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Author Topic: Black or White... Which one is the most S U P E R I O R???  (Read 169886 times)
Posts: 91

« Reply #75 on: April 13, 2009, 01:59:27 AM »

Roll Eyes ohh boy,what we need is afrikan wholistic healing to cure our yurugu psychosis,because they have been around our ori,aura for so long, we have to de colonize ourselves and free ourselves from their grips( mentally speaking) empress she is beautiful hue mani, she is in the motherland, another occupied zones of afrika, u two look like two little boys fighting Roll Eyes there are pedophiles in senegal raping and molesting little boys,pedophiles in south africa, u should be discussing how to remove the cancer and not how to make it grow,wezekana and will needs afrikan wholistic therapy,fo real and i am being the realest in tha house,we have bigger problems in our hands in the motherland, in brazil, in amerikkka,two grown man acting like school kids, there are empresses and queens in dis house,how are u two suppose to impress the fine sistahs in this ile/abode with arguments like dat,this will turn the sisters off,we  need to heal ancestral wounds and sounds to me wezekana has some issues of his own to solve( only u know what it is) and will has issues to solve, i have my own to solve to,wasting time to cross argue in internet board, doesnt make any sense.
may be somebody here can reffer people to afrikan wholisitic therapy,
anyone seem to care!

Hey... If ur plan will cure diseases that afflict Blacks & feed all our HUNGRY, they I am for it... I am for anything that will start making a visable improvement for our people now... Not just the ones in ur organization..... Can these empress & queens that u speak of feed, clothe  & house all those that can't house themselves, or,  are they offering only some spirital advice that will help us out in the after-life?Huh

I won't need food or shelter then, I need it now....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #76 on: April 13, 2009, 02:04:12 AM »

"Aside from the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no race that is superior to another."

- H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I

If that be the case, then why are BLACKS STARVING & DISEASED at a higher proportional rate than WHITES.... WHY AIN'T WE DYING & STARVING EQUALLY... And because we now believe ina higher authority, does that make it alright for the world to treat us this way, or do we need to get up off it & do for ourselves?Huh

Can u get me some HEAVENLY guidance on that... Please....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #77 on: April 16, 2009, 07:00:52 AM »

Will, first you go on about who is more superior and then say the following...
Forget all this stuff about KINGS & QUEENS in the past life.. I am speaking about today, and I see absolutely NO BLACK KINGS & QUEENS today....

Maybe I'm a bit slow. What are you really trying to achieve here? Forget we are black queens and Kings, or fight for superiority?
Once this superiority issue is sorted (talked about), how would it elevate us as black people?
Erik D.
Posts: 36

« Reply #78 on: April 16, 2009, 04:59:53 PM »

If that be the case, then why are BLACKS STARVING & DISEASED at a higher proportional rate than WHITES.... WHY AIN'T WE DYING & STARVING EQUALLY... And because we now believe ina higher authority, does that make it alright for the world to treat us this way, or do we need to get up off it & do for ourselves?Huh

Can u get me some HEAVENLY guidance on that... Please....

That's a very good question.

I saw a sign at the supermarket today about contributing money to starving children in Rwanda, but I wasn't even aware till now that there were children suffering there.

I don't know what the causes of starvation and disease in Africa are, but I do know that the deep seated racism, materialism and militarism of the white power structure is perpetuating those problems in Africa and allowing them to continue.

How can that be changed?

Only by a broad based, multi-racial coalition dedicated to educating and informing the peoples of America, Europe and Russia, and changing their mindset from one of war, materialism and selfishness, to one of peace, spirituality and open-heartedness.

It's going to take a lot of work, but it can be done.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #79 on: April 18, 2009, 03:20:15 AM »

The greed of possesion is What is ruining us on this planet Earth as I may put it

Another great hindrance to human happiness is the belief in the possession of ones talents, gifts abilities and capabilities. This thinking is what the world of today is based on, especially the law of I, me and mine. We are constantly bombarded with the creed of self improvement, self fulfilment, self validation and self expression.

We believe ourselves to be the authors of our life, creators of our potential and the only worthy beneficiaries of the bounties capable of being produced through our abilities, talents and skills. 

