful melanin. Where is this really getting you? Your people are still stuck in a society thats against you,your people are still dieing by AIDS administered by the white man in Africa. Most can't see it because when blacks where given more rights it was only an illusion the system is covertly set up against you and you only see it exposed every now and then in things like Police brutality and other racist events. The slave plantation was greatly expanded to a degree where it seems every black person is free and the common folk view them as being free.

Still most of you have no idea at all about the big picture in the world and what is really going on. the secret society's like Freemasons,Skull and bones, Knights Templar I can go on and on they are the people that control society behind the seens controlling politics and big corporations. The fact that 911 was planned by the US government and there is a massive deception taking place, know that it goes way beyond race and it encompasses humanity as a hole. I have only scratched the surface on these subjects like this, these are things that involve a greater truth. Still the black people are stuck in a system against them not able to break free from the chains they are in. What ever happened to you people? I remember your people where actually smart and educated in the civil rights era. Now all I see is stereo-typical male figures raping about of cars,money and exploiting black wemon in music videos (mostly light-skinned ones).

I look threw the forum and all I see is many subjects about Blacks being victimized by whites and so on. Your all so concerned about whats happening to your race and the status of your race that most of you have failed to see the higher truth and what is really going on in the world. I think many of you should reaserch things such as Secret Societies,Globalization,The New World Order,Occultism,History and ancient secrets,Lost Civilizations to wake up and be fully aware of whats going on in this world. Its not Black and White, the truth goes much deeper its definently not all about race.
Posts: 91

« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 07:42:52 AM »

Hey "white-boy"...
i thought i asked you to leave my forum with this infantile bull-stuff you keep spreading & repeating... You use the same stuff in  every post... No one here is even remotely interested in what white people do & how they choose to entertain themselves... You have many "white" sites that you can go to when you are lonely... So why come in here to bug us?Huh  well anyway, since you are here, i'll try to engage you... Okay??

NOW So you have a few rich guys that like to play control games... Guys with low morals, who don't mind killing 1000 women & children to bomb their fathers, brothers & any other males lurking around them... It seems, any strong virile male that stands tall & don't run is a terrorist to them..

How many Iraqi's have they killed so far?Huh Any white people keeping count?Huh

i'll admit that your fore-fathers were a blood-thirsty savage group, who first developed weapons of mass destruction, then used these weapons against people that did not have them... After laying waste to the unarmed people's infrastructure, they then marched in like roaring tigers...

But notice... They never fought any one on a level playing field...

They come in with missionaries, handing out bibles as they scope them out.... Then come back later with massive military hardware catching them off-guard... Is that what you are so proud of?Huh Man anyone can do that.... All they got to do is be of such low moral character that they'll do any thing to any body, just to stay ahead...

i call that scared myself... heck, they'll shoot any little kid, or woman that comes running towards them if they don't stop soon enough... The people could be running from a lion, or a sex offender, or some other dangerous situation... Brave white guys don't care.... They'll shoot 'em dead anyway... Just cause they didn't stop running soon enough.... Like the COPS do... i heards the other day, a kid reached for his cell-phone to call mom & the COP blasted him saying he thought the kid was going for a GUN... Now that's real F E A R...

i used to think you guys had guts... Now i know it's fear that makes you do these things... Like you don't mind dropping bombs on people... Any Japanese, German, or Iraqi can attest to that; but you are so scared now, that you plan attacks on any other people that use nuclear materials, even if it for purely peaceful purposes.... Now that F E A R... Whatcha scared of??? PAY-BACK???

LQQK how scared you are of Nkorea & Iran.... They are all small underdeveloped countries & you big bad white-guys run roughshod over them... But why not China?Huh Or the Soviet UNION??? Your equals....Ha..Ha...Ha... Your big guys are scared of them... So don't come in here with all that B R A V E R Y stuff...

