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Author Topic: Negus Mesih Magazine  (Read 10827 times)
Gebre Berhane Selassie
Posts: 1

« on: February 17, 2010, 11:26:34 AM »

Be S'm-e Ab we Wold we Menfis Q'ddus, Ahadu Amlak Amin.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God.

"Negus Mesih" is a magazine edited by F.A.R.I. (Federation of Rastafari Assemblies in Italy). The title of this project naturally reflects its underlining purposes: in the ancient language of Ethiopia (Gi'iz) the expression Negus Mesih is in fact a reference to the personality of the King Messiah described in the Holy Bible (Metzhaf Q'ddus), the Anointed and Deliverer that Igziabher the Almighty had to send in the appointed time to intervene in the course of history and redeem humankind from its wrong paths. The doctrine of Rastafari is thus centered on the fundamental knowledge that the King of Kings of Ityopia Qadamawi Haile Sellassie is this same King Messiah predicted in the Bible, i.e. the same Iyasus Krestos (Jesus Christ) already incarnated in Israel 2000 years ago, but according to whom it was said by His own Apostled and Disciples that He would come again with a new Name as a glorious King from the seed of David. Accordingly, this newsletter aims: to deepen issues of theological, scriptural/Biblical, historical and cultural relevance pertaining to our Livity, or Sacred Experience of Life; to enlighten the ways this same Revelation of the King of Kings was manifested to the eyes of human beings; finally, with the words of the Lord King Himself, "to share what life has taught Us with those who want to learn". According to the Holy Word of King Messiah, InI do trust that "these are crucial times, when nations rise against nations, tensions increase and disaster is possible at any moment"; these are times when InI must realize that "the salvation of our Countries [..] lies primarily in education", this latter being the only way to maintain a condition of peace and unity amongst people. "Knowledge paves the way to love, and love in its turn fosters understanding, and leads one along the path of great common achievements". Because of this, InI pray to be blessed by contributing, throughout this work, to the spiritual, moral and livity (existential) development and growth of RastafarI brethren, so to effectively become as living stones of that spiritual house which is InI task to re-establish.

Here you find a .pdf version of our work, that you can freely read.

The First Issue (copy and paste on your browser):

The Second Issue (copy and paste): http://amdaselassie.altervista.org/NegusMesihIIEng.pdf
However, these documents cannot be printed. If you want to buy the original paper magazine, write your request to this e-mail address:


If you like our work, please support us.
We are looking for a world-wide distribution and wholesale.
Give Thanks

To Igziabher, Omnipotent Father, to the Only Begotten Son Tafari, to the Holy Spirit the Comforter, One God, be the Glory, the Majesty and the Power, forIva. Selah
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