Our talents are in our ( we people of LADO in the Bush controlled still in Africa by the Masters )   view gifts from life itself. We add to and cultivate them through experience, study and hard work. This does not in anyway make them ours in the sense of today’s understanding. 

Today`s is a mindset that says “I can do this and that and I will use this ability to make money”. Or even worse “I will use my abilities which are beyond the norm to dominate those I see as lesser” again in ones own narrow egotistical interest.”

What one has been given is not only for oneself. It is to be refined and developed, and all that one brings forth is not only pleasing to ones self and sense of self worth it benefits the community in which one lives, the people with whom one inter- relates and the wider world in which we reside.

We are gifted by life and return the gifts through refining and applying them in the existence that we lead, with purpose of bettering or enriching life itself. This is true self fulfilment and it is this that gives a sense of meaning to ones existence. All else one can achieve is nothing but a poor substitute.

What leads us astray is not the sense of possession but the greed that lies deeply concealed within this form of possession. We refuse to share in what we have for the benefit of others. Instead we feel attached to our immaterial possessions, our intellectual property and will use it only to benefit ourselves, our limited petty minute egotistical selves.

We can even pretend we are giving from our wealth of blessings but this is a giving based on appearing benevolent and always in the spirit of the better pitying the fool and giving drops of salvation. 

We are each others helpers not masters. The whole concept of masters is based on the idea that some are more gifted than others, and these gifts are theirs to posses not to be put to service in the interest of the community. Here we mean true service, not today`s counterfeit service which is actually mass manipulation and delusion of both the individual and the collective.

Erik D.
Posts: 36

« Reply #80 on: April 22, 2009, 06:49:11 PM »

Lado, that is a great post.  I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings on this forum.

Thanks for the insight.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #81 on: April 28, 2009, 04:08:43 AM »

Lado, that is a great post.  I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings on this forum.

Thanks for the insight.

Thanks to you Erik and May I add to say  ------  of our Inspirations that drive us as Humans to do and Act --

May be We are all Sons and Daughters of one Great Mind formation of Inspiration and making ourselves as the Artists of ourselves without having to bother of Colour Skins . Therefore in our  view is to look what this great power of inspiration is all about  please . I may be wrong , some one can come up with better definations still then . Hereby we should feel then an  inspiration is the spark that causes an artist to see inner meaning in the observations and perceptions he/she makes.

Ego driven artists of all diferent colour skins ( hereby I mean of one Race " being in the term human beings "  merely project their own ego into whatever it is they are communicating and therefore receives an enormous rush when their art is well received. This art is based on ego and therefore limitation. It is not truly creative.

To truly be inspired one must be empty, only then can inspiration work through us and allows us to understand and access a deeper meaning in all that we experience. A prophet, sage or savant/philosopher is actually an artist. The medium the sage uses to communicate his/her inner experience is their entire life. They ( witout distiction of colours )  in effect live their art.

Many painters, poets, musicians etc where extremely visionary in their field but in their human relations were utter and total maniacs. This highlights the difference between the art of the sage and that of the “conventional” artist.

The sage artist perceives and observes both without and within, then lets go of all conscious control and allows inspiration ( the Poetic Genius or the “ Holy spirit “) to translate this raw material into an inner knowing. The sage is able to keep this knowing alive at all times. His/her art encompasses all aspects of his/her life.

This inspired ability is not given to some and with-held from others. It is what we all share as humans. It is Humanity. It is not who is who whether Black or White or other colours please . >>  Perdon me if I don't consent to this ! <<   .....   Some are merely more receptive to it and able to stay in constant contact to it. No easy task, for we live in a world where the majority of the institutions of society, be they economic, social, religious or political seek to stop us from becoming fully human; they are de-humanizing or demanizing leading to demonizing.

True human beings are powerful beings and not slaves, which is what the leaders of most human societies want ( slaves) and even more tragically, what the general members of these same societies seem to feel most comfortable being (slaves).


A true artist

As touched upon in the writings on inspiration, inspiration is the source and the artist the channel. The work of art being the manifestation or the actual completed work. So what then of the artist ? By what standard are they to be considered true and true to what ?

It comes back to inspiration. The message to be delivered is in and of itself a concept.The genius of the artist, is that the artist has an ability to perceive and translate the concept in question, by way of their chosen medium, into a manner where it is understood and capable of evoking a a response both mentally and emotionally in the audience.