Your Hi-powered rich thugs ONLY hit the little guys, one-at-time & they do an over-kill before they are brave enough to go in.. i count that as C O W A R D I C E...  As a matter of fact, i've never known any whites to go into battle of any kind against a non-white alone... They are always in TEAMS... Always in the MAJORITY.... Four or Five to one... The Armed forces do that.. So does the COPS... The internet police...  All of y'all do it... Every thing you do, and every gain you make is based on DECEPTION, DECEIT AND LOW moral standards...

Aids to the AFRICANS... Small-Pox to the Indians.. You even LIED to SADDDAM.. You set a date  & time for him to surrender.. He was taking it under  consideration & then B A M... You hit him 48 hours early...

And yes... i do try to live with-in the system... But damn man.. err "white-boy"...It is becoming more & more difficult with each passing day....

Even you are a LIAR... Some time you claim to be 19 years old.... You write & spell like a drop-out tho'.... And then you come back and say that you remember during the civil-rights days when BLACKS were all so nice & smart...  Well Mr. LIAR, it's kind of hard for a 19 year-year old-"white-boy" to remember way back in the 1960's, isn't it?Huh?? Or do you have some kind of special powers... Ha... Ha... You must have some, since you "white-people" are so damn SUPERIOR...

Like your women can make those wrinkles disappear & their lips get bigger with Botox & Collagen... Now that's MAGIC... Or they can cut off all that sagging-skin & then LQQK 20 - 30 years younger.... Ha... Ha... Ha... now that's a really good one.... Tell me, do they just cut it off of their face & neck??? Or do they cut it off their whole bodies... Like off their arms, legs & other places under their clothes...  I just know it's hanging & swanging under there too...  NOW that is really some SUPERIOR MAGIC stuff right there....

i also hear that they have to wear colored stockings after aging a bit, to hide all those red & blue veins all over their legs, and especially on their upper thighs.... i wouldn't know anything about that, but i am sure you do, don't you??? You should... 'Cause you got older sisters & other older relatives, don't you?Huh Ask them for me & then come back to let me know...

And speaking of SUPERIORITY & CONFIDENCE, why do they lay under the SUN LAMP so much trying to darken that pasty skin??? A little MAGICAL MELANIN could eliminate all that time laying around in the LIGHT, wouldn't it???  You see, our women don't have any of those problems... Yous even have to buy pads to imitate the shape & curves that all our fully black women have naturally...

i'll stop there for now, but "white-boy", don't you dare come in here speaking about superiority & inferiority again... You need to be explaining the DECEIT & DECEPTION & LOW MORAL Turpitude that your people seem to have in abundance... Or you need to hang around your own white sites...

Answer these questions for me when you come back in here, you hear?Huh  'Cause, i sure all here will find them much more interesting than the concept of "brain size" that your other neo-nazi & russian counterparts are trying to perpetuate.... Also, take all those conspiracy theories and stick .em....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 03:54:00 PM »

Hey "white-boy"...
i thought i asked you to leave my forum with this infantile bull-stuff you keep spreading & repeating... You use the same stuff in  every post... No one here is even remotely interested in what white people do & how they choose to entertain themselves... You have many "white" sites that you can go to when you are lonely... So why come in here to bug us?Huh  well anyway, since you are here, i'll try to engage you... Okay??

NOW So you have a few rich guys that like to play control games... Guys with low morals, who don't mind killing 1000 women & children to bomb their fathers, brothers & any other males lurking around them... It seems, any strong virile male that stands tall & don't run is a terrorist to them..

How many Iraqi's have they killed so far?Huh Any white people keeping count?Huh

i'll admit that your fore-fathers were a blood-thirsty savage group, who first developed weapons of mass destruction, then used these weapons against people that did not have them... After laying waste to the unarmed people's infrastructure, they then marched in like roaring tigers...

But notice... They never fought any one on a level playing field...