Further more a true artist is courageous, daring to flout conventions and accepted truths if the message they are seeking to communicate calls for this. A true artist is diligent as they hone the skills needed to communicate through their chosen form of expression or medium. They are sensitive and intuitive allowing them to function as a channel creativity.

A true artist is wise to temper this sensitivity with the practice of inner calm as such sensitivities, in an insensitive world can cause major disturbance to the wel lbeing ( emotional and mental ) of the person in question.

Arrogance is a deadly poison to the work of the artist. For it hinders the humility needed to truly channel creativity. Creativity cannot be commanded or ordered to function. It works when one is open and accepting to its presence. It requires of the artist an understanding that what they are creating isn’t theirs, but is choosing to speak through them. The moment one thinks " I made this " one becomes attached to the work with all the following complexes and self doubts which artistic attachment engenders.

It also causes one to become cut off from the source of creation and inspiration and forces one to solely rely on personal abilities to create. Here art becomes merely a recreation of who we think we are and not a conveyor of inspiration. It also adds undue pressure on the would be artist. For personality is limited, and if we seek to create from that perspective we limit our work.

The importance of the artists work is found in our view in the following:inspirations are translated by the artist into works which affect the audience. The audience thus affected achieve ( ideally ) an inspiration through the effect of art to question assumptions, develop new ways of doings things and looking at life or even the courage to stand up in the face of convention, inertia and oppression and act to change things.

So there is   >>  --- NO BLACK OR WHITE SUPREMACY AT ALL  OR SOMEONE IS SUPERIOR TO THE OTHER ON THIS BENEVOLENT EARTH  ---  << .  This is yet what we believe here in the Bush of our Occupied LAND LADO  in the Heart of Africa . .
Posts: 49

« Reply #82 on: April 30, 2009, 05:08:05 AM »

No race is superior to the other, actually im against the term race in general. People have so mixed backgounds that there might be a difference in appearence but its a much much smaller difference genetically. If we look at history we will see that mighty civilizations comes and goes. I come from the middle east a region of many past empires. Today the middle east is divided and weak, lacking in technology and other development. Does that make me think others are more superior? Hell no, it makes me think we need to improve ourselves to not be at the mercy of others. Europe have only come out as a clear leader in some fields in the last 200-300 years and they wont keep this position much longer because the world is catching up.

To Horus: My own people are a mix of caucasian people (geographically) and Iranic people......I find your theories hilarious, biologically speaking a person who is of mixed background have smaller risks of genetic diseases.
Posts: 91

« Reply #83 on: May 09, 2009, 03:56:21 AM »

Will, first you go on about who is more superior and then say the following...
Forget all this stuff about KINGS & QUEENS in the past life.. I am speaking about today, and I see absolutely NO BLACK KINGS & QUEENS today....

Maybe I'm a bit slow. What are you really trying to achieve here? Forget we are black queens and Kings, or fight for superiority?
Once this superiority issue is sorted (talked about), how would it elevate us as black people?

It's not just about speed My dear... It's about the "IN-ACTION" of BLACKS world-wide.... And our inability to solve the WHITES methods of "Divide & Conquer"... It's a system that he, as a minority RACE, devised & uses perfectly, against all other RACES at the same time, getting them to stay in constant CONFLICT with themselves & others, as he and his other WHITE ALLIES stand UNITED against us all....

As long as we continue to allow them to divide us, one from another, then we'll always be LQQKing up to them, so they can HELP US OUT & tell us WHAT TO DO NEXT... We are MEN & WOMEN just like them.... We are capable of reaching the same heights as they reach, if not a higher plane, because we are stronger, more SPIRITUAL PEOPLE... Yet, as a "DIVIDED" group, we can not come together LONG ENOUGH, to devise an effective COUNTER-PLAN that will FREE us from the WHITE PEOPLES strangle-hold on our physical bodies, our mental states, our SPIRITUALITY, our LABOR, and our LANDS....

In short, we are standing here before them, NAKED & in HUMILITY,  like they are the necessary GODS & GODDESSES, that we must bow down to FOREVER....  So deeply into our being have they implanted this concept that they are our GODHEAD, that we are now accepting their "version" of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, complete with a blond, blue eyed Christ figure...  We know this is a FALSE concept, still we accept it from them, simply because they told us to... Our failure to provide for self, and to do for self, causes us to teach these same FAILED POLICIES to our KIDS... Until we break this trend, we are DOOMED as a PEOPLE...

Just 50 years ago, they took their feet from our necks, but WARNED us not to break any of their LAWS & MANDATES.. We are STRIVING to show them just how OBEDIENT we can be.... We don't have to do this any longer, PEOPLE... No we don't...  Just wake up...  Get to know ur-selves & eachother; focus on us & AFRICA, and then start taking action... We can do it... I know we can.... Yes - we can....

But 1st, we need to break our addiction to white people, get them out of our beds, our lives & our churches...  We need to BREAK this "One Love, One People, One Race" concept that encourages closeness with them; actually, we seem to be seeking their acceptance in our thing, which includes them in our decision making...

Our thing... A BLACK thing, with WHITE People in it... That's BLASPHEMY... That's our PROBLEM... Just think, with at our side for the past 50 years, the y still to this day CONTROL our ACTION... They own our MOTHERLAND & have FREEDOM to anything there that they so desire.... And all u can speak of is "ONE LOVE"....

My purpose here is in exposing the TRUTH, freeing ur MINDS, so ACTION can take place... We have survived all manners of GENOCIDE, and have infiltrated into aall COUNTRIES of the WORLD... We have the SUPERIOR numbers of WHITE people... Simple MATH should tell u, that there is SUPERIORITY in just that NUMBERS... That's just for STARTERS... More DETAILS can be found in my original post....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #84 on: May 09, 2009, 04:08:22 AM »

That's a very good question.

I saw a sign at the supermarket today about contributing money to starving children in Rwanda, but I wasn't even aware till now that there were children suffering there.

I don't know what the causes of starvation and disease in Africa are, but I do know that the deep seated racism, materialism and militarism of the white power structure is perpetuating those problems in Africa and allowing them to continue.

How can that be changed?

Only by a broad based, multi-racial coalition dedicated to educating and informing the peoples of America, Europe and Russia, and changing their mindset from one of war, materialism and selfishness, to one of peace, spirituality and open-heartedness.

It's going to take a lot of work, but it can be done.

Erik... I can't believe any REAL LIVE BLACK MAN with AFRICA in his immediate DNA, could ever make a statment like this.... What... Are U living in a BUBBLE or something?Huh  Do u not watch any news, or read any papers, or books?Huh R U even BLACK?Huh Do u live in any major city??? They have BLACKS, men women & children, living off the streets, as homeless, in every major city that i have visited....

For u to make these kinds of statements must mean that u r so far removed from the rest of us, and that ur mind has been so white-washed, that u've lost all ties to ur ETHNICITIES, if they be BLACK.... I can understand a WHITE person making those statements... But  not a BLACK....

ima leave there with u man, 'till i know where u from, where u going & where u been.....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #85 on: May 09, 2009, 04:24:33 AM »

Lado, that is a great post.  I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings on this forum.

Thanks for the insight.

Thanks to you Erik and May I add to say  ------  of our Inspirations that drive us as Humans to do and Act --

May be We are all Sons and Daughters of one Great Mind formation of Inspiration and making ourselves as the Artists of ourselves without having to bother of Colour Skins . Therefore in our  view is to look what this great power of inspiration is all about  please . I may be wrong , some one can come up with better definations still then . Hereby we should feel then an  inspiration is the spark that causes an artist to see inner meaning in the observations and perceptions he/she makes.

Ego driven artists of all diferent colour skins ( hereby I mean of one Race " being in the term human beings "  merely project their own ego into whatever it is they are communicating and therefore receives an enormous rush when their art is well received. This art is based on ego and therefore limitation. It is not truly creative.

To truly be inspired one must be empty, only then can inspiration work through us and allows us to understand and access a deeper meaning in all that we experience. A prophet, sage or savant/philosopher is actually an artist. The medium the sage uses to communicate his/her inner experience is their entire life. They ( witout distiction of colours )  in effect live their art.

Many painters, poets, musicians etc where extremely visionary in their field but in their human relations were utter and total maniacs. This highlights the difference between the art of the sage and that of the “conventional” artist.