They come in with missionaries, handing out bibles as they scope them out.... Then come back later with massive military hardware catching them off-guard... Is that what you are so proud of?Huh Man anyone can do that.... All they got to do is be of such low moral character that they'll do any thing to any body, just to stay ahead...

i call that scared myself... heck, they'll shoot any little kid, or woman that comes running towards them if they don't stop soon enough... The people could be running from a lion, or a sex offender, or some other dangerous situation... Brave white guys don't care.... They'll shoot 'em dead anyway... Just cause they didn't stop running soon enough.... Like the COPS do... i heards the other day, a kid reached for his cell-phone to call mom & the COP blasted him saying he thought the kid was going for a GUN... Now that's real F E A R...

i used to think you guys had guts... Now i know it's fear that makes you do these things... Like you don't mind dropping bombs on people... Any Japanese, German, or Iraqi can attest to that; but you are so scared now, that you plan attacks on any other people that use nuclear materials, even if it for purely peaceful purposes.... Now that F E A R... Whatcha scared of??? PAY-BACK???

LQQK how scared you are of Nkorea & Iran.... They are all small underdeveloped countries & you big bad white-guys run roughshod over them... But why not China?Huh Or the Soviet UNION??? Your equals....Ha..Ha...Ha... Your big guys are scared of them... So don't come in here with all that B R A V E R Y stuff...

Your Hi-powered rich thugs ONLY hit the little guys, one-at-time & they do an over-kill before they are brave enough to go in.. i count that as C O W A R D I C E...  As a matter of fact, i've never known any whites to go into battle of any kind against a non-white alone... They are always in TEAMS... Always in the MAJORITY.... Four or Five to one... The Armed forces do that.. So does the COPS... The internet police...  All of y'all do it... Every thing you do, and every gain you make is based on DECEPTION, DECEIT AND LOW moral standards...

Aids to the AFRICANS... Small-Pox to the Indians.. You even LIED to SADDDAM.. You set a date  & time for him to surrender.. He was taking it under  consideration & then B A M... You hit him 48 hours early...

And yes... i do try to live with-in the system... But damn man.. err "white-boy"...It is becoming more & more difficult with each passing day....

Even you are a LIAR... Some time you claim to be 19 years old.... You write & spell like a drop-out tho'.... And then you come back and say that you remember during the civil-rights days when BLACKS were all so nice & smart...  Well Mr. LIAR, it's kind of hard for a 19 year-year old-"white-boy" to remember way back in the 1960's, isn't it?Huh?? Or do you have some kind of special powers... Ha... Ha... You must have some, since you "white-people" are so damn SUPERIOR...

Like your women can make those wrinkles disappear & their lips get bigger with Botox & Collagen... Now that's MAGIC... Or they can cut off all that sagging-skin & then LQQK 20 - 30 years younger.... Ha... Ha... Ha... now that's a really good one.... Tell me, do they just cut it off of their face & neck??? Or do they cut it off their whole bodies... Like off their arms, legs & other places under their clothes...  I just know it's hanging & swanging under there too...  NOW that is really some SUPERIOR MAGIC stuff right there....

i also hear that they have to wear colored stockings after aging a bit, to hide all those red & blue veins all over their legs, and especially on their upper thighs.... i wouldn't know anything about that, but i am sure you do, don't you??? You should... 'Cause you got older sisters & other older relatives, don't you?Huh Ask them for me & then come back to let me know...

And speaking of SUPERIORITY & CONFIDENCE, why do they lay under the SUN LAMP so much trying to darken that pasty skin??? A little MAGICAL MELANIN could eliminate all that time laying around in the LIGHT, wouldn't it???  You see, our women don't have any of those problems... Yous even have to buy pads to imitate the shape & curves that all our fully black women have naturally...

i'll stop there for now, but "white-boy", don't you dare come in here speaking about superiority & inferiority again... You need to be explaining the DECEIT & DECEPTION & LOW MORAL Turpitude that your people seem to have in abundance... Or you need to hang around your own white sites...

Answer these questions for me when you come back in here, you hear?Huh  'Cause, i sure all here will find them much more interesting than the concept of "brain size" that your other neo-nazi & russian counterparts are trying to perpetuate.... Also, take all those conspiracy theories and stick .em....

Nice post will, Your a really funny guy the things you said about veins popping out and pale white people tanning there skin till it's orange is really funny. Ya I think it's funny to and whites who do artificial tanning are complete idiots. I remember this guy in my school named Justin who clearly had white skin, he comes to school every single day with tan skin, it practically looked orange. I thought they guy was trying to look like some European soccer player on the Italian team or something it made me laugh. He even does it in winter time it is truly pathetic, I never said anything I didn't wanna hurt the pretty boys feelings he actually said he had some Italian heritage once maybe thats why he does it. By the time hes 30 he will probably have skin cancer if he continues that. Tanning has become very popular in Western Society especially artificial tanning, It has nothing to do with wanting to look like another race because there skin is so white. I bet the more fair-skinned white girls notice that all these tan skinned girls are getting so much attention, Caucasians  who have a natural tan. Whites like this can be found all over Europe thats why tanning has become so popular it must be some new standard of beauty. Who knows maybe Roman slavers made the whitey's feel like shit cause there so pale haha, but I don't get into that subject again. I guess tan skin is not to light and not to dark its more of a balance between the two skin tones maybe thats why people like it so much.

The way you talk its like your blaming the entire white race for the crimes we have committed against humanity. How many times to I have to reinforce the fact that white society was completely infiltrated by secret societies in the early Colonial Era maybe even before. How do you think these secret societies started? The world under white rule with all these different European Empires was a quest to find hidden knowledge in the world and to suppress it from the common population. White people have stolen all ancient knowledge from every race and culture. This is one of the reasons secret societies started, it is the study of the occult and hidden knowledge. Yes the Imperialists did steal things from Egypt, they stoll all ancient knowledge,scrolls whatever it may be. Afterwards they assimilated the people either into mainstream Secular culture as seen today or they oppressed them like in Colonial times. This is why there was a sort of re-birth with secret societies in the Colonial Era, the secret societies before them primarily studied ancient knowledge or religions founded by white people without any other culture's influence. Who are the members of secret societies you may wonder? Many political leaders,Kings,Queens where for the majority active members of a secret society. I said it before and I will say it again to remind you George Bush himself is a member of the Skull and Bones a secret society at Yale University, they take part in satanic rituals and are responsible for putting it's members into high positions of power in the US government. Some people of the Bush Administration are actually members of this society and this is all undisputed fact do the research yourself if you want to find out more. You must understand that European society is under the influence of very evil men who control this world covertly and are mostly Caucasian except for the Chinese Illuminati bloodlines. Thats another major secret society, the Illuminati research it yourself if you want. Why do you deny conspiracy theories anyway, don't act like everyone else and deny something just because it may sound crazy a closed mind is your worst enemy.

The war in Iraq is only another step in there plan for Global domination don't you people notice this? The Goal is for a New World Order, another term to describe this is Globalization. Major business men have admitted this is happening Former president Bush has mentioned it. Don't you people notice signs of a coming one world government? Look at all the global institutions that already Exist The United Nations,the European Union,African Union whats next? Haven't you people heard of the North American Union, a plan to make Canada,USA and Mexico into one super state introducing the Amero as the currency? It is all about centralization of power, in other words this can be described as more power in the hands of fewer men and like history has shown thats dangerous enough. Its like the Feds in the USA only it will be known as the World Federal Government, less unstable minds working together is never a good thing. They have no regard for human life at all, other theories suggest the leaders of this government are Reptilian Shape shifters aka aliens but I already made a post on that.

Well the rest of your post seems to be a tribute to the cowardice white man who kills everything that is not like him in fear. I will admit the immature style you have to this does have a lot of truth in it. Many White men have been taught to be cowards, with guns and other advanced weapons at there disposal technology has taken the leading role in modern warfare. All a police officer needs to do is use his gun or taser but many stupid white cops themselves are complete cowards and rely on this (Worst white cops prolly in the American South). Sadly with continued technological advancements in warfare and the US military budget being 500 billion dollars there is no need for that honorable warrior anymore, it seems that part of history is far gone.