The sage artist perceives and observes both without and within, then lets go of all conscious control and allows inspiration ( the Poetic Genius or the “ Holy spirit “) to translate this raw material into an inner knowing. The sage is able to keep this knowing alive at all times. His/her art encompasses all aspects of his/her life.

This inspired ability is not given to some and with-held from others. It is what we all share as humans. It is Humanity. It is not who is who whether Black or White or other colours please . >>  Perdon me if I don't consent to this ! <<   .....   Some are merely more receptive to it and able to stay in constant contact to it. No easy task, for we live in a world where the majority of the institutions of society, be they economic, social, religious or political seek to stop us from becoming fully human; they are de-humanizing or demanizing leading to demonizing.

True human beings are powerful beings and not slaves, which is what the leaders of most human societies want ( slaves) and even more tragically, what the general members of these same societies seem to feel most comfortable being (slaves).


A true artist

As touched upon in the writings on inspiration, inspiration is the source and the artist the channel. The work of art being the manifestation or the actual completed work. So what then of the artist ? By what standard are they to be considered true and true to what ?

It comes back to inspiration. The message to be delivered is in and of itself a concept.The genius of the artist, is that the artist has an ability to perceive and translate the concept in question, by way of their chosen medium, into a manner where it is understood and capable of evoking a a response both mentally and emotionally in the audience.

Further more a true artist is courageous, daring to flout conventions and accepted truths if the message they are seeking to communicate calls for this. A true artist is diligent as they hone the skills needed to communicate through their chosen form of expression or medium. They are sensitive and intuitive allowing them to function as a channel creativity.

A true artist is wise to temper this sensitivity with the practice of inner calm as such sensitivities, in an insensitive world can cause major disturbance to the wel lbeing ( emotional and mental ) of the person in question.

Arrogance is a deadly poison to the work of the artist. For it hinders the humility needed to truly channel creativity. Creativity cannot be commanded or ordered to function. It works when one is open and accepting to its presence. It requires of the artist an understanding that what they are creating isn’t theirs, but is choosing to speak through them. The moment one thinks " I made this " one becomes attached to the work with all the following complexes and self doubts which artistic attachment engenders.

It also causes one to become cut off from the source of creation and inspiration and forces one to solely rely on personal abilities to create. Here art becomes merely a recreation of who we think we are and not a conveyor of inspiration. It also adds undue pressure on the would be artist. For personality is limited, and if we seek to create from that perspective we limit our work.

The importance of the artists work is found in our view in the following:inspirations are translated by the artist into works which affect the audience. The audience thus affected achieve ( ideally ) an inspiration through the effect of art to question assumptions, develop new ways of doings things and looking at life or even the courage to stand up in the face of convention, inertia and oppression and act to change things.

So there is   >>  --- NO BLACK OR WHITE SUPREMACY AT ALL  OR SOMEONE IS SUPERIOR TO THE OTHER ON THIS BENEVOLENT EARTH  ---  << .  This is yet what we believe here in the Bush of our Occupied LAND LADO  in the Heart of Africa . .

Lado.... I am sometimes inspired by ur telling post... Many on the glories & histories of our AFRICA PAST... Speaking TRUTHFULLY about the ATROCIEIES that have plagued our CONTINENT, HISTORY &  CONDITIONS that lead us to our present MIND-SET....

THEN u come back with this "ONE LOVE - ONE RACE" ideology... If u truly believe that no one RACE is SUPERIOR, then just by the sheer HISTORY of the present-day WHITE-MAN, & his in-humanity, should cause u to judge him as being INFERIOR...  Or at least of having INFERIOR GENES, & an INFERIOR MIND-SET....

Had we, as a total people had not been enslaved, or colonized, I am sure we would not have stooped to these DEPTHS in our dealings with people different from us.... As a matter of fact, HISTORY already proves this point, as bits of pieces of AFRICAN ORIGIN is scattered around the WORLD... This means we SHARED with others - not COLONIZED them....

But thanks for ur contribution... It is well written & probably well intended.. Just FLAWED... That's all...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #86 on: May 09, 2009, 04:33:02 AM »

No race is superior to the other, actually im against the term race in general. People have so mixed backgounds that there might be a difference in appearence but its a much much smaller difference genetically. If we look at history we will see that mighty civilizations comes and goes. I come from the middle east a region of many past empires. Today the middle east is divided and weak, lacking in technology and other development. Does that make me think others are more superior? Hell no, it makes me think we need to improve ourselves to not be at the mercy of others. Europe have only come out as a clear leader in some fields in the last 200-300 years and they wont keep this position much longer because the world is catching up.