You say white people never fought anyone on a "leveled playing field", Im assuming your speaking of a battle that is fair so and no side having a technological advantage over one another. This ignorant statement is clearly wrong are you forgetting about ancient history? I really don't want to explain that. Lets just say White people fought just as well as any other culture with Spears,Swords,Arrows and cannon plus all those nice weapons of ancient ware fare. Alexander the great ring a bell? The Spartans of Greece and specifically Sparta, probably some of the most honorable and skilled warriors in the world at a time in European history where the white men who did not fully tarnish there actions throughout the world. In battle Alexander commonly lead about 50,000 soldiers against more than 600,000 Persian Soldiers emerging from the battle victorious.

I have wondered why white people have been so aggressive,warlike and immoral also. I know for a fact the involvement of secret societies have played a big role in this but there also may be another factor. Many of you fail to realize that where a specific race or group of people evolves and progresses with there society greatly influences the way the may act and genetically evolve. First of all look at the evolution of black people, look at where you people came from. Africa, it was the best environment to start a civilization in, it had a very humid climate and the sun shined a lot you people had it very easy progressing in Africa and starting many great civilizations there. In Pre-History your people had many opportunities to hunt there was probably an abundance of animals for you to eat. Now that I think of it Africa must have been a paradise back in those times almost a heaven on earth. Now think of the environment white people evolved in. We  originally came from the Caucasus mountains, as you know back then it was a lot colder than it was today and even today that is cold region to live in. White people evolved in an environment that was completely opposite from Africa. The caucus mountains around modern day Armenia I think. Not only that white people  migrated to Northern Regions instead of Migrating south, probably because we where a custom to a cold climate. Life was very nomatic and it was horrible, food the number one human need was hard to find. It would have been a gold mine (of food to eat) for them if they went to Africa but they would have all died from skin cancer hahaha. Well since Caucasians evolved in an environment very hostile towards them it took much longer for society to advance than other people who are very privileged for evolving in a warm climate with many of there needs easy to exploit. Imagine a cold place, the sun hardly shines and trying to hunt Giant mammoth elephants the size of Godzilla. It must have been very hard for  white people living there. Cannibalism started because of starvation and the human need for food leaving the strongest male to eat someone because hes dying of starvation. I really think these places we evolved in really affected us mentally, many white people have pale skin and light eyes because of this sunless environment. At least Mediterranean whites where lucky enough to live in a more humid climate. Eventually I believe white people found out about prospering civilizations to the south, the rest from that point on is history. The Indo-Aryan migrations was many Caucasian tribes and ethnic group invading territory in Asia, mostly the middle east and India. The rest of the White Tribes went to Europe and North Africa. I need not explain more from that point on.

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 03:55:32 PM »

Joking aside your talking down on wemon you little sexist.....Ohhhhhhhhh I understand why you are Will its only the white ones that don't count, yes say some sexist-racist things about them and it's a really good thing isn't it? As long as there white theres no limits with you will pick on the white man I don't care but the white women, why? Did she really have any part of oppressing races,cultures and enslaving blacks, no she was always at the will of white men. I wonder what Empress or any Black women here would think about you saying things like that? In fact why don't they say what they think right here? Or will they just go along and say he was just making some funny jokes....if thats the case there ignoring the fact that those are clearly sexist comments towards females in general. 

Hmmm maybe Black men only say this in general? Im probably being to stereotypical.  Aren't your wemon exploited enough in rap videos? Why would you say negative things about wemon, even though its not about your "sisters" you are still saying some very sexist things. You then go on to saying things comparing the looks of white wemon and black wemon stating

"You see, our women don't have any of those problems... Yous even have to buy pads to imitate the shape & curves that all our fully black women have naturally".

 What the hell has this succumb to? Now your comparing wemon and how physically pleasing they may be. How low and stupid has all of this gotten? Your speaking like a stupid sexist black man. Yes you are right will you are still stuck in this system just look at the way you speak. It seems the women who looks best in with every little aspect weather it be there curves,there ass, there breasts is the one you gotta pay attention to the most. Remember Will, know this like many black men, tha bitch who has da booty and dat ass is dat girl you gotta f*ck. Please don't be so cold and superficial,sexist,racist I think that just about sums it up. Wemon should be treated with respect no matter what race or color they are, I believe every female is beautiful no matter what the race. I will admit though I don't pay attention to wemon who may be unattractive or overweight but hey beauty is in the eye of the beholder....is that white quote to? If it is I don't know. Some advice Will keep your little "monster" under control and don't start talking about how ugley white wemon may be and then going on to comparing them to black wemon you have already made yourself look like a sexist typical black man I congratulate you. I wonder what white supremacists would be calling you after they read that?       

Reason why I may have talked about Civil right leaders is because they never used that excuse all the time for every little thing "its cause Im black" did they? As for my spelling these posts have been good enough spelling wise Ive been getting constant A's (<80%) on essays in school lately since I decided to stop being such a delinquent little boy two years ago. Now at least I try a bit in school.
Posts: 91

« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2007, 07:27:39 PM »


i make a forum about I.Q. TEST... And about African Scholars & Doctors in relations to that TOPIC... Then you come in with your little racist jokes & put downs on Blacks with some of your "neo-nazi" garbage about little brains size & about how inferior we BLACKS are to the SUPERIOR white men...

i only challenged & countered that... That's all... We too, can fight garbage with more garbage... Only nothing i said was garbage... My points were that white men are scared of their past exploits... Scared to death that the deeds of their fathers are coming back to bite them in their backsides... So now they must continue on this path of destruction that got them to this point...

They are afraid to lay down their GUNS for even a minute for FEAR that the under-class will over-run them... so fearful, that they can't even sleep at night...

Only after i explained that did i go into our MELANIN SUPERIORITY... This can only be seen when you compare our women very closely... The points i made proved my case... OUR WOMEN ARE FINER... Our women has less flaws & more durability... Even you can't refute that FACT... Take a LQQK at ours close-up... Then go home & examine yours closely... Then come back to me reporting what you discovered about the differences...

The best TEST is to watch them AGE.. Notice how quick yours fall apart... Ours don't crack... That's the mighty MELANIN that you are trying to discount.... KNOW THAT, B-O-Y...

Again, you are here trying to out-talk people... Flooding our forums with this conspiracy garbage... Take it back home to your women & discuss it with them... Tell them what you think about Brain-size & Penis-size...  i am sure they'll be extremely interested in both TOPICS...

Now i asked you to check with your family members about their BOTOX, COLLAGEN, SUN-LIGHT usage & the false paddings they use... Let me hear it... What did you learn??? ASk your "mom".. Check her out...  And the address my enquiries... Don't skip over the meat in this post... Stick to the NEW SUBJECT that you created in here...

Get off the name calling... i am not a sexist at all... i am crazy about BLACK WOMEN, and give all of them their just due....  i have no respect for yours tho'... i never have... They just don't do it for me... Too many flaws... Too much make-up... Too much cover-girl..  Sagging, wrinkly, transparent skin... Too many veins showing.... i can't even begin to handle any of that mess... BUT IT'S THE SAME FOR THE MEN... (both your men & women suffer this condition equally...)

TOO MuCH MUTATION going on there... Hell you guys need to crawl back in those dark dingy caves and hide yourselves... MAN... err "boy", i could go on & on for days pouring out the differences & superiority jn our RACES, but, i'd like to STOP IT... It does neither of us any good... Nothings going to change it... GOD gave us what he did & he denied giving it to you all, but that's on him... i can't speak on that FACT..

It's a C U R SE, plain & simple, that you can't cure.. That's why you are here, isn't it??? LQQKing for some more MELANIN thru' miscegenation, RIGHT???  HaHaHa.. Sorry DUDE... You can't have any...

NOW GO AWAY... BYE, SHOO... BACK TO THEM CAVES.... And don't come over in here anymore, 'less you come RIGHT....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 07:34:28 PM »

P.S. Killuminati...

Try reading the article i referenced in the beginning of this post again... It may help to educate you & put you in the right mind-set to respond INTELLIGENTLY....

aight mate...