To Horus: My own people are a mix of caucasian people (geographically) and Iranic people......I find your theories hilarious, biologically speaking a person who is of mixed background have smaller risks of genetic diseases.

This is just semantic, my good man... I appreciate ur contribution, but it is redundant... I said exactly the same thing myself... "We need to improve ourselves so no one else will be able to execise power over us"... Failure to come up with a counter-plan for their dividse & conquer concepts mean we are lacking in something.....

If we can't figure it out, they we are FLAWED & INFERIOR in our head-2-head contact... The SUPERIOR thinker, who couples that thinking with ACTION will always rise to the top... And appear to be SUPERIOR... Even at time acting SUPERIOR, with the rest of us unable to shake the SHACKLES off us...

i'll not argue that point... I seek dialogue & ACTION... Talk all u want...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 49

« Reply #87 on: May 09, 2009, 05:34:06 PM »

Its about how you define superiority, I was writing about this term from the view of mental ability; thus no race is more superior to the other as there is great minds withing all races.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #88 on: May 14, 2009, 04:00:28 AM »


Lado.... I am sometimes inspired by ur telling post... Many on the glories & histories of our AFRICA PAST... Speaking TRUTHFULLY about the ATROCIEIES that have plagued our CONTINENT, HISTORY &  CONDITIONS that lead us to our present MIND-SET....

THEN u come back with this "ONE LOVE - ONE RACE" ideology... If u truly believe that no one RACE is SUPERIOR, then just by the sheer HISTORY of the present-day WHITE-MAN, & his in-humanity, should cause u to judge him as being INFERIOR...  Or at least of having INFERIOR GENES, & an INFERIOR MIND-SET....

Had we, as a total people had not been enslaved, or colonized, I am sure we would not have stooped to these DEPTHS in our dealings with people different from us.... As a matter of fact, HISTORY already proves this point, as bits of pieces of AFRICAN ORIGIN is scattered around the WORLD... This means we SHARED with others - not COLONIZED them....

But thanks for ur contribution... It is well written & probably well intended.. Just FLAWED... That's all...

How does one maintain power, privilege and prestige in the face of people`s, at times violent demands for self determination, choice and freedom which lies deep in our African Lifes  It was this dilemma, that the mindstate of elitism, class superiority and vested interest - the demon - found itself in the  Western Europe (Here the United States  USA is  included too ) some 200 or so years ago. The solution developed was what today is known as representative democracy, another form of what we here can  call hype.

One cannot, in the world of today avoid hearing the sermons being preached on the virtues, blessings, and benedictions of so-called democracy, broadcast by and through mainstream (mainly) Western propaganda outlets, better known as the Mass media. The media as an  ISSUE and their role can be investigated later but for now let us start with that holy of holies within the pantheon of Western ideological mythology, Representative Democracy.

We are led to believe it is the ultimate, greatest, fairest and best system invented. I suspect some people believe it can turn water to wine, lead into gold, heal the sick and raise the dead from their graves. But as always on examining things truthcentrically we find we are in the realm of myth and legend when it comes to the modern claims and explantions of the modern day Western democratic system in exercising their Superiority in the faces of all . Still the Black falls victim of this Spectacular  Spectrum shows when our present Old Leaders clinging to power are tuned to the same music  .

If we examine the concept of democracy as understood by revolutionaries in the 18th century we find their understanding of this concept to be, the rule of all by all. James Madison, commonly held to be the father of the US constitution and later a president of the USA, defined democracy as a system where all people governed directly, freely and equally. A system where the people meet and excercise governance in person. Of course certain groups such as non Europeans, women, children, etc were not included in this ruling "all", they were merely to be ruled.

This democratic ideal worried the revolutionary a great deal. "All" was a divided mass of differing interests, wants, desires and visions. If this monster governed it would cause civil war, terror, death and damnation. Madison in fact was convinced that the "all" or the people did not have the intelligence necessary to overcome these differences and this would inevitably end in conflict. He felt for democracy to be viable there must be a means of controlling the majority.  Where the trap lies ?