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 77

« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2007, 01:05:08 AM »

Your right and I did not read your entire post I skimmed through it at best, I came in this thread assuming it was something else advocating black superiority and all that other garbage, black,white I don't care otherwise. These arguments can go on forever theres no use for it now.

I believe blacks and whites MUST make peace no matter how much hate,violence,oppression or any other negative thing there may be. I know saying something like this sounds like nothing in our times but I believe a new start for mankind is soon approaching. No matter how much we argue and debate we will still be loyal to our on race and our own wemon, I think it's time to bring an end to that and take a more human approach to things without descriminating against people based on race.

 I will always be talking like a white guy trying to explain himself and why things turned out this way and many of you may always be the people who expose what we have done to you, and formulating your own extreme beliefs giving you extreme pride for your race and people just like us it is not different. Don't you see that this blinds you and me? Having love for your own race and believing your superior to your fellow human being is wrong we are only killing ourselves here. I know the white man has commited the most horrible crimes against humanity and it is our responsibility for it, even though I still believe in many of those conspiracy theories and why we turned out this way it is ultimently up to us with the help of others in the end.

It's all black and white here and it is really pissing me off and it's sort of sad. Im tired of hearing this talk of Black superiority and White Superiority , I told you Ive been on both types of sites before and these forms of thought are all alike in there presentation. It is not only up to white people to make things better, it is up to everyone we are all human. Will peace,love and understanding ever be given a chance in this world? Or our many racists here still going to abide by there pride and racists beliefs? Im trying to let go of all this crap that has polluted my mind over the past months. I want to seek a higher path in life one of spiritual understand and enlightenment, I know I can't do that fully im not some monk but many of you racists make things harder by spreading your little melanin theories and all this other fodder, ive heard it all at this point black and white alike and it is time to put a stop to both forms of thought. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no place in this world and is not worthy of love or respect. I may seem like an idealist but this is the only way forward in my eyes.....In the end we are all bringing this destruction on ourselves and war over Race,Religion,Power,Greed will soon be the end of humanity itself if we never stop this. The things I have read over the past years have taught me that all this is not to be a listened to and an enlightened path is needed in life free of ignorance,materialism the list goes on and on. Even though I tangle with this I still remain a very violent person, My temper can go out of control sometimes if Im not careful or if I loose control. We all have our flaws we are all human and the time we spend here is simply an experience leading to the next plane of existence or reincarnation after we died, our spirit never dies and remains infinite even though we physically die. I would rather spend my time on earth living in peace and happiness but in a place like this you have to be strong I guess, sometimes another side of me wants to do the deepest most horrible thing but I suppress that and never listen to it. So please many of you need to re-think what you believe about yourself as do I our time in this existence must be used to our full potential and benefit. So what will it be? War,Pain,suffering,Fear, or will humanity decide to live in peace,love,happiness ha I can't even name as many positive things as I can negative. These to sides good and evil are very human concepts Ive heard the ultimate goal is to achieve oneness with yourself and God a state of perfection, where you are at complete peace and understanding with yourself a state of consciousness where there is no good and evil anything beyond that I can't describe. Well thats all that I think take it as you will......
Posts: 91

« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2007, 03:14:02 AM »


You say you are only 19-years-old; so what makes you think you can come in here and lecture to BLACK adults... We are all older than you; have lived & experienced much more than you can even imagine; and you feel qualified to come in here as if your thoughts mean anything to us..

Know your place... Ask for help... You are not qualifed to give any....

Seems to me you are more conflicted inside than any of us are... You need to return to the source of your pain & frustration, for solace... Find HEALING THERE... Teach them LOVE and self-containment... After they learn & adopt your theories, then maybe RACIAL STRIFE can be lessened..

As i see it, all the conspiracy & agression comes from your side of the DIVIDE...  Solve your peoples PROBLEMS first & then TEAR DOWN THAT WALL... From your side...

Please go in PEACE & don't come back until you are well SEASONED....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
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