It is interesting to note that the ethymological root of the words people and population is latin, meaning the one who ravages or pillages, in essence a beast. And beasts must be controlled, must they not ?

Madison in fact went even further and said during the American (USA) constitutional convention that the main aim of the constitutional set up was " to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority". This was the main goal of its existence and it must be set up to protect this.

It was the thinking such as this which began the transformation of the democratic ideal into the concealed disenfranchisement it has become.

Representation, manifest must go  through an elective sytem, these thinkers believed could solve the problem. Madison was convinced that this was perfect way of guaranteeing that those who had the most wisdom and virtue would govern. It would be the rule of the enlightened few. I am sure this pattern is not of a Black 's phylosophy towards a political mind formation to have arrived to this kind of thought mind in the Terms of DEMOCRACY  .

Representation actually seperates the "all" or the people from power and government. You get to choose a government from a group of professional administrators (politicians) who in essence are allied, to as well as members of ,various power elites groupings ( who form a body of elites including corporation executives, senior military leaders, religious leaders, politicians, Judges, civil servants, heads of states and the super wealthy)

These administrators serve the interests of this body and are the means by which it can reign supreme without appearing to do so. The elected politician provides cover for the operations of true government. The people believe they are free and in charge and the demon can maintain its grip on society.

The reigning administrators can be changed every 2, 4 or 6 years. But as you essentially are choosing from a limited managerial class (politicians) who serve and or are a part of the true elitist unseen government, you are essential playing a game of musical chairs. Regardless of what ideology or rhetoric they hide behind no political party that is a serious threat to the status quo of western society, can ever be allowed to gain ascendancy to power, according to this reigning logic.

Representation ensures that the commoners is kept where the enlightened rulers believe he/she should be:light years away from from the public arena and not able to meddle in the affairs of governance.

Edward Bernays was one of the fathers of the USA public relations industry and among other things held to be the man who got women to smoke in the 1920`s, using models and movie stars to link the ideal of the free liberated modern women with the act of smoking a cigaret. He was widely recognised for his success and so within this industry he became somewhat of a guru. He wrote a book which became an important manual in 1928 by the name of propaganda.

It is important to note what it was as not until after the second world war that propaganda acquired a negative connotation due to its association with the manipulative information techniques of nazis. The nazis were however inspired by the work of others.

In reality the true author of the political use of propaganda which inspired American corporations to copy the tactics, giving birth to public relations was the British Information ministry which had the stated aim of controlling the thoughts of the people of the world and was succesful in drawing the US into the first world war. An effort which Bernays was active in through the Creel commission. He also orchestrated the public relations effort in relations to the US backed coup of the democratically elected government of Guatemala. It was the work of men such as Bernays which inspired Gobbels, the nazi propaganda minister.

Anyway, this Bernays character states in his book propaganda the following: " Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses."

The masses includes even non European masses. As we have seen often enough, the Western elites have never hesitated in attempting to overthrow frurstrate and isolate an elected democratic government in Africa, Asia or Latin America if the "ignorant " masses in these regions of the world were to make a "wrong choice". Wrong meaning pose a threat to western interest and refuse to serve as a vassal for the elite body, which has a growing transnational reach.

In closing let it be said that the elitist thinking did not escape socialism or the leftwing which claimed to be fighting for the oppressed. Marx and his lieutenants believed the proletariate was not capable of completing the revolution and needed an enlightened revolutionary leadership to guide them at the head of a dictatorship of the proletariate. Later of course western socialism joined the represantative system but whether through dictatorship or socalled modern democracy they accepted the status quo.

Representative democracy therefore can in our view safely be declared as just more hype, a way to delay the dawning of true social freedom and revolution, based on the fear of a privileged minority that their ill gotten gains would be lost if the people truly have power and govern themselves, through dialogue, meeting and whatever other mechanisms can evolve or become rediscovered through such a process .  With this I mean here only to add that the White man is not Superior / or Most Superior Race with his intents which till todate makes our stomachs to vomit .   Sometimes then we meet to tell the truth .

Posts: 49

« Reply #89 on: May 24, 2009, 08:00:38 AM »

Hey Lado, try not writing long articles for every post you make. Summerise and repost.